I Hate Super Mario 3D Land

Started by Hakudamashi, January 05, 2012, 07:49:41 PM

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Quote from: jkid101094 on January 08, 2012, 09:37:38 AM
You need one to keep up. As of now It's either buy a 3DS or stay in the past generation. No gamer wants to miss out on their favorite franchises getting updates.
Especially considering the avalanche of amazing games we're getting.


Quote from: supersonic196 on January 08, 2012, 11:28:24 AM
Especially considering the avalanche of amazing games we're getting.
Can't tell if serious or trolling

B4 people go all "3DS has no games", my I remind everyone of the PS3's craptastic launch
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 08, 2012, 11:36:31 AM
Can't tell if serious or trolling

B4 people go all "3DS has no games", my I remind everyone of the PS3's craptastic launch

He's being serious.

but my point still stands firm. You wouldn't buy a 3DS if you couldn't handle 3D, especially when you know it's going to be used (And is expected to be used) primarily.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 08, 2012, 12:55:37 PM
He's being serious.

but my point still stands firm. You wouldn't buy a 3DS if you couldn't handle 3D, especially when you know it's going to be used (And is expected to be used) primarily.
Didn't Nintendo say that if you make a game for the 3DS it must NOT depend on the 3D effect for anything, therefore I should be able to play a 3DS game entirely in 2D with no reprocussions
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I  think that's an utter waste of resources

Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: windlessusher on January 08, 2012, 03:20:21 PM
Didn't Nintendo say that if you make a game for the 3DS it must NOT depend on the 3D effect for anything, therefore I should be able to play a 3DS game entirely in 2D with no reprocussions

That's what my brother does - he turns on 3D for maybe a few seconds and then turns it off. It's his personal preference and he still tells me he loves the game regardless of the 2D or 3D view he plays it in.

It maybe called Super Mario Land 3D - but if you give people a 2D option, you shouldn't hate people if they take an option that is available to them.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 08, 2012, 03:51:36 PM
I  think that's an utter waste of resources
Would you rather a large sum of the population suffering mental strain just to play a game?6
Need I remind you of the virtual boy?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 09, 2012, 12:11:58 PM
Would you rather a large sum of the population suffering mental strain just to play a game?6
Need I remind you of the virtual boy?
Don't even DARE bring up the Virtual boy. You go into this knowing EXACTLY what to expect. So if you can't fucking handle it, DON'T FUCKING BUY IT.


Quote from: Chris Silvano on January 08, 2012, 03:55:52 PM
That's what my brother does - he turns on 3D for maybe a few seconds and then turns it off. It's his personal preference and he still tells me he loves the game regardless of the 2D or 3D view he plays it in.
This. Nintendo asked me as a player to, if nothing else, turn 3D on for cutscenes so I at least give them that.

Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 09, 2012, 10:30:53 PM
Don't even DARE bring up the Virtual boy. You go into this knowing EXACTLY what to expect. So if you can't fucking handle it, DON'T FUCKING BUY IT.
Jesus, calm down, Tana.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 09, 2012, 10:30:53 PM
Don't even DARE bring up the Virtual boy. You go into this knowing EXACTLY what to expect. So if you can't fucking handle it, DON'T FUCKING BUY IT.
Exactly, Nintendo promised 3DS games can be played entirely in 2D, so how can I not complain when a section in the game pops up where 3D is required?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 05, 2012, 07:49:41 PM
Mandatory collectibles are a horrible idea that need to die in an abyss and never be brought up again.
Also certain obstacles are impossible without the 3D on, thus my friend cannot get past World 5 because 3D makes her vomit.

I've never liked a Mario game b4, I dunno why I tried to fool myself into thinking this one will be different...

Since i now own a 3DS, i got 3D Land.
I like Super Mario 64, Super Mario All-Stars, Super Mario Galaxy and the first NSMB.

But what is this shit.
Its easy as fuck, there are more 1UP's than at a Redneck Orgy, Some Segments are impossible without 3D on beacuse of that shit Camera Angle. And why in the name of ass can Mario only walk in 8 Directions.
What is this, 1997? Infact, i dont think i've ever played a game where you could only walk in 8 Directions.

I'm at World 4, didnt have to put any effort into it and still have 30 Lives and the only reason why i die is because i think i'm landing on a platform / think its solid ground but couldnt fucking see it because i have 3D turned off.
I usually chill in my bed with the 3DS and the 3D becomes useless at that point because i aint staring at it 1:1 anymore.

As for Medal Collecting... ehhhh, no thanks. It used to be that you to complete older stages to unlock newer stages.
Why couldnt it be like that?
I'd also like to use a powerup that isnt the racoon suit.

But after the other abortions NSMBWii, NSMBU, NSMB2 and Galaxy 2 i shouldnt have expected anything else.
These games merely play around with People's Nostaliga, they have no Soul and arent stading on their own feet.
In 10 Years, you think anyone is going to talk about Mario 3D Land or any of the NSMB Games like they do about Mario 64? No.
A Challenge (and originality) would be nice, Nintendo.

I just hope that Mario's next Adventure on the Wii U isnt this poop and more like Mario 64 / Galaxy.

I can only quote
Quote from: windlessusher
I hate Super Mario 3D Land

Well, back to Dead or Alive Dimensions.


I don't have a problem with the 3D, or Super Mario 3D Land. I beat the game, with only a thought of how I made that possible. Same with Kid Icarus: Uprising. Idk, that's just me. Just turn the 3D on for a few seconds, then when you're done, turn it off.  ;)


Quote from: SuperSonic14 on January 15, 2013, 02:56:57 PM
I don't have a problem with the 3D, or Super Mario 3D Land. I beat the game, with only a thought of how I made that possible. Same with Kid Icarus: Uprising. Idk, that's just me. Just turn the 3D on for a few seconds, then when you're done, turn it off.  ;)

That only makes sense when you're unsure if you can land the jump or not.
Here, it looks like i'll land on that perfectly - or that its a wall or floor. But nope.

By time i died, i figured out that i cant walk there / jump further left / further right / further whatever the fuck.
This is the first time i've had such an issue in gaming, it also doesnt excuse the rest of the issues. lol.


Also, I just realised something.
This game is 2D Mario in a 3D environment, not a 3D Mario Game

As in, a 3D Mario game gives Mario a health meter which replenishes when he picks up coins, not the whole gets hit to lose powerup, get hit to get small then get hit to die. I always liked the health, cause compensates for the cheap hits that sometimes come with a 3D environment.
A 3D Mario game has a Banjo Kazooie-esque goal of collecting xxx, rather than just get to flag pole.

Among another things.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


You guys are all fucking crazy.

My mom's friend stole some girls 3DS with Super Mario 3D Land inside and despite not approving of that I started playing it on a file that had the main story completed (or almost completed, anyway). I went through the entire story and completed the special world as both Mario and Luigi, as well as collected every star coin in the game so I figure I have some idea of what I'm talking about when I say that the ONLY time you ever need the 3D is in the special areas. I hate using the 3D function too and I managed to do all that perfectly fine.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o