I Hate Super Mario 3D Land

Started by Hakudamashi, January 05, 2012, 07:49:41 PM

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Mandatory collectibles are a horrible idea that need to die in an abyss and never be brought up again.
Also certain obstacles are impossible without the 3D on, thus my friend cannot get past World 5 because 3D makes her vomit.

I've never liked a Mario game b4, I dunno why I tried to fool myself into thinking this one will be different...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


It's a good thing I learned long ago to disregard any opinion you ever make.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 06, 2012, 03:11:18 AM
It's a good thing I learned long ago to disregard any opinion you ever make.
Sorry, Wind but im gonna have to agree with this.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 06, 2012, 03:11:18 AM
It's a good thing I learned long ago to disregard any opinion you ever make.
Just so I'm clear, you think mandatory collecting, and forced 3D to progress are a good idea?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: windlessusher on January 06, 2012, 05:27:06 AM
Just so I'm clear, you think mandatory collecting, and forced 3D to progress are a good idea?
Well yeah, mandatory collecting gives you something to do once the game's done/makes you go back (i just get everything anyways so i didn't know it was mandatory until the very last level).
I played like 90% of the game in 2D anyways, and i'm pretty sure forced 3D wasn't needed...
Pesterchum = sirJayden


3D is a BIG help but is not needed at all. Besides, it's a 3D system, so it's not like you're going into it NOT expecting it to help.

And mandatory collectibles have existed since the very early days of gaming. Star coins are so stupidly easy to collect it's not funny anyway... And you only need like, half of them to finish the game anyway, and if you do that, you might as well be a completionist and do the rest of the requirements to unlock the final level anyway. (Has the word "Anyway" lost any meaning yet?)

Again, mandatory collecting has been a part of gaming, and a very important part at that, like- forever. if you can't handle it, you're playing the wrong games. That's like saying it's bad that you need to collect power stars in Super Mario 64 or Notes in Banjo-Kazooie. The game would be very unsteady.

In conclusion, get over it.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 06, 2012, 10:40:23 AM
3D is a BIG help but is not needed at all. Besides, it's a 3D system, so it's not like you're going into it NOT expecting it to help.

And mandatory collectibles have existed since the very early days of gaming. Star coins are so stupidly easy to collect it's not funny anyway... And you only need like, half of them to finish the game anyway, and if you do that, you might as well be a completionist and do the rest of the requirements to unlock the final level anyway. (Has the word "Anyway" lost any meaning yet?)

Again, mandatory collecting has been a part of gaming, and a very important part at that, like- forever. if you can't handle it, you're playing the wrong games. That's like saying it's bad that you need to collect power stars in Super Mario 64 or Notes in Banjo-Kazooie. The game would be very unsteady.

In conclusion, get over it.
No, I refuse to just "get over it", mandatory collecting was, is, and forever will be a terrible idea that I would like to dropped from games, in my opinion.

And first of all by "collectibles" I'm talking about those extra random trinkets roam about a stage that you stray from the main path almost completely to obtain, that either: a.Unlocks a hidden item, level, etc. or b).Just there for sake of it cause getting to it tests your skills as a player, and it's an accomplishment in and of itself just to say "I got it and you didn't =P"
The collectibles in the games you listed do not fall into this category, why? because the entire plot of the game were focused around collecting these things, in Banjo-Kazooie, the point of the game was to   collect the jigsaw puzzle pieces to open the next door to go further up the tower. Not only were these collectibles essential story wise, but in order to "clear the stage" you HAD to collect a certain amt of them b4 leaving. And, in order to "beat the game", there was a bare minimum that you NEEDED to get, but you also got rewarded for finding them all. These collectibles were not out of your way, collecting them was the point from the beginning.
Another good example of doing "collectibles" properly is Sonic Unleashed(Wii/PS2), they were story driven, and given to you at the end of the stage, you only needed a bare minimum to beat the game, but you're rewarded for getting all of them, if you did crappy on the stage and never gave a f*ck about your rank, you only got the bare minimum medals and beating the game was all you're gonna get...
Point is, these "collectibles" didn't bother me, because collecting them was the point in the first place...

Now sh*t like Mario 3D Land is how you NOT do collectibles
Problem 1: Why Am I Collecting Them? If I were not a klepto, which I'm not, what is my drive to get them? Do they break down some door obstructing my path to the next levels? Do they unlock some power up needed for the final battle with Bowser? Are they the keys to unlock some barrier guarding Peach? I dunno, they were never mentioned anywhere, they're just there, you don't get any from reaching the flag pole, therefore, they shouldn't be necessary, which brings me to problem #2.

Problem 2: They're Not The Goal In the games Iris Sapphire mentioned, did you notice the similarities between them? They had no goal post, or goal ring, or finish line, nothing, as far as you're concerned, especially in Super Mario 64, the level doesn't "end" until you've picked up at least one of the "collectibles" in the area.
But in 3D land, there is a finish line, there is a goal indicating the stage has ended, thus my primary focus is to get to the end, where as collecting these things is just a side activity which can be done at your leisure, but no, it is dropped upon you suddenly that "Oh, those things that you decided not to collect? Yeah, go get them =P, why? Because fuck you that's why!"

Y'know another game that did collectibles wrong? Sonic Unleashed(PS3/XBOX 360), well, they are story driven, collecting them is the point of the game, but guess where they f*cked up, they gave you a "GOAL" to indicate "the level ends here" which rewards you nothing. By putting a finish line in the game, you indicate a "get to the goal" kind of game where the point is to get from A->B to progress, and even though you were told to collect the damn sun and moon medals, to stop and look around for them b4 reaching your goal seriously breaks the flow and calls for frustrations.

So yeah...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


There is actually both a purpose and reward to collecting every star coin, in game. And it doesn't break the flow of the game in any way.

You need them to access the later levels of the game. And you need all of them to reach the final level. the game also tells you that you need them, and they ARE rewarded to you in obvious situations too.

i don't know what your problem is. It's a fucking brilliant game.

It sounds like you're complaining about it just for the sake of complaining about a game series you don't like, when it's always been a part of the roots of that series.


Mandatory medal collecting was not in the roots of the Super Mario series, it didn't start till Super Mario 64.

There is a goal to be reach (the flag pole), and the gold coins are out of the main path to reach said flag pole, thus you must go out of your way to collect, thus breaking the flow.

The game never tells you why you need them, they just appeared... It gave me no reason as to why I MUST have them to progress, it just happens...

My problem is having to do mandatory collecting when the story has no focus on it whatsoever...

This is a game about runnin n' jumpin, not really brilliant. Amazin that they took 2 simple actions and made possibly the greatest handheld platformer that will ever be made... till the next Mario game comes out, but "brilliant" isn't how I'd describe it...

Well sh*t, if I'm not allowed to complain about what makes me upset, then why have discussions?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 07, 2012, 08:13:38 PM
Well sh*t, if I'm not allowed to complain about what makes me upset, then why have discussions?
Because Wind... You like to kill more than platform in the games you like. The more flashy, the more fun. You said that to me before in the last person to post. When i see you bring up these facts, i look back at what you said and all the games you favor and just can't truly take it seriously.


Quote from: windlessusher on January 07, 2012, 08:13:38 PM
Mandatory medal collecting was not in the roots of the Super Mario series, it didn't start till Super Mario 64.

There is a goal to be reach (the flag pole), and the gold coins are out of the main path to reach said flag pole, thus you must go out of your way to collect, thus breaking the flow.

The game never tells you why you need them, they just appeared... It gave me no reason as to why I MUST have them to progress, it just happens...

My problem is having to do mandatory collecting when the story has no focus on it whatsoever...

This is a game about runnin n' jumpin, not really brilliant. Amazin that they took 2 simple actions and made possibly the greatest handheld platformer that will ever be made... till the next Mario game comes out, but "brilliant" isn't how I'd describe it...

Well sh*t, if I'm not allowed to complain about what makes me upset, then why have discussions?

Um... I went through the entire game and didn't complain about the flow once... in fact it was my inner urge to explore that I got from well... every mario game ever, that caused me to go "out of my way" (Which is bullshit, you're encouraged to do it) to get the coins. and then, I NEVER had to backtrack. except in ONE level.. and that was zelda themed, lol.


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 07, 2012, 08:51:41 PM
Um... I went through the entire game and didn't complain about the flow once... in fact it was my inner urge to explore that I got from well... every mario game ever, that caused me to go "out of my way" (Which is bullshit, you're encouraged to do it) to get the coins. and then, I NEVER had to backtrack. except in ONE level.. and that was zelda themed, lol.
As you said, the flow didn't stop for you cause you were gonna go collect them anyway, that's how you play, kudos to you

But how I play my games, I don't go out of the main path to find collectibles unless the story tells me they are required. The way how I play my games, my first playthrough is to get to the end credits, then my second playthough is to squeeze out every piece of content the game has.
There was no point in the story where it told me "collect these to progress", so I literally walked right past them and continued, telling myself "I'll get that on my 2nd run", cause that's how I play my games.
You can argue with me saying "You're playing video games wrong", but the way this game presents it's "collectibles" is conflicting with my way of playing games, thus I get annoyed...

Quote from: SmashFinale on January 07, 2012, 08:33:20 PM
Because Wind... You like to kill more than platform in the games you like. The more flashy, the more fun. You said that to me before in the last person to post. When i see you bring up these facts, i look back at what you said and all the games you favor and just can't truly take it seriously.
Sure I like to kill more than platform, doesn't mean I hate platformers all together, cause I love the sh*t outta Sideway New York(which is weird given how much I hate 2D), what irks me about this game is how it goes about its collectibles.
And it's forced 3D making some sections impossible/ more difficult than necessary for a friend of mine, even though Nintendo themselves said that you musn't make a game that focuses around the 3D since not everyone can use it...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 08, 2012, 09:24:25 AM

And it's forced 3D making some sections impossible/ more difficult than necessary for a friend of mine, even though Nintendo themselves said that you musn't make a game that focuses around the 3D since not everyone can use it...

I just played through the entire game in 2D... you argument is invalid /=

if you can't play 3D, don't buy a 3DS, simple~


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 08, 2012, 09:34:36 AM
if you can't play 3D, don't buy a 3DS, simple~
You need one to keep up. As of now It's either buy a 3DS or stay in the past generation. No gamer wants to miss out on their favorite franchises getting updates.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: Iris Sapphire on January 08, 2012, 09:34:36 AM
I just played through the entire game in 2D... you argument is invalid /=

if you can't play 3D, don't buy a 3DS, simple~
Great that you could, my friend couldn't cause his depth perception was confuggled.

I can play 3D, people around me can't =/
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!