Okay, Psyco parent alert...

Started by SonicFan47, January 27, 2009, 01:13:20 PM

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Ever heard a site called whattheyplay.com?
Well, It was created so that parents can know what is in the games that their children own or want to buy.
Personally, I find it slightly inaccurate (A Mario Galaxy Collectors COIN is rated E? ???) and it has almost as many winy spammers as these very forums.
There are, however, people who try to make good, genuine points either for or against certain games.
Some of these people are stupid. REALLY stupid.

Here's an example of a sane person (a teen, I should add). Game: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

I suggest you read the following review, because it might be helpful ^^

Anyways, to start with the Christian stuff, I, myself, am Christian. Yes there are "goddesses" and "sages", but please trust your kids with that! Do you really think they'll just start believing in gods from their video game? When you were a kid would YOU do that? Many parents trust their kids with anything or don't trust them with anything.

Now some replys to stuff:

REPLYS TO *BOB* (Name Changed):
He said: When you kill this ghost/zombie/evil dude kind of monster, its corpse (which is covered by a black robe.) is in the place where it died for the entire game.
He said: There is lots of hacking, slashing, and stabbing in the game.
I say: There is virtually no blood. Compared to games like Grand Theft Auto (Which 10 year olds play) this is nothing.
He said: As a wolf you can tackle and bruttaly kill enemies
I say: Thats nature, actually, not even as bad as nature. People should be able to handle that.
He said: There is a town that is deserted and shows signs of a struggle. Characters imply the inhabitants were killed by monsters.
I say: No one lives in that town except one woman, and the inhabitants did die, but not by monsters, but naturally.
He said: A character is shown executed by being impaled with a sword.
I say: There was NO blood. Its no better than the news about war or Araq.
He said: When the protagonist is on a horse, you can run over monsters that are stunned, and a disturbing crack is heard.
I say: This does no damage to the monsters, so its just more of an accident unless intended by the player.
He says: A character gives her life ro save another
I say: Shes not giving her life, shes giving some of her power to save the other. Its like donating blood LOL.
He said: There are certain puzzels that are extremley difficult. Younger people may be frustrated by these.

Younger players will nead patience because there is a long time from the beginning of the game to the part where you fight monsters.
I say: Thats the good part. Yay for puzzle games!

Here is the psycho parent mentioned in the title. Game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl:

We've gotten rid of this particular game at my home, it causes all of my boys (and I have 5 of them) to get progressively nastier and uglier the longer they play it.

And for all of you teenagers who think you are so clever by writing reviews that are argumentative and defiant of the published overall review....it's obvious you are a kid who likes your video games and doesn't want to be told what to do. Why are you wasting your time arguing about reviews that are intended for parents who actually CARE about what their children are playing? This is a forum for parents to get information about what is actually in the video games, not a site that puts down your favorite game. So stop arguing and posting such obnoxious reviews. Or do you just like spouting off your attitude?

Now go do something worthwhile, like your homework.

Does that strike anyone as a little...I don't know...Evil?
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


DAMMIT AND THESE LONGS POST DX but I'll read as much as I can

Never heard of the site,but it sounds like a place ppl abuse and b*tch about games
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Doing your homework is not worthwhile, lady... or man... or whoever parent wrote that!
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."


Wow, these parents are serious. If they don't like the game, fine. But don't complain about it to other people.

Super Empra

Thses parents are so stupid. Since when was Zelda a really violent game. Ocarina of Time is probably rated the best game ever.

If you're reading this, your a NOOB!!!


Wow these parents are stupid since when was Brawl and Zelda a violent game there cartoon violent


Quote from: SonicFan47 on January 27, 2009, 01:13:20 PM
Ever heard a site called whattheyplay.com?
Well, It was created so that parents can know what is in the games that their children own or want to buy.
Personally, I find it slightly inaccurate (A Mario Galaxy Collectors COIN is rated E? ???) and it has almost as many winy spammers as these very forums.
There are, however, people who try to make good, genuine points either for or against certain games.
Some of these people are stupid. REALLY stupid.

Here's an example of a sane person (a teen, I should add). Game: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

I suggest you read the following review, because it might be helpful ^^

Anyways, to start with the Christian stuff, I, myself, am Christian. Yes there are "goddesses" and "sages", but please trust your kids with that! Do you really think they'll just start believing in gods from their video game? When you were a kid would YOU do that? Many parents trust their kids with anything or don't trust them with anything.

Now some replys to stuff:

REPLYS TO *BOB* (Name Changed):
He said: When you kill this ghost/zombie/evil dude kind of monster, its corpse (which is covered by a black robe.) is in the place where it died for the entire game.
He said: There is lots of hacking, slashing, and stabbing in the game.
I say: There is virtually no blood. Compared to games like Grand Theft Auto (Which 10 year olds play) this is nothing.
He said: As a wolf you can tackle and bruttaly kill enemies
I say: Thats nature, actually, not even as bad as nature. People should be able to handle that.
He said: There is a town that is deserted and shows signs of a struggle. Characters imply the inhabitants were killed by monsters.
I say: No one lives in that town except one woman, and the inhabitants did die, but not by monsters, but naturally.
He said: A character is shown executed by being impaled with a sword.
I say: There was NO blood. Its no better than the news about war or Araq.
He said: When the protagonist is on a horse, you can run over monsters that are stunned, and a disturbing crack is heard.
I say: This does no damage to the monsters, so its just more of an accident unless intended by the player.
He says: A character gives her life ro save another
I say: Shes not giving her life, shes giving some of her power to save the other. Its like donating blood LOL.
He said: There are certain puzzels that are extremley difficult. Younger people may be frustrated by these.

Younger players will nead patience because there is a long time from the beginning of the game to the part where you fight monsters.
I say: Thats the good part. Yay for puzzle games!

Here is the psycho parent mentioned in the title. Game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl:

We've gotten rid of this particular game at my home, it causes all of my boys (and I have 5 of them) to get progressively nastier and uglier the longer they play it.

And for all of you teenagers who think you are so clever by writing reviews that are argumentative and defiant of the published overall review....it's obvious you are a kid who likes your video games and doesn't want to be told what to do. Why are you wasting your time arguing about reviews that are intended for parents who actually CARE about what their children are playing? This is a forum for parents to get information about what is actually in the video games, not a site that puts down your favorite game. So stop arguing and posting such obnoxious reviews. Or do you just like spouting off your attitude?

Now go do something worthwhile, like your homework.

Does that strike anyone as a little...I don't know...Evil?
yeah, homework doesnt even help my brain... unless its interesting... XD but i liked the person who did the review on LoZ:TP (lol, tp (toilet paper)), they made some very good points

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


God, the web theese days. This website is set out to bring down ANY game. It sucks. 'nuff said.
witty sig caption


seriously, people need to stop saying, "VIDEO GAMES ARE SO BAD THAT KIDS SHOULD NEVER PLAY THEM EVER EVER EEEEEEVVVVVVVEEERRRR PLUS THEY'LL GET FAT!" I mean seriously, Video Games are not THAT bad... and im sure people get the wrong impressions from TV and stuff on how the news handles video games -_-' sure some are bad, but not ALL of them... i mean Brawl really isnt that bad of a game... sure you have the ppl who get mad when they lose but thats THEIR problem, THEY are the ones who have a problem with their temper... sure they get you mad at points though, but you just need to learn how to control it (im getting there :P)

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

Quote from: Gleech on January 28, 2009, 04:54:01 AM
the ppl who get mad when they lose
there is a simple solution 2 that, turn the difficulty down, if it's still 2 hard there is training
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: ultrashadow on January 28, 2009, 06:21:30 AM

there is a simple solution 2 that, turn the difficulty down, if it's still 2 hard there is training
What about the online players that spam cheap moves?coughpituserscough
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on January 28, 2009, 06:49:55 AM
What about the online players that spam cheap moves?coughpituserscough

Why would parents let their 7 year old kids play online?  :P

Super Empra

Quote from: windlessusher on January 28, 2009, 06:49:55 AM
What about the online players that spam cheap moves?coughpituserscough

What about kirby?coughUpBspammerscough

If you're reading this, your a NOOB!!!


they'd probly rate that with zelda


Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P