Black and White: Kanto Starter Giveaway

Started by jkid101094, May 24, 2012, 09:17:36 PM

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Anyone who has played Pokemon with me knows I like collecting OTs and TIDs. I love trading Pokemon because it's like you'll always have some special memorabilia of the people you play with. With the upcoming release of Black 2 and White 2 I've gotten back into the game and, thus, have decided to give you guys something to use on your playthroughs, in exchange for feeding my collection habit. I need your Pokemon...

Creepiness aside I would like to get it out of the way that the following Pokemon are hacked. I'm not that nice, however they are hacked in the same way most competitive battlers make their Pokemon. Their IV and EV spreads are kept withing legitimate boundaries so they are still like normal Pokemon...but I can clone an infinite amount of them and give them to you guys. Isn't that swell? Their move sets and stats are spread to fill a specific niche which will be described below. As stated before these Pokemon are all semi-legit and are all at level 30. All Pokemon are female and thus can be bred for Egg Moves. All Pokemon hold Eviolite. I contemplated only allowing one per person but I'll let that slide if you really want them.




Leech Seed
Sunny Day

Overall Stats:

I wasn't quite sure of what I wanted this Pokemon's niche to be. It's stat layout suggest a special abuser but I gave it the move set for a staller and for that I apologize. You can always teach it Solar Beam, though. As it stands it's move set is designed to heal it as if it had the effect of left overs while slowly whittling away the opponents HP with leech seed and a poison status. When things begin to get grim Ivysaur can use a combination of Sunny Day and Synthesis for large (if not full) recovery as the life is slowly drained from it's opponent.




Hidden Power (Waterx70)
Dragon Pulse
Ancient Power

Overall Stats:

This Charmeleon is obviously a special sweeper. No doubt about it. If Charmeleon has 1/2 of it's HP remaning it's ability (Blaze) activates. Charmeleon already gets a 50% STAB bonus with Inferno but Blaze adds 50 more percent, doubling the moves already massive attack power. Ivysaur's Sunny Day boosts this further by adding 50 more base points. Couple that with Charmeleon's rather high special attack stat and you will most likely OHKO anything around level 30 that doesn't resist it.

Charmeleon's other moves are for covering his type disadvantages. HP(Water) can put dents in ground and rock type Pokemon that would otherwise cause Charmeleon to switch out. Dragon Pulse can do damage against water types where an unprepared Inferno could come up short and Ancient Power not only hits hard against other fire types but can actually boost all of Charmeleon's stats. This Charmeleon also has a speed focus so don't be surprised if your opponent can;t keep up. While this Charmeleon's normal defense stat may be low, Inferno will always cause a burn, allowing Charmeleon to whittle down HP while halving the attack of the opponent Pokemon.




Skull Bash
Aqua Tail
Iron Defense

Overall Stats:
~Due to a technical error I cannot post Wartortle's stat layout. My apologies.~

If you guessed Wartortle was going to be a psychical tank then you were right. Wartortle's stat spread is meant to allow him to take hits as well as dish them out, sacrificing speed for shield Wartortle is almost the exact opposite of Charmeleon in all terms except effectiveness. Skull Bash takes a turn to charge but can put a large, 100 base power dent in almost any Pokemon with almost no resistances. Aqua Tail provides a psychical STAB move to take out foes on the switch in. If the going gets tough Wartorte can use Iron defense to sharply raise it's defense stat and dig can be used to take out those pesky electric type Pokemon.

Like I said, this is mostly for fun and for TID collecting but if a lot of you want them I might do more give aways like this. If you want one of these Pokemon post here or try to find me in the GTS Negotiations. Even if you don't want the Pokemon I'd love it if those of you who haven't traded with me yet would take some. I don't care if you stuff them in your boxes and I will generally refuse anything considered valuable such as a fully evolved, level 100, shiny or legendary Pokemon for these, even if you want to get rid of them.

Thanks, guys. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my studies~

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o