Don't mind me, just a little rant.

Started by Meme Master Flex, August 04, 2012, 01:21:31 PM

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Meme Master Flex

Guys, if you where here this morning in the chat you might remember this.
for those of you that weren't, let me explain.

There was this kid that was spamming for PLUS benefits, so what i did was took away all his posts, and warned him.
He then proceed to harass me on the chat and through PMs so i banned him. He then tried to, about an hour later,
convince me to unban him for the most overused, overplayed reason ever.

"My brother did it"

I'm just like, really man, first you spam for Plus, then you insult me, and then you think i'm stupid enough to fall for the  "My sibling did it" excuse. He brought it upon himself, he could have just not spammed and actually contributed to the community.

And now he's basically keeps on trying to lower my karma, normally i wouldn't give a fuck about that, except for the fact that i'm a mod, a negative karma status could give off the impression that i'm not good at what i do.

Ugh, this kid is full on try hard retard, i swear.
