Rogue the Hedgehog (Black Chaos)....a story.......

Started by Light the Hedgehog, February 05, 2009, 08:16:56 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

basically everyone who's Rped with me knows my fan character Rogue the hedgehog, who began as Black Chaos..... but has anyone wondered how his life started? well now y'all can!!! ;D anyway......he starts out as Black Chaos, he's the same thing as Chaos but the blue is replaced with black (DA BIG D'UH) and the green is replaced with red. here's his info!

Black Chaos/ Rogue the hedgehog info

name: look up ^

age: 9,999 and a half.

Powers: chaos abilities and Dark Gaia force.


I'll Join in.

Name: John Johnson The Turtle

Age: 53

Abilities: Is very wise and intelligent, and has an indestructible shell.

Description: Looks like a small, old turtle who wears glasses and walks around with his four legs or with a cane.
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."

Light the Hedgehog

okay....people can join in this RP at anytime! ;D

Rogue the hedgehog begins as Black Chaos.

Black Chaos:...*wakes up in the center of the earth* wha?!?! WHERE AM I?!?!

Light Gaia: your in the center of the world.....Black Chaos....

Black Chaos:...Black Chaos? is that my name?

Light Gaia: you...are a Chaos Demon, Black Chaos....why don't you meet the other Chaos Demons?

Black Chaos: er...okay....


Name Elana The Hedgehog
Powers:i am the princess of the chaos emeralds so waddaya think
looks:look at meh icon

At a castle at the planet sonic came from

Elana:mother may i go outside and play?
Elana's Mother:yes darling
Elana:thankyou mother
Elana:*gose and sees professer gerald..

Light the Hedgehog

Black Chaos:....i feel...some sort of my body.... *FLASH* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!! *3 flames come out of Black Chaos' body* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!

Mega Flame:....*teleports to Professor gerald's lab*

Orange flame:...*teleports to Tiger's egg*

Phrozen Flame:....*goes back inside Black Chaos' body*

Black Chaos: WHAT DA F*CK WAS THAT?!?!


Mega Flame: *makes it's way into the prototype Gerald's working on (that proto-type is none-other than...ME!!!!!)*

Gerald: the energy levels in thee prototype are off the charts! *sees Elana* hello, Elana!


John was sitting peacefully inside his home, reading a book, and sipping some tea. John looks outside his window and sees some strange shaped clouds.

John: Hmmm... I can usually tell if it's going to be a peaceful day... or a destructive day depending on the cloud formations... But... I can't really tell right now... Maybe i'm getting old... Speaking of which, I should got and visit my old friend, Gerald. I never saw him for a long time since he was conducting an experiment on the "Ultimate Life form..." All right, I should carry on then!

John put his book and cup of tea on a small table next to his seat, got off of the seat, gone to a coat rack to get a coat, then left his front door and continued down a path...
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."


Elana:huh *looks at the flame but then gose inside my body* aghhhhh

Light the Hedgehog


*my capsule BLOWS UP right in Gerald's face*

me: *looks at Gerald...then at Elana* where am i? who am i?

Gerald:...hmmmm....(he seems much more light than what i had expected.....wait a minute...THAT'S IT!) your name is Light the hedgehog.

me: Light the hedgehog....and you are?

Gerald: Professor Gerald Robotnik, i am your creator.

me:and that is....?

Gerald: that's Elana the hedgehog, she visits me often. she's Princess of the Chaos Emeralds...

me: chaos emeralds?


John walks through a doorway to see Light, Gerald, and Elana standing in front of him.

John: Hello there, Gerald, it's been a while, hasn't it? Hmmm? Who's are these two?
"Aw Shaddup! Don't order me around ya pile of scrud metal!"
"Hey, calm down. Or else you're going to have to take a time out in the corner."


age: unknown
abilitys:super sonic boom,glide,sonics abilitys,and can learn new abilitys! ;D
sonicfrenzy:*lays agenst a tree whith eyes closed*
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a> pikagir, or girchu? you decide, LOL WUT!            and DON"T SPAM!! >:(


Name: Blade
Age: 16

Abilities: Runs fast, has gauntlets with laser swords, shoes that can adjust to slippery terrain, and Chaos defense abilities, like Chaos Barrier.

Weaknesses: Can't climb or swim for life, and is disabled by high pitched sounds.

Blade hits a tree in frustration and an apple falls and hits someone on the other side of the tree.


Elana:hmm gerald he reminds me of someone i see in the future

Light the Hedgehog

me: ? what are you talking about?

Gerald: Elana can see into the future, Light.


Elana:eh, it ant all that special.... but gerald isnt he supposed to have a brother

Light the Hedgehog


Gerald: oh yes! Light this is your brother, shadow the hedgehog, you toke a long time to create. because of the energy i had to put in you, you are Shadow's older brother.


me: strong silent type, now aren't ya? *bround shakes* WH-WHAT THE?!?! *goes out side and sees a giant crack in the earth*

Black Chaos: *jumps out of the crack*.....*runs away*

*the earth is whole again*

me: what in the...?