Let's Have a Heart to Heart Talk Here - This Forum Needs a Defibrulator

Started by jkid101094, October 04, 2012, 11:24:26 AM

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It's no secret to the rest of us that this forum hasn't been itself lately. Even the once bustling chat is now deserted 90% of the time. I love this forum from the bottom of my heart and all and I don't want to see it go and I'm sure most of you feel the same way. Instead of complaining that the place is dead, however, we need to find the problem and we need to fix it.

I made this topic so that we could try talking about this again because, seriously, if we don't help the forum now we won't have it anymore and that will suck 1000 spikey cocks.

So I ask you not, "what can we do?", but "what is our problem?"

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o

Jordan teh Echidna


It's 10 year old spammers, bots, no roms, no up-to-date public advertising etc
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Quote from: Jordan teh Echidna on October 05, 2012, 04:21:56 AM
It's 10 year old spammers
A majority of the people here were spammers when they first came here, though. I only came for SADX.

Quote from: Jordan teh Echidna on October 05, 2012, 04:21:56 AM
I try to take care of those as best as I can.

Quote from: Jordan teh Echidna on October 05, 2012, 04:21:56 AM
no roms
We don't have those anymore?

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o



Quote from: Snooky on October 06, 2012, 11:51:46 AM
People got lives since then
People got bored of this site. At least that's what i think happened to Jazz Nova.


I've been super busy finishing up highschool lately. It's not that I don't care about the forum, and I try to pop in when I have time. But I'm afraid I'm becoming Draco's sequel :L


Jordan teh Echidna

I'm in college, five days a week. Get homework every time one of the two teachers of the four subjects I chose appears, so that's roughly... 12 bits of homework a week.
I'm like Draco, in college.
I still post on here when I can.
A life is no excuse.
It's just yeah, the forum is getting slightly boring now :c
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Quote from: Elija2 on October 06, 2012, 02:04:13 PM
Posting on internet forums gets boring after a while.
Yep. Nonetheless, sometimes life gets boring, and I come running back. Off drugs now, so life ain't so fun anymore.



In all honesty, I'm just too tired. It's different to sit and post on Facebook or where ever else. It isn't really fast-paced or conversation-based. I get on MSN to chat with people who want to talk to me, and I think a few of you guys have my cell number. I know John, Maddie, Rockout, JazzNova, Rendel, DS100, Sonic360, Mikey, and Valia all have my phone number. I know it'd be different if this place was a bustling hub of activity, however. It'd be fun to come in and sit around and talk.

It became tiring to come into a dead chat and try to poke it back into life, or not see any new posts on the forum to reply to. I'm not much of a conversation starter anymore, or I'd probably be far more active than I am now. I'm busy with school and getting an art portfolio made up, and with looking for art scholarship competitions. Specifically fashion design and/or photography. It's turning out a lot more difficult than I imagined to find those sorts of things around this area for people who aren't seniors. It is eating up my time, and I only ever really pop in here in the mornings before I go to school.

The advertising, like Jordan said before, is a bit out of date. Yes, it takes money to do that sort of stuff, but... still :c


I don't really understand what some of you mean by "the forum is boring"
Isn't a forum supposed to a place where we bring important newsy type stuff from the world and bring it here for lengthy discussions? And I say lengthy cause y'know, a forum allows walls of text, whereas Facebook n' stuff you kinda have to keep it short... I think...
Another thing about forums is that it isn't exclusive to just people you know, any stranger can come ang give their opinion and you just might learn something.

For me, a forum gets boring when there's nothing to talk about, but as f*cked as the world is, there's always something to talk about/poke fun of, like how Nintendo f*cked up Voice chat, Michael Bay saying he's sick of actors, thoughts on them Marvel movies, or we can make our own discussions on things that bother us, like why are games today so streamline? Why are presidential debates not really debates? Why won't anyone support Skullgirls(I'm STILL salty), etc.

I also prefer to use forums cause unlike chats and instant messaging, you can respond to someone's opinion at your leisure, caue unless a MOD's being a dick, the post will still be there a week later, also in a forum your opinion is always there to be read.

Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: windlessusher on October 20, 2012, 03:20:29 AM
I don't really understand what some of you mean by "the forum is boring"
Isn't a forum supposed to a place where we bring important newsy type stuff from the world and bring it here for lengthy discussions? And I say lengthy cause y'know, a forum allows walls of text, whereas Facebook n' stuff you kinda have to keep it short... I think...
Another thing about forums is that it isn't exclusive to just people you know, any stranger can come ang give their opinion and you just might learn something.

For me, a forum gets boring when there's nothing to talk about, but as f*cked as the world is, there's always something to talk about/poke fun of, like how Nintendo f*cked up Voice chat, Michael Bay saying he's sick of actors, thoughts on them Marvel movies, or we can make our own discussions on things that bother us, like why are games today so streamline? Why are presidential debates not really debates? Why won't anyone support Skullgirls(I'm STILL salty), etc.

I also prefer to use forums cause unlike chats and instant messaging, you can respond to someone's opinion at your leisure, caue unless a MOD's being a dick, the post will still be there a week later, also in a forum your opinion is always there to be read.

I can only agree with all of this.


Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


From the looks of it, this forum seems to be a bit more active than SSRG another Sonic forum. So it's definitely not too dead yet. :\ However I can tell that it's not as active as it was back when I first joined only 2 years ago. I love forums, and I see that some sub forums are empty so I decided to make new topics in those empty ones. You could also post the forum on promotional sites to gain more members and more activity. ;) I'm part of a few promotional forums and they can definitely help. :)

The Forgotten Alex

>Getting a life

>Trying to improve social skills (Not going to well :I)

I do try to come here often, but then its always dead. That somewhat forces me to just be less active.
People asked.