(TO LAZY) Windows 8 is EVIL! - Reasons why you should avoid Windows 8.

Started by Halen, October 29, 2012, 11:39:12 PM

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1.)Metro is EVERYWHERE!
Now Microsoft said that their new Windows 8 would be a complete re-imagining of the Microsoft platform, and oh boy is it different! The new Windows 8 Metro makes doing the simplest things a nightmare. Microsoft assumes that we all have touchscreens now, and that's another example of abusing their OS monopoly. Tap my screen, how about NO! Navigating through the Modern UI start screen is a nightmare, because just to open 1 app you have to click randomly at the screen to get what you want, and when you launch apps like IE (Yuck!) they are full screen apps that make things like browsing a chore. Windows 8 Modern UI makes everything worse, bars everywhere, hard-to-use UI and well... it's a piece of crap! >:C*sigh* Modern UI is the new Microsoft BOB people.

2.)Apparently I have to pay to play DVD movies on my computer... WHAAAATTTTT??????
Yep, Microsoft did it again. They removed the codec in Windows Media Player that allows you to play DVDs, so if you put it in then your out of luck. But wait... AHA! They made DVD playback possible if you purchase the Windows Media Center add-on. You want me to PAY!? So on top of buying Windows 8, you want me to pay for a petty thing like DVD playback. Might as well get VLC if they do this.

3.)Most of the useful apps/features are gone.
Everything useful is gone, and replace with some other crap. The Task Manager is overhauled, meaning Microsoft made another pointless change again... D:I mean what's the point of hiding the tabs, seriously? And why remove such useful programs like Windows DVD Maker, Windows Media Center or even games like Chess Titans but make them available on the Windows Store? Microsoft, it's like you WANT people to assume that you only want money and don't get me wrong, I love Windows but Windows 8? It's Slenderman in a box! D: And to people who think that Windows Me is worse? You are so naive.


yes we know windows 8 sucks.

you also sound like a christian saying EVIL all the time in this post.
-No advertising in signature, please.


But it's so EEEEVVVVIIIILLLL!!!!!!!! How can I resist not saying EEEEVVVVIIIILLLL!!!!!!!!?


Quote from: LeaflameSD64 on October 31, 2012, 11:45:01 PM
But it's so EEEEVVVVIIIILLLL!!!!!!!! How can I resist not saying EEEEVVVVIIIILLLL!!!!!!!!?

because it burns my ears.
-No advertising in signature, please.


Windows 8 isn't actually as bad as you're making it out to be. It's completely backwards compatible, and it also has the desktop AND an improved file system. Also, if you wanna play DVDs, use VLC or something...

People are just being really fucking ignorant and spreading rumors

And they removed "useful" (Impractical to average users) applications to save space, and yet still readily downloadable.
The new Task Manager is 100000000000000000x better, so are the new file transfer windows.

And honestly, if you think metro is bad, you're quite, quite ignorant, touch screen or not. You can also deacctivate it entirely and even use other apps to get a more classic start menu feel.

-Sincerely, a proud user of both Windows 7 and 8.

PS. your "reasons" are actually "Nitpicks"


Sure, I agree with you on some points, especially the nitpicks. But still... it's just an unreliable platform. The Metro UI isn't horrible graphic-wise, but it's still a bit of a nightmare.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

Jordan teh Echidna

My mate gave me windows 8 to try out over the weekend.
Oh my god.
Please. This is actually horrible. IT'S NOT BUILT FOR PC!!
It's incredibly suitable for a touchpad PC, but nobody wants to drag a screen up to get to the desktop on a PC!
Pesterchum = sirJayden



Also, why should I have to use VLC Media Player when I can use DVD playback feature in Windows 8? It should be included right off the bat.


I will never ever use Windows 8 because it handles like complete shit and I hate it.

Super Sonic Boom

Just voicing my opinion buuuuuuut.....

I don't mind Windows 8, it just takes time to get use to it. It's personal preference but if you are unsure go to your local Best Buy or electronic store and screw around with the W8 PC's. Maybe it's perfect for you maybe not.

Hell, I'd upgrade but I don't want to have to worry about transferring and re-downloading things right now. Try it, that should help people figure it out before bashing it. I bashed it before I actually tried it.


Quote from: LeaflameSD64 on November 24, 2012, 05:06:25 AM
Also, why should I have to use VLC Media Player when I can use DVD playback feature in Windows 8? It should be included right off the bat.
Because Windows Media Player is Ass ever since Windows 95.

