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Started by Hakudamashi, February 08, 2009, 08:14:32 AM

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I stopped playing when all the rare ones where out of stock, when I signed up and adopted them.
I never won the battle arena either.

witty sig caption


Quote from: ChaosDazer on February 06, 2010, 07:29:29 AM
I stopped playing when all the rare ones where out of stock, when I signed up and adopted them.
I never won the battle arena either.

And I've been playing since a year or two after it started.
That's 8-9 years.
I need to find something better to do with my life.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on February 05, 2010, 05:55:49 PM
I just got back into it.
For no reason whatsoever.

But I'm giving them some tough crap.
They unfairly froze my account (with a Faerie Draik D= I was PISSEEEDDD) last year for apparently "cheating on flash games"
I hardly ever played the games.  @-@
I never ONCE cheated on that account.
It was all legit

So now, I'm on there with like 10 accounts score sending and using auto-refreshers, auto-buyers, auto-adopters, etc. to take up bandwidth.

My oldest-new account is a week old, and I already have a lab map (which is right under a million np) and about 500k stuffed in the bank.
ilu score senders (programs that basically hack into the games, and send scores, making it seem like you played them; pretty much a neopoint generator.  You get the loot while you do nothing.  now THAT'S cheating on flash games.)

The funny thing is; I haven't gotten busted yet.
This is a major risk for getting myself IP banned.  rofl
TVT (TNT) is full of crap.
They can stuff it.

I was just on neopets. I still have one.  I love my Mynci and Kacheek.


djaksl username?
I'm on right now avatar collecting.  :3