Okay so... I need some help.

Started by shadowDOESrock, June 28, 2013, 04:57:04 AM

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'Kay so.

I am a nice guy. I try to be nice to most people.
Infact, i am too nice. It might not seem like it on the Internet but I am in Real Life.
People throw shit at me and i'm still smiling. If i get punched i'll make a joke.

This has pro's and con's... but well, it worked out. I never got into a real fight thanks to this.
But it also means that i simply "eat up" everything that gets thrown at me.

But thats not why I made this topic forrrrr...

In 2010/2011 I was in my final mandatory school year.  I switched schools for the final year because... well, i had so much detention hours that there was no way I could've done them all. *cough* But thats another story.

Either way, i also tried to use that oppertunity as a fresh start. Probleeeeem... they were all faggots.
And there was this one girlllllll, well they made fun of her. And because i wanted to "belong" with the "cool" kids I did too.

Three years later and being mr. nice guy i now felt i really guilty.
So, i contacted her and asked if she'd like to meet up an afternoon or something because i wanna say sorry n' stuff.


Ye Olde Swagfag

Maybe something along the lines of this?

"Hey do you remember me? I went to your high school? My name is ___, What I want to say is that I said alot of nasty things to you and I apologize, and want to make it up to you."

Did... did I do good?


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on June 28, 2013, 04:57:04 AM
'Kay so.

I am a nice guy. I try to be nice to most people.
Infact, i am too nice. It might not seem like it on the Internet but I am in Real Life.
People throw shit at me and i'm still smiling. If i get punched i'll make a joke.

This has pro's and con's... but well, it worked out. I never got into a real fight thanks to this.
But it also means that i simply "eat up" everything that gets thrown at me.

But thats not why I made this topic forrrrr...

In 2010/2011 I was in my final mandatory school year.  I switched schools for the final year because... well, i had so much detention hours that there was no way I could've done them all. *cough* But thats another story.

Either way, i also tried to use that oppertunity as a fresh start. Probleeeeem... they were all faggots.
And there was this one girlllllll, well they made fun of her. And because i wanted to "belong" with the "cool" kids I did too.

Three years later and being mr. nice guy i now felt i really guilty.
So, i contacted her and asked if she'd like to meet up an afternoon or something because i wanna say sorry n' stuff.

Being too nice? I know that feel too much. Honestly.

You should tell her just that: "Hey, remember when I -whatever youdid here-? I really do apologize, and I'd like to honestly make it up to you."

You know, something along the lines of that C:


Just say you're sorry.

I don't think she's a monster.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!