A Helpful Guide to Generating Legal Pokemon for X and Y

Started by jkid101094, February 08, 2014, 12:04:10 AM

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So, you don't want to spend hours breeding fro IVs, Nature, Hidden Abilities, etc then EV training it just watch it fail in battle, huh? Well this guide is here to help you enter the competitive scene with Legal Pokegenning.

Now before we start we need to lay down some terminology. Also if you don't know the basics of Pokemon there are tons of websites and videos that'll explain everything from Abilities to Damage Modifiers so it'll be worth your time to check those out.

Now, in terms of describing the legitimacy of a Pokemon there are three terms that will easily describe every case. I will be using these terms as listed so hopefully it'll make it easier to understand.

Legit: These are Pokemon you obtain in game. People like TGN only support Legit Pokemon.

Legal: These are my favorite and what I'll be teaching you to make today. They are hacked Pokemon that appear Legit right down to every last hexadecimal. Thus, they are no better than Legit Pokemon and a good trainer can defeat them just as easily.

Illegal: These are the ones that everyone associates with hacking. Everything from Wondertombs to level 1 Charizards go here. They are genned Pokemon that could not have been generated by legit Pokemon.

Now that those are out of the way let's get to making a Legit Pokemon. First you're going to want to download Pokegen. Alternatively you may use Pokesav (it has an online version) but I prefer Pokegen for making and saving my files.

Next you'll need an Action Replay Device...JUST KIDDING!

A common mistake that people make with Pokegenning is that you need to purchase an Action Replay to get them to your game. This used to be the case however an exploit with the GTS has caused several fake GTS servers to sprout up that allow easy transfer to your game from the internet.

I assume that by the fact that you're reading this that you have internet so now you'll need an account on Pokecheck. You may use this site to not only upload files created with Pokegen but to upload legit Pokemon. This means that if you don't have a second DS system you can still transfer Pokemon from 4th Gen games to X and Y so long as you have a 5th Gen game or a friend that also has one (protip: if you give me a link I can download your Pokemon to my game and transfer them for you).

So now that you have what you need to get .pkm files to your game let's actually make one, shall we?

Building a Gen V Pokemon
Step 1: Choosing your Pokemon
This is by far the hardest step of the process. Plan your Pokemon's moves, Nature IVs, etc. I write mine down in a notepad file. The only reason this is Step 1 is so I could communicate how simple the rest of the process is.

Step 2: Building From the Ground Up
Now that you have your Pokemon all out on paper let's start building it. Upon booting up Pokegen you'll get a screen that looks like this:

It may look daunting at first but even if you don't know what these all mean you'll still be able to make Legal Pokemon without a problem, so I won't explain what they all are. For now skip the PID box. That's actually the last thing we do.

Let's say I want to make a Wish Vaporeon. I'm going to fill in the boxes as necessary.

So I have a Vaporeon named Ariel with a Modest Nature. It's holding Choice Specs, has max happiness and has it's Dream Wold Ability; Hydration. Those boxes on the bottom control it's gender, whether or not it's shiny and if it is currently inside an egg. Gender and Shinyness can be edited with the PID so I'll leave those alone for now. Obvious Vaporeon can't hatch from an egg so that is unchecked as well. So we're done here...right?


In that last screen I made a huge no no. See if you can point out what it is, I'll wait. No? OK. My problem was that I forgot to add trash bytes.

"But jkid, what the hell are trash bites?"

A Pokemon's nickname can have up to 10 characters in Black 2 and White 2. What follows after in the game's code is a terminator sequence (\FFFF) and trash bytes (\0000) to keep other data from being stored inside a Pokemon's name. Remember, even if your Pokemon isn't nicknamed it will still need trash bytes added.

So how to add trash bytes? It's very simple, actually.

The nickname for this Pokemon is Ariel. Ariel takes 5 characters to spell out. Keeping in mind that the terminator sequence and trash bytes need to follow we subtract 5 from 11 to get 6 then subtract the two Terminator Sequences we need to add. This is the number of trash bytes that need to be added after the first terminator sequence. So the nickname should be in the box like so;


The terminator sequence at the end tells the game that the trash bytes (and thus the Pokemon's nickname) have ended completely. An easy way to tell if you have the right number of trash bytes is if Pokegen tells you you've reached the character limit. Just sandwich the trash bytes between terminator sequences and you'll be fine.

Keep in mind this tutorial is only for Pokemon originating in Generation V games. There are special rules for Pokemon from Generations III and IV that you can find here. This is the guide that taught me what I just taught you.

Now click on the "met" tab. This is one of the most important parts.

Now you're going to need a bit of research for this part. Where did this Legal Pokemon come from? I prefer to use Eggs or the Poke Transporter but whatever you want is fine so long as you could have obtained the Pokemon that way in game. For this tutorial I'll say I hatched my Eevee at the Daycare and evolved it with a Waterstone.

The reason I didn't fill in the first Location box is because that only applies to caught Pokemon. My Eevee hatched from an egg so I use the one under "Hatch Conditions" instead. In Gen V you could only hatch Pokemon in Pokeballs so keep that in mind. Since that's out of the way now move to the "stats" tab.


This one is self explanatory. You can give your Pokemon Perfect 31 EVs or randomize them. Since I bread this Eevee for competitive battling I'll give it perfect IVs and allocate it's EVs as I see fit. If I want to take a more natural approach I can randomize both as it'll make it seem like I used the Pokemon in-game.

The attacks tab is also straight forward, just make sure you give it moves it could actually learn. Don't give your Pokemon an egg move if you caught it in the wild, for example. Now let's move to the final tab.

If you want the Pokemon to be yours you can find your ID and SID by uploading one of your Pokemon to Pokecheck. Just like the Pokemon nickname, however, your trainer's name needs trash bytes. In Generation V you can only have 8 characters in your OT name so fill in the trash bytes accordingly. You can also refer back to the tutorial from earlier for this part. If your name has 6-8 letters like mine just fill in the remaining slots with terminator sequences.

So we're done here, right?


We still have three things left to do, once of which is involves that Dream Ability I gave Vaporeon earlier. The game is weird in how it handles Dream Abilities but you're in luck as this is an easy fix as well. All you need to do to give your Pokemon it's Dream World ability is to Extra Byte 66 (0x42) and change it's value from 0 to 1. The other extra bytes do something as well but you can look those up online.

Next we go back to the first tab. Click the F next to the PID box to be taken to a brand new page.

I may look daunting but it's just as simple as the other tabs. Leave Characteristics alone but edit everything else to your liking. Next go to your IVs and use the box besides them to label them from most to least important. They'll change with the PID so be careful. When you're all done hit "search".

Based on my criteria Pokegen has made me a valid PID so all I need to do now is click it and hit "OK".

The final step is to save it so first go to one of the boxes on the right side of the program (it doesn't matter which one unless you want an AR code) and right click and hit "Set". You should now see a thumbnail of your Pokemon. All that's left to do in Pokegen is go to File > Save Pokemon (from tabs) and give your file a name.

Congratulations! You're made a Legal Pokemon!

Step 3: Uploading to Pokecheck
Pokecheck is stupidly easy to navigate. After you make your account click on "Manage my Pokemon". Scroll down until you see a box to chose to upload a file and find the one you just made. We just made a Pokemon for Generation 5 games so click "Import Generation 5 .pkm file". Once you've done that you should see your beauty in all it's glory.

Ignore the blank ID and SID as I was too lazy to type mine in. There is one final step for you before you can use your Pokemon and that is to use the legitimacy checker. Start by clicking your Pokemon. You should now see a page similar to this.

Click "Show Legality analysis" and it will now run a test on your Pokemon.

Green text indicates that that aspect is fine. Yellow text indicates that that aspect is questionable and Red text indicates that that aspect would raise a red flag online. Edit these in Pokegen according to the site's suggestions and try again. Once you raise no red flags, congratulations! You can now follow the steps on the site to download your Pokemon from the GTS and transfer it via Pokemon Bank!

I'm an idiot. Set location to "Day Care Couple" for eggs.
If it doesn't work for you the first time, try again. The Vaporeon I made for this tutorial gave me more trouble than any Pokemon I ever made and I ended up not trying to fix the PID as you see above.


Building a Gen VI Pokemon
Step 0: The Gist
As of now there is no way to directly Gen a Pokemon from Generation VI. However with Pokemon Bank you can still transfer the to be parents of that Pokemon. For example, a perfect IV Ditto with the Nature you need or a Pokemon with the egg move you need to pass down. This will make the otherwise tedious process significantly easier. You can study Pokemon breeding mechanics for more information.

I hope this guide helped you guys. Happy battling!

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


I just want to mention that the process for getting a legit pokemon that is on par with something designed to be perfect like this is so simplified in-game in X and Y that it's a little ridiculous. If you hop on Wonder Trade and just start throwing pokemon around for a little while, just spend an hour shiny hunting or something to fill a box, you should end up with a handful of peoples' leftovers from this same process. Nearly perfect IV-bred pokemon. Just use the guy in Kilude City to check what they're best at. A lot of people simplify this for you and mark the pokemon with any of those 6 symbols for each perfect stat: the first symbol being HP and going down the list from there. You'll need a lot of luck to get 6 perfect IVs this way, but 5 is completely possible with a little time and in nearly all cases just as good as 6. There's probably one stat you won't use as much anyway, I never bothered trying to get a perfect Attack stat on Vulpix for example. I haven't really gone into detail on how to do this but there are guides you can find. It will probably only take a little longer than the above process. And it won't make your skin crawl if you're some kind of poke-purist like me. :P

Don't forget your evertones and destiny knots!



and neither do mine... yay


Quote from: TheGameNinja on February 08, 2014, 01:16:03 AM
I just want to mention that the process for getting a legit pokemon that is on par with something designed to be perfect like this is so simplified in-game in X and Y that it's a little ridiculous. If you hop on Wonder Trade and just start throwing pokemon around for a little while, just spend an hour shiny hunting or something to fill a box, you should end up with a handful of peoples' leftovers from this same process. Nearly perfect IV-bred pokemon. Just use the guy in Kilude City to check what they're best at. A lot of people simplify this for you and mark the pokemon with any of those 6 symbols for each perfect stat: the first symbol being HP and going down the list from there. You'll need a lot of luck to get 6 perfect IVs this way, but 5 is completely possible with a little time and in nearly all cases just as good as 6. There's probably one stat you won't use as much anyway, I never bothered trying to get a perfect Attack stat on Vulpix for example. I haven't really gone into detail on how to do this but there are guides you can find. It will probably only take a little longer than the above process. And it won't make your skin crawl if you're some kind of poke-purist like me. :P

Don't forget your evertones and destiny knots!
Using Pokegen is about not wasting time doing all of that just to have no payoff in the end. Wind just spent days training a Mandibuzz to have it get destroyed online, for example.

Quote from: NiGHTS on February 08, 2014, 05:26:38 AM

and neither do mine... yay
Soulless brothers!

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on February 09, 2014, 12:03:50 AM
Using Pokegen is about not wasting time doing all of that just to have no payoff in the end. Wind just spent days training a Mandibuzz to have it get destroyed online, for example.
The sentimental value of raising your own partner and friend from birth VASTLY surpasses the want to win online battles.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on February 09, 2014, 03:34:19 AM
The sentimental value of raising your own partner and friend from birth VASTLY surpasses the want to win online battles.
I'd say the same thing about my genned team. Just because you don't hand raise them doesn't mean there isn't value to them.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Still I was pointing something out. When you only have six Pokemon it's easy to get attached but when you're like me and enjoy having entire armies of Tourney Ready Pokemon at your disposal it's using them online that gives them value. It's also much quicker and if you realize you don't like the Pokemon after all you can just release it without feeling you wasted hours of your life.

Also you apparently don't know how to Gen Pokemon. That's what this topic is for.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on February 09, 2014, 05:05:12 AM
Still I was pointing something out. When you only have six Pokemon it's easy to get attached but when you're like me and enjoy having entire armies of Tourney Ready Pokemon at your disposal it's using them online that gives them value. It's also much quicker and if you realize you don't like the Pokemon after all you can just release it without feeling you wasted hours of your life.

Also you apparently don't know how to Gen Pokemon. That's what this topic is for.

Breeding pokegen comparable Pokemon doesn't take that much time though. This is like steroids in baseball or something.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on February 09, 2014, 08:43:54 AM
Breeding pokegen comparable Pokemon doesn't take that much time though. This is like steroids in baseball or something.
No, because we don't get paid to do this, nor do we compete competitively.
All that happens is that it takes less time to get from point A to point B.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on February 09, 2014, 09:11:17 AM
No, because we don't get paid to do this, nor do we compete competitively.
All that happens is that it takes less time to get from point A to point B.

Life's about the journey, man. Not the destination.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on February 09, 2014, 09:36:58 AM
Life's about the journey, man. Not the destination.
Unless the destination is a miserable dissapontment
Then suddenly the journey doesn't seem so grand.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Sounds like someone is finally listening to the song of my soul.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o