Resident Evil 6 is good, screw the haters

Started by Elija2, August 03, 2014, 08:35:31 PM

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I recall that when I was contemplating purchasing RE6 during the Steam Summer Sale a couple of people said I'd regret it. Well, fuck you guys because I don't regret a single thing (except for maybe buying the DLC, but it was $3 so fuck it). RE6 is a fun game once you understand what it's trying to be.

It's not trying to be a horror game, it's trying to be an action game. And god damn does it succeed. The combat mechanics in this game are seriously great. You have so much mobility in this game, more than almost any other third-person shooter. You can slide, flip, roll, dodge, counter, and do a bunch of other moves that make mowing down enemies tons of fun. This stuff really shines in Mercenaries mode where there's no bullshit campaign stuff to get in your way. This is the part of the thread where I post a bunch of sweet gifs to prove my point:

The game does try to be spooky at times. Leon's first two chapters definitely have that horror atmosphere and it's done very well, but after that his levels are as explosive action-y as everyone else's. Ada's first two chapters are also pretty good because they're the only ones where you don't have an AI partner which makes them more atmospheric. Not that the AI partners in this game are bad. They can never die and they have unlimited ammo so they usually never get in the way. And there's no point in telling you about the story because the game doesn't even bother to tell you it. Even with 4 campaigns the game does a bad job of explaining the story. Most of the information that helps it make sense is hidden in documents that you can unlock by shooting hidden emblems in the campaigns. The story is as ridiculous as any other RE game anyway.

And speaking of doing a bad job of teaching you things, the game also does a terrible job of teaching you the combat mechanics (you know, the thing that makes this game great). The prologue (aka tutorial) teaches you how to shoot and mix herbs and that's it. Occasionally the loading screens will also tell you important game mechanics, and now and then when you're required to do something in the campaigns like slide under something the game will finally tell you how to do it. I can understand how some people get frustrated with this game when it doesn't even teach you the best part of it. I pretty much used this guide on NeoGAF to learn everything and I recommend you do too once you inevitably buy the game due to this thread.

Yes, the game has it's problems. The game does have too many QTEs (although there's an option in the settings that lets the game do most of them for you) and some parts of the campaign can be frustrating. Every vehicle driving segment sucks and there's a couple of shitty bosses. But don't let that stuff ruin the game for you. There really is the base for a great action game in here and I hope RE7 improves on some of this stuff instead of ditching it all to appease the whiny fans of "classic" RE. Or at least give us a standalone Mercenaries game with these combat mechanics.

So yeah, fuck the haters.


I hated this game the first time I played it.
There were too many button prompts, the camera was way too close, etc. etc.

After buying it cheapily for Xbox 360, I was surprised at how much I ended up actually liking it.

Later on I went playing Max Payne 3 - which back at it's release was the most refined game in terms of third person shooter mechanics - and holy shit did I miss a lot of the mechanics from Resident Evil 6. Especially in terms of mobility on the ground.

But I have to say, they've shouldve used these mechanics to build a brand new franchise, instead of Resi 6.
This way these features will never be reused... :C


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on August 03, 2014, 08:54:22 PM
There were too many button prompts, the camera was way too close, etc. etc.

This is all fixed in the PC version. You should have bought that version so we could play together!

And sure, I don't care what IP they fit these combat mechanics into, just don't throw it all away.


Maybe if they made a new IP in the first place rather than screwing what people liked about Resident Evil, we wouldn't be in this problem.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on August 04, 2014, 10:30:15 AM
Maybe if they made a new IP in the first place rather than screwing what people liked about Resident Evil, we wouldn't be in this problem.

They screwed with what people liked about Resident Evil back in Resident Evil 4 but nobody minded.


People did mind
And second of all, it was still slow, cheesy, and had it's scares and atmosphere.

And no matter how you look at it, RE6 is a completely different beast than RE4 or 5 ever were.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on August 04, 2014, 10:38:21 AM
People did mind
And second of all, it was still slow, cheesy, and had it's scares and atmosphere.

And no matter how you look at it, RE6 is a completely different beast than RE4 or 5 ever were.

RE6 is plenty cheesy, and it also has it's few moments of creepy atmosphere. More than RE5, at least.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on August 04, 2014, 03:47:29 PM
I dunno about more than RE5.

Well I do. RE5 never tried to have a spooky atmosphere. At least RE6 makes a few attempts.


Yeahhh, RE4 was a pretty good reimagining IMO. It was difficult, had the creepy atmosphere, and wasnt non-stop action and the proper scary buildup to everything

Now, I realise RE6 is supposed to bring 'panic' by the size of things happening or the amount of enemies, but eh.
If it was just Leon and Adas campaigns, yeah, sure, those are RE-like here and there

The other two though? ehh...
But atleast this was a competent action game, unlike RE5.

I'm personally looking foward to the Evil Within. The 'real' Resident Evil 5.


Today was the first time I got really close to killing 150 enemies in Mercs. I was like 5 kills away but the time ran out. Still got an S rank though, which I didn't think was possible if you didn't kill all 150 enemies.

Mercs is a lot easier when you have a friend, but the online community on PC is dead. I was only able to get a co-op Mercs game going once.


Quote from: Elija2 on August 04, 2014, 03:58:43 PM
Well I do. RE5 never tried to have a spooky atmosphere. At least RE6 makes a few attempts.
Have you played RE5?
Cause I for one find the swamp level to be pretty spooky.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on August 05, 2014, 07:55:53 AM
Have you played RE5?
Cause I for one find the swamp level to be pretty spooky.

I played through some of the levels with a friend and none of the levels that I played were even remotely scary.


The alternate costumes in this game are hot.


Jill numbers one and two are good looking but Jill number 3 is where the real sexiness is at.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o