My Perfect Soul Calibur Game

Started by jkid101094, October 17, 2014, 01:50:04 AM

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"Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords eternally retold."

So this is essentially the sequel to my "My Perfect DBZ Game" topic. Consider this a series now because I could easily do this for every single franchise I've ever experienced. Who knows? Maybe I'll jinx it like I did with Xenoverse and we'll get all this stuff in SCVI.

Keep in mind that not everything will be in the realm of possibility, though I'll try to keep it reasonable.

#1. Disband Project Soul

The past few years have made it painfully obvious that these guys couldn't make a good game to save their lives. With the recent releases of Soulcalibur V, Soulcalibur: Broken Swords and Soulcalibur: Unbreakable Soul having all gotten unfavorable views I think it's high time to inject some new blood into the series. Outsource it if you have t, just don't give it back to these guys because they obviously quit giving a shit when they decided charging $90 for Seong Mi-na was a good idea. Seriously, these guys can't even figure out if it's supposed to be Soulcalibur, Soul Calibur or SOULCALIBUR.

...just make sure you keep the guys who work on the character creator. They're the only ones doing their job correctly.

#2. Reboot the Story

Now that we've gotten some competent developers on the game that actually care about the series, let's undo the shithole that was SCV's story. You don't even have to attempt something like Mortal Kombat did; just whitewash the story down to where Soul Edge began and build up from there; a bunch of people looking for a legendary pair of twin swords for their own reasons. Really that's all you need, none of that; "Sophitia has a shard of Soul Edge in her chest and dies ripping it out to keep her daughter alive." Seriously, who the hell thought of that idea, much less thought it was a good enough plot point to base an entire game off of?

#2.5. Bring Back The Edge of Soul as a Series Staple

I think this video speaks for itself.

#3 Keep Iconic Characters Iconic

It's common knowledge that every franchise has a face, however, fighting games are unique in that since every character gets equal treatment the face of each franchise will be different depending on who you ask. If I asked you who the face of Mortal Kombat was would you say Scorpion or Lui Kang? Maybe you'd even say Raiden or Sub-Zero?

The point is fighting franchises have multiple characters that people associate the franchise with. Misturugi...Siegfried...Nightmare....Taki....The list goes on. Keep these characters where they're at, I don't care what story reasons you have to take them out, DON'T. In fact, I'll give you a list of characters that have absolutely no reason to miss a game:

* Denotes a character who debuted in Soul Edge.
- Denotes a character removed at least once by SCV.

  • *Mitsurugi
  • *-Siegfried
  • *-Taki
  • *-Sophitia
  • *-Li Long
  • *-Rock
  • *-Seong Mi-na
  • *Voldo
  • *-Hwang
  • *Cervantes
  • Astaroth
  • Ivy
  • Kilik
  • Maxi
  • Nightmare
  • Tira
  • Raphael
  • *-Inferno

All of these characters have left a mark on the series and have no reason to be excluded from any game in the series but, as you can see, almost half of them have, which is outrageous. Making new characters shouldn't be a priority when you have this many memorable characters to choose from. Especially when characters who are on this list are reduced to Charade clones because of it.

...and you absolutely SHOULD NOT replace them with personalityless clones.

Please choke to death on a dick, Natsu.

#3.5. Seriously, Make Edge of Soul a Series Staple

Seriously, we all love it and it's 90's cheese.

#4 Keep Expanding Character Customization

Now I'm getting pretty tired but I'm afraid of losing this post so I'll try to make this fast:

Don't Limit the Player:
Let us make our floppy cocked horses. By preventing those players from having their fun you also prevent legitimate CAS makers from bringing out the modes full potential.

Allow Custom Patterns:
WWE does it and they haven't gotten sued yet. I see no reason I can't use custom textures on my CAS yet.

Have More Disciplines:
Please add more fighting styles than there are actual playable characters. Even if they're from other games that's still better than everyone being a carbon copy of the existing fighters like SCIV and SCV restricted them to. Give us guns. Give us fists. If I make Little Mac I want him to FUCKING PUNCH. I understand the series is about weapons but the Devil Jin fighting style uses fists so there's really no excuse.

Let us Customize Movesets:
Adding on to the above, don't just restrict us to pre-made sets, let us combine generic moves and moves of other characters to make our own unique sets. Some characters just don't fit any of the molds laid out by other characters.

Let us Choose Quotes:
So more often than not you'll be fighting as your character and he'll say something...well, completely out of character...The Voice Actors should be asked a bunch of generic phrases for different personalities and you should be able to pick not only which voice you want, but what personality you want them to have. Better yet, let us mix and match quotes.

Keep Clothes and Stats Seperate:
No one wants to be handicapped because they look cool or look stupid because they're strong. Keep your grubby stats off my armor.

...and don't get rid of anything already here. SCV's creation mode is the only good thing about that game.

#4.5. Why Isn't Edge of Soul a Series Staple Yet!?

Seriously this song alone would net you more of a profit than Broken Swords and Unbreakable Soul combined.

#5 Keep the Story Easy to Digest

The soul series likes to throw giant walls of text at you every five seconds which makes the story hard, if not impossible, to understand in one sitting. Instead of having those blocks of text the game's story should take a page from Soul Edge and Soul Calibur III and have the story told through interactive cutscenes. Having Arcade mode like Super Smash Bros. for 3DS where you can choose paths that all converge at a single point will make it much more fun, especially if there is a cutscene between each match that further explains the story going on.

Now I'm tired as balls so I'm going to go to bed. I've hardly scratched the surface with all the things I'd do to make Soul Calibur a great series again but since I'm too tired to continue ranting about it I'll just thank you for reading this and head off so...thanks.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I'd be happy just with a remake of the original Soul Edge with today's technology and a few extra content, but I do agree with most of the points you've made except one. Wouldn't using "The edge of soul" in every game ruin the song's charm.


Has the Legend of Zelda theme lost it's charm?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on October 17, 2014, 07:06:06 AM
Has the Legend of Zelda theme lost it's charm?
But it barely exists in some of the games.
And I'm not saying that the song shouldn't be in the game (but I made it sound like it, haven't I?), I'm just saying that main themes should be different between the games in a long-running franchise such as this, especially when it comes to fighting games.
They need to get the old composers back.


Quote from: Hakudamashi on October 17, 2014, 06:08:27 AM
So you want Soul Calibur 3-2.
Sure, let's go with that.

Quote from: Ioshyriku on October 17, 2014, 07:04:41 AM
I'd be happy just with a remake of the original Soul Edge with today's technology and a few extra content
Eh, I'd prefer something new if only because Soul Edge was pretty bare bones compared to games that came later in the series.

Quote from: Ioshyriku on October 17, 2014, 07:04:41 AM
Wouldn't using "The edge of soul" in every game ruin the song's charm.
Not really. A lot of songs are reused in fighting games.

Quote from: Ioshyriku on October 17, 2014, 08:45:09 AM
But it barely exists in some of the games.
And I'm not saying that the song shouldn't be in the game (but I made it sound like it, haven't I?), I'm just saying that main themes should be different between the games in a long-running franchise such as this, especially when it comes to fighting games.
They need to get the old composers back.
Have it be unlockable or a stage theme. It doesn't always have to be the opening theme, just don't forget it exists.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Natsu is cool though. She's cooler than Taki honestly.

If anything, they should build upon SCV, but have all the characters from SCIV too.

Cross the SCV Story Mode's in-game cinematics with elements from either SC2 or 3.


Quote from: Crystal Candy on October 18, 2014, 02:24:51 AM
Natsu is cool though. She's cooler than Taki honestly.
No one appreciates your terrible opinions. >:l

Quote from: Crystal Candy on October 18, 2014, 02:24:51 AM
If anything, they should build upon SCV, but have all the characters from SCIV too.
Except that that's almost impossible because most of them are either missing or dead by SCV's end.

Sophitia is dead.
Cassandra is presumed dead.
Taki presumed dead.
Amy is MIA.
Inferno (and thus Nightmare) is dead.
Setsuka is MIA.
Talim is MIA.
Seong Mi-na is [MIA].

Not to mention that the only two new characters featured in SCV's story for more than five seconds are too unlikable to ever want to suffer through again.

Quote from: Crystal Candy on October 18, 2014, 02:24:51 AM
Cross the SCV Story Mode's in-game cinematics with elements from either SC2 or 3.
Those cutscenes were fucking ugly as all hell. The CGI ones were fine but those are in every game.

Patrokolos is horribly unlikable and he never gets any better.

Quote from: Hakudamashi on October 17, 2014, 06:08:27 AM
So you want Soul Calibur 3-2.

You know, after playing it again, this is exactly what I want. Just carry over V's character creation mode and graphics, IV's gameplay and II's guest characters and it'll be perfect.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I didn't know Soul Calibur had such a crazy storyline.


Quote from: jkid101094 on October 20, 2014, 12:58:05 AM
Except that that's almost impossible because most of them are either missing or dead by SCV's end.
Not to mention that the only two new characters featured in SCV's story for more than five seconds are too unlikable to ever want to suffer through again.

It doesn't matter, these stories were always dumb. You can easily find some way to revive everyone. Or just have them there because why the fuck not. Dead or Alive 5 does it.

Quote from: jkid101094 on October 20, 2014, 12:58:05 AM
Those cutscenes were fucking ugly as all hell. The CGI ones were fine but those are in every game.

I dont know how you could say the in-engine cutscenes were ugly. They look amazing. The detail in them is superb. I never understood why they didnt make all of them like that and switched to this still comic book style. And there is no CG in SCV... nor SCIV...

Quote from: jkid101094 on October 20, 2014, 12:58:05 AM
No one appreciates your terrible opinions. >:l

It's not like Taki has any major personality either, aside from tight spandex.
Probably why she's the only character they actually licensed out for porn.

Y'all just have major nostalgia goggles.


Quote from: Crystal Candy on October 20, 2014, 04:38:15 AM
It's not like Taki has any major personality either, aside from tight spandex.
Yeah, sure, ok, let's just never bring this up again, or I'll grow a severe urge to punch you in the throat.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Hakudamashi on October 20, 2014, 05:12:37 AM
Yeah, sure, ok, let's just never bring this up again, or I'll grow a severe urge to punch you in the throat.

Prove me wrong. She's nothing more than determined ninja character, like nearly every other ninja character.
The only thing that makes her stand out is the tight red spandex.

I haven't played Soul Edge and the PSP one, so I dont know if that also applies there. but it certainly applies to all the other games.


There's nothing to prove here, it's one thing to prefer Natsu over Taki, but I don't appreciate you talking about Taki like she's filth.
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!