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Final Fantasy XIII?

Started by NeoMetalSonic, May 03, 2009, 08:08:58 AM

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Quote from: windlessusher on June 09, 2013, 08:03:12 PM
So many names they could've called it other than FFXIII...

they probably couldnt get the budget back if it was not called FF13.


What happened to all that money they got from the PS2 era?
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Quote from: windlessusher on June 10, 2013, 05:08:03 AM
What happened to all that money they got from the PS2 era?

what? you think they're just gonna throw it out?
That would be loss.



You mean, they didn't take the money they got from the PS1 era and used it to do their business in the PS2 era?
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Quote from: windlessusher on June 10, 2013, 07:15:49 AM
You mean, they didn't take the money they got from the PS1 era and used it to do their business in the PS2 era?

Uh, yes?
The gave the next games a bigger budget?
FFXIII had a huge budget, thus you can take less risks- even if you want to do something different.


Why FF13 gets sequels? 'Cause Japan.

Quote from: Tri-Blade"This rebranding â€" combined with the Final Fantasy 13 name getting second billing to its lead character â€" provides some compelling evidence that the developer might be a little ashamed of that "lucky" number these days."

That is a load of horse shit any you know that.

list of best female characters in Final Fantasy:

FF13-2 only came into creation after the creators looked closely into it:

LR: FF13 has had the creators more than compliant to answering questions:

Final Fantasy Vs XIII was paid by Sony to expand further

And HAVE you seen the preorder box set in Japan?

If ANYTHING, Square Enix is riding on the fact that FF13 and Lighning are HUGE successes in Japan.

As for the sexualization, they got rid of that dumb sexy pose that the one dress had.

Quote from: YourColourTV@Tri-Blade You know none of the western gamers are gonna care, they want the stuff their way-

Quote from: Tri-Blade@YourColourTV @Tri-Blade

It's sad when westerners are so blatantly idiotic towards what easterners like that they have to say "The only opinion that matter is the AMERICAN opinion! Japanese audience? Fuck you, your opinion does not matter! As long as you eastern developers don't develop games OUR way, it will never be a good game!"

Disgusting really.


I was well aware of how popular it is in Japan, and I too love Lightning as a character.

It's just the principle of what a franchise means to me is what I got prissy about...

Post Merge: June 17, 2013, 05:20:09 PM

Actually, no, scratch that, I think I found the reason I am so negative towards FFXIII.

I did some soul searching and found out I disliked FFXIII for the same reason I hate just about everything Japan's been putting out recently...

I like FFXIII's ending, it was a happy beautiful ending, the Snow was gonna marry his woman and have a bagillion children together, Lighting learned she doesn't have to be a cunt to be cool, Sahz got his kid back, the lesbians turned into diamonds and Hope...
When they announced FFXIII-2 I was hoping more along the lines of FFX-2 where we get to see how everything turned out after living comfortable for a few years, and what do I get instead? Lightning dissapears suddenly into a world where she has to act tough again, and Serah spends the entire game with not her husband.

Yeah, that's right, I found out what made me so anti-FFXIIIverse is because they either decided not to make Snow&Serah be together or make it needlessly complicated(I dunno what they're gonna do for FFXIII-3) >=U
One major thing I wanted from this fucking game was just for Snow to go on an epic journey to save his woman and just get hitched in the end, and that's exactly what I got from the ending and I was ecstatic, but NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Japan just can't allow a happy couple in their fiction, there just HAS to be some bullshit to keep them apart.
You fucking gave me exactly what I wanted and then just yanked it from me when I wasn't looking and refuse to give it back. And this had me livid.
Soo livid, that I pushed it to the back of my mind and found other seemingly legit reasons to hate on this series so that it can fail and never be heard from again...

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Quote from: windlessusher on June 17, 2013, 03:33:13 PM

\Aren't ponies banned?

Ah, i see...
You really like happy endings.

... But isnt the entire point of such a story progression to make you feel sad / mad about that?
I'm still only like 10 hours into FFXIII 1.

Reminds about how people complained over Alien 3, because (in case you havent seen the movies) at the end of Aliens the two main protagonists basically get together with an adopted child.
Then at the beginning of Alien 3 turns out the man and the child died during a crash landing of their spaceship...
And people were upset that their favourite characters died...
Thats like, the entire point, to make you feel upset, sad or w/e

I dont know how FFXIII-2 handles it, but seeing that LR:XIII trailer and playing FFXIII... that seems to be the case.

As for LR:XIII


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on June 18, 2013, 02:05:05 PM
Reminds about how people complained over Alien 3, because (in case you havent seen the movies) at the end of Aliens the two main protagonists basically get together with an adopted child.
Then at the beginning of Alien 3 turns out the man and the child died during a crash landing of their spaceship...
And people were upset that their favourite characters died...
Thats like, the entire point, to make you feel upset, sad or w/e
I did see Aliens 3, and I was livid about that too.
But since you're telling me there's an actual genre of story telling like that, I best do some extensive research before I dare invest myself in another project with characters I actually end up liking alot...
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Quote from: Kotaku"If I were to describe the gameplay," said Yoshinori Kitase, producer of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII said, "I'd say that there are some elements [in Lightning Returns] with the severity of [a game like] Dark Souls." Oh, crap…

Considering I was never able to clear Dark Souls, that's not very reassuring.

We've already heard a lot is different in the game system of Lightning Returns compared with the previous two chapters in the FFXIII trilogy. The game is more open-world, the combat is solo with a stagger mechanic, and there's an in-game thirteen day time limit. But time, as it turns out, isn't the only limiting factor.

In an interview with Weekly Famitsu, Kitase and director Motomu Toriyama said that there are a limited number of slots for items you can carry in the game which adds an element of inventory management. Also, combat does not yield experience points or money, so while you can go to inns to heal up, you might not want to resort to that option unless you really need it. Said Toriyama, "Thinking economically is very important in this game!"

So, not only will the world end in a limited time â€" during which you have to run around and fight alone against monsters and former allies â€" but you also have to watch your purse strings and how much you can carry? Is this Final Fantasy or Resident Evil?

Oh, and that time limit of thirteen days? You actually start out with only seven, but can extend it up to thirteen days by completing missions.

Currently, the game has been completed to the point where it is possible to play from beginning to end and the developers are tweaking the game balance. Hopefully they'll make the game as fun as it sounds difficult, if not easier (or at least add a difficulty setting).

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is scheduled for release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in Japan on November 21st and in North America on February 11th, 2014.

I have seen some comments about this, mainly that People do not seem to enjoy a Timer in a game. Especially in an RPG.
But... thinking about it... that might be a really cool thing in the case of something like Final Fantasy.
Are you gonna engage the enemies to gain Experience Points to become more powerful, but might waste time...
Or simply run through the world and not engage the enemies, but then get stuck and waste time on harder enemies...


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on June 22, 2013, 12:44:46 AM
I have seen some comments about this, mainly that People do not seem to enjoy a Timer in a game. Especially in an RPG.
But... thinking about it... that might be a really cool thing in the case of something like Final Fantasy.
Are you gonna engage the enemies to gain Experience Points to become more powerful, but might waste time...
Or simply run through the world and not engage the enemies, but then get stuck and waste time on harder enemies...
That doesn't sound fun at all.
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Fun is where the challenge is.

Or atleast, thats what i would've said 10 years ago to people before all games became easy as fuck and explained you everything and everything that remotely hard or might be stressing is an issue.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on June 22, 2013, 09:53:14 AM
Fun is where the challenge is.
I get that.

But the combination of time limit AND still needing to maintain levels n' sh*t as it is still an RPG doesn't sound fun to me at all...
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!