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Playstation 3

Started by annoyinglad, May 29, 2009, 01:59:28 AM

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Why must the Playstation 3 be such a laughing stock? I have all 3 consoles and I think it's great. I bought it with my own money, so don't think I'm a snotty rich kid, that's the furthest thing from the truth. I haven't tried HD, so I don't know what HD on any system looks like (yes, Wii can have HD. Even ask SonicFan47, he knows how). Give me some reasons why the PS3 deserves to be treated so badly and I can likely refute them. Before you say any of these however, let me refute a couple.

1. Blu-Ray
What's so bad about it? The fact that it reads slow? Oh, well I'm sorry that a protective coating that prevents virtually ANY scratching is so bad. Having a game load 15 seconds sooner and having to buy new copies because yours got scratched up is som much more cost effecient and convinient.

I just feel sorry for all of you when in a year they stop making DVDs and go to Blu-Ray... They already have 400 GB Blu-Ray discs and in about 4 or 5 years they'll have 1 Terrabyte discs. Besides, the cost of Blu-Ray diodes and materials has gone WAY down. Soon Blu-Ray players and discs will reflect that.

2. Lack of Good Games
First thing, that's the GAME developers fault, not the system developers. Besides, last time I checked, no PS3 owners w/o 360's was asking for a port of Halo games, whereas the majority of 360 owners have been literally BEGGING for games like Warhawk, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, etc.

3. System Costs
That's the fault of consumers. If more people bought, prices for material would go down, resulting in lower system price. In fact, retailers have realized this to the point where they give YOU 50 bucks or so in a gift card if you buy a new PS3. That's what I got when I bought mine. I think it was worth it even without the $50 extra I got.

There's 3 of the main reasons people hate the Playstation 3. Now don't think I'm a Sony fanboy, I'm actually a Nintendo fanboy. I also believe Microsoft has done an excellent job with 360 as well. So, just list as many problems as you can say for the system and I'll refute them as best I can.

Super Empra

Blu-ray isn't needed yet. It has a lot of space that isn't used. Its better to use DVDs like the 360 because blu-ray hasn't done much good for PS3.

If you're reading this, your a NOOB!!!


THATS NOT BAD!!! i cant beleive i didnt notice that! thats awesome!!!!
i should go buy that console!
thanks for telling me!


Not much in blu-ray has been done yet so it would be better to have a xbox 360 for dvds.