Internet shortcuts !! enjoy!

Started by Lost Lone Key, September 30, 2008, 02:11:55 AM

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Lost Lone Key

Look here some cool abreviers, if you know more, say!
! I have a comment or WHatch out or Behold!
14AA41 One for all and all for one
2nite Tonight
2moro Tomorrow
ABT2 About to
ALAP As late as posible
B4Y Before you(lol)
BZ Bussy
COS Change of subject(ups)
DNBL8 Do not be late(or i kill you whit death)
EOM End of mesage
FE Fatal error(why?)
FS For sale(thnx)
FYI For your information
GG Good game
G2G Gotta go(bye)
GLA Goof luck all (I whish i had that  )
HT Hy there(why not here?)
H/P Hold or Pause(why not breake?)
IYD In your dreams
J/J Jost joking
LMN Let my know(what?)
LOL Laughing out loud
MSG Message
NG New games
NMP Not my problem (how rude!)
NSTLC Need some tender loving care(what the...?)
NW No way(just left)
P911 Parents alert
PAW Parents are watching
P-ZA Pizza!!!! (YAMMY)
RUT Are ya there?
SWU So what's up
TNX Thanks(wellkome)
U You
U2 You to(are in big trouble lol)
W8 Waith
W/O Whit out
WAYD What are doudoing?
XOXO Hugs and Kisses(yacs)
YR Yeah right!
I am Lost and i am Lone, he ho finds me i will help him open the door to The KOH.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


lol nice do u know this from internet or by self?


Quote from: Lost Lone Key on September 30, 2008, 02:11:55 AM
Look here some cool abreviers, if you know more, say!
! I have a comment or WHatch out or Behold!
14AA41 One for all and all for one
2nite Tonight
2moro Tomorrow
ABT2 About to
ALAP As late as posible
B4Y Before you(lol)
BZ Bussy
COS Change of subject(ups)
DNBL8 Do not be late(or i kill you whit death)
EOM End of mesage
FE Fatal error(why?)
FS For sale(thnx)
FYI For your information
GG Good game
G2G Gotta go(bye)
GLA Goof luck all (I whish i had that  )
HT Hy there(why not here?)
H/P Hold or Pause(why not breake?)
IYD In your dreams
J/J Jost joking
LMN Let my know(what?)
LOL Laughing out loud
MSG Message
NG New games
NMP Not my problem (how rude!)
NSTLC Need some tender loving care(what the...?)
NW No way(just left)
P911 Parents alert
PAW Parents are watching
P-ZA Pizza!!!! (YAMMY)
RUT Are ya there?
SWU So what's up
TNX Thanks(wellkome)
U You
U2 You to(are in big trouble lol)
W8 Waith
W/O Whit out
WAYD What are doudoing?
XOXO Hugs and Kisses(yacs)
YR Yeah right!

Hehe NIce LOL Kinda creepy O.o


what are u looking at! lol jk :)


Lost Lone Key

I am Lost and i am Lone, he ho finds me i will help him open the door to The KOH.

Lost Lone Key

Man, i know them from my Physic book?!! lol, what is that doing there?
I am Lost and i am Lone, he ho finds me i will help him open the door to The KOH.




is a good one to I didn't see it above


Enjoying reading.. yucks.... that is groser than used underwear that is never took off [how can you see how grose that is?Arent true Hommo Sapien(the inteligent man in greek) supposed to weak pants?]
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


I got some, too

WTF - What the F***
WTC - What the Crap (maybe just I use this...idk)
IDK - I don't know
GTFO - Get the F*** out (of where? ???)
1337 OR 31337 OR l337 OR l33t - leet (it looks like: |-|1 3\/3y0/\/3!)
Sig attempt #7!

I am the Knight of Bright Blue Test Tube Sentient Beings! In your Face!
a-lad wuz here :P


Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 20, 2008, 04:36:13 PM
I got some, too

WTF - What the F***
WTC - What the Crap (maybe just I use this...idk)
IDK - I don't know
GTFO - Get the F*** out (of where? ???)
1337 OR 31337 OR l337 OR l33t - leet (it looks like: |-|1 3\/3y0/\/3!)

Isn't GTFO more like Get the F*** off?