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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog


Solo: *gets back up on his feet, but he's badly insured*..ugh....MU BREAK! * blasts Nazo* LUCKY! GET HIM!

Lucky: STAR RAIN! *stars rain on nazo* GET HIM, JEWEL!


Jewel: CLOSE UP! *punches nazo *

Light the Hedgehog

Nazo: *is knocked into the sky, then explodes into a million peices*

Solo: WE DID IT!


Jewel:..meh *walks back inside*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *walks in, but as soon as he gets in, he faints*


Jewel: Robin,don't you guys have a medical room?

Light the Hedgehog

Robin: yeah. it's right over there *points to the door to the medical room*.


Jewel: ok..*uses ravens powers to take solo to the medical room* ( ravens..who's next..beast boy)..strange..

Light the Hedgehog

Lucky: nazo sure gave him a beating. O.o


Jewel: he just needs to rest..but..ya know whats strange..i still have starfires powers..i have ravens too,and i dident even mimic her powers...whats wrong..

Light the Hedgehog

Lucky: it must have something to do with the aqua jewels.


Jewel:..mabe...but im not totaly sure..

Light the Hedgehog

Lucky: IT HAS TO! the power from all those jewels must be making your power go insane!


Jewel:..if i dont have these jewels my power will go insane...unless father lied to me..

Light the Hedgehog

Lucky: from what i know of, the Aqua Jewels originated from Mu. but, when mu fell, all of them were scattered. they say that one jewel broke into dust and it's essence went inside a certain person's soul. but, when someone who gains power from the aqua jewels get too many, the person's power start's going nuts and they start consuming powers of others! and that person, is you, Jewel.