The Photoshop Tutorial Thread

Started by XtheHedgehog, July 13, 2009, 12:30:22 PM

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NOTE: THIS SINGLE POST IS VERY LONG, after this single post post yer comments and add sum tuts
X the hedgehog here, me and Jet have decided to make a shareing post of tutorials for photoshop and PAINT.NET, if you have PAINT.NET go to

anyway ill start the topic.

Sound Wave

1)make a new image, any size will do. make the background black, you may change it later
NOTE: untill i say "now remove the marqee" do not remove/edit the marqee.
2)make 2 new layers, on your first layer,useing your Eliptical Marqee, make a Circle

3) useing the Gradient tool, Make a Gradient that looks somewhat like mine.

4)next double-click the layer with your circle and apply the following:
Drop Shadow
Inner shadow
Outer Glow- change the color to a darker shade of your original color
Inner Glow- Make a lighter shade of your Original Color
Satin- Turn off Invert and change the Contour to this one:
Stroke-Change position to "inside" and make the color a very dark shade of your original color
Your Circle should look more or less like this:


5)now go to Filter => Distort => Spherize and make the Amount to be 100%
  Then go to Filter => Distort => ZigZag and make the amount -100

6) go to Filter =>Stylize => Glowing edges

7) now, press CTRL+J to make a copy of the layer, then press CTRL+T and flip it 180 Degrees
   then go to Filter => Chrome. your circle should looks similar to this:

8 ) press CTRL+E to merge the layers and there you have it.
please note: i found this tutorial in my folders on Word with links n all, if its on a diff, forum,web,ect. then thats where i got it frum a LOOOONG time ago

1. Start off writing whatever your desired text is, and then apply these warp and text settings to it

Make sure you don't miss that there is NO letter spacing.

2. Next, apply the following layer style settings to the text:

If you have a better pattern to apply for texture, go for it. this is the best default Photoshop pattern I could find.

3. Now it gets a little more tricky. Duplicate your text layer and move the duplicate below the original on your Layers panel. This is going to be your layer for the background of the text. Disable the Outer Glow settings on the original, and disable the Stroke settings on the duplicate. Now, add a New Layer below the duplicate, and Merge the duplicate down into the new layer (Ctrl+E with the duplicate layer selected). This merges all of the layer style properties together, so we can apply more properties on top of them.

4. Apply these layer style settings to the duplicate layer:

The pattern under Texture is the fourth PS7 default pattern (it's kind of a woodgrain). Again, if you have a better, more metallic pattern for this, go for it.

5. You might have noticed those holes in your duplicate layer between the letters. Well, now that the layer has been rasterized and has a Color Overlay, grab a Pencil/Brush/whatever and fill in those holes with whatever color you like. The color you choose will be overwritten by the Color Overlay. Your result should look something like this:

If you're satisfied with this, huzzah! You're finished. However, for us perfectionists, you may have noticed the lack of shading to match the Smash Bros. Brawl logo, if you'd like to do that, keep reading.

6. For the shading use two layers, an Overlay, and a Saturation layer. We'll start with Overlay. Make a new layer on top of everything and set its Blending Style to Overlay (top left of the layers panel). Now, Ctrl+click your duplicate layer (the text background layer) in the Layers panel. This will give us a perfect selection around your text/logo.

Now, back on your Overlay layer, take a laaaarge airbrush (used a 400px airbrush), set its Color to black and its Opacity around 40%, and brush diagonally around the left and right edges of your text/logo. Use the edge of the brush so you don't go too dark right away. Try and look at the original Smash Bros. Brawl logo for reference on how dark to make the edges. Once satisfied, take a much smaller brush (I used a 125px airbrush), set its Color to white and its Opacity between 10-15%, and brush diagonally across the middle of your text/logo (or wherever you want it to shine). Keep doing this until you achieve a brightness resembling that of the original Smash Bros. Brawl logo. When you're done, you're result should look something like this:

7. Now you may notice that the logo looks a little oversaturated on the edges, and undersaturated in the middle. This is what the saturation layer is for. Make a new layer on top of everything again, and this time set it's Blending Style to Saturation. Now take that same smaller airbrush you were using, and set it's Color to pure Red. Now, on the saturation layer, brush along the middle of your image where you drew the highlights. Keep saturating it until it resembles the Smash Bros. Brawl logo. Now, set the brush color to black (or white), and brush along your dark edges until they resemble the Smash Bros. Brawl logo. Your result should look something like this:

there ye go


X you should so make a how to make SSBB font tutorial :)


Quote from: XtheHedgehog on July 16, 2009, 04:00:37 PM
Off topic: greetinz frum chicago
On topic: i has 0 acsess to the compy >< im on ny ipod so i cant make teh tut D:

Oh okay.


Quote from: XtheHedgehog on July 31, 2009, 01:55:18 PM
please note: i found this tutorial in my folders on Word with links n all, if its on a diff, forum,web,ect. then thats where i got it frum a LOOOONG time ago

1. Start off writing whatever your desired text is, and then apply these warp and text settings to it

Make sure you don't miss that there is NO letter spacing.

2. Next, apply the following layer style settings to the text:

If you have a better pattern to apply for texture, go for it. this is the best default Photoshop pattern I could find.

3. Now it gets a little more tricky. Duplicate your text layer and move the duplicate below the original on your Layers panel. This is going to be your layer for the background of the text. Disable the Outer Glow settings on the original, and disable the Stroke settings on the duplicate. Now, add a New Layer below the duplicate, and Merge the duplicate down into the new layer (Ctrl+E with the duplicate layer selected). This merges all of the layer style properties together, so we can apply more properties on top of them.

4. Apply these layer style settings to the duplicate layer:

The pattern under Texture is the fourth PS7 default pattern (it's kind of a woodgrain). Again, if you have a better, more metallic pattern for this, go for it.

5. You might have noticed those holes in your duplicate layer between the letters. Well, now that the layer has been rasterized and has a Color Overlay, grab a Pencil/Brush/whatever and fill in those holes with whatever color you like. The color you choose will be overwritten by the Color Overlay. Your result should look something like this:

If you're satisfied with this, huzzah! You're finished. However, for us perfectionists, you may have noticed the lack of shading to match the Smash Bros. Brawl logo, if you'd like to do that, keep reading.

6. For the shading use two layers, an Overlay, and a Saturation layer. We'll start with Overlay. Make a new layer on top of everything and set its Blending Style to Overlay (top left of the layers panel). Now, Ctrl+click your duplicate layer (the text background layer) in the Layers panel. This will give us a perfect selection around your text/logo.

Now, back on your Overlay layer, take a laaaarge airbrush (used a 400px airbrush), set its Color to black and its Opacity around 40%, and brush diagonally around the left and right edges of your text/logo. Use the edge of the brush so you don't go too dark right away. Try and look at the original Smash Bros. Brawl logo for reference on how dark to make the edges. Once satisfied, take a much smaller brush (I used a 125px airbrush), set its Color to white and its Opacity between 10-15%, and brush diagonally across the middle of your text/logo (or wherever you want it to shine). Keep doing this until you achieve a brightness resembling that of the original Smash Bros. Brawl logo. When you're done, you're result should look something like this:

7. Now you may notice that the logo looks a little oversaturated on the edges, and undersaturated in the middle. This is what the saturation layer is for. Make a new layer on top of everything again, and this time set it's Blending Style to Saturation. Now take that same smaller airbrush you were using, and set it's Color to pure Red. Now, on the saturation layer, brush along the middle of your image where you drew the highlights. Keep saturating it until it resembles the Smash Bros. Brawl logo. Now, set the brush color to black (or white), and brush along your dark edges until they resemble the Smash Bros. Brawl logo. Your result should look something like this:

there ye go

It's not letting my do the textures and stuff D: help?

Blitz the hedgehog

i liked the  legend of zelda ssbb :D

Made by Jet teh Ossum hawk


moved entire tuts into one post kthnxbai =)


Epic Topic Bump with another tutorial in Video format.  xD
If you feel like listening to almost twenty minutes of me talking and rambling, that is.  xD

Here it is.  C:

Part 1

Part 2


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 22, 2009, 03:24:11 PM
Epic Topic Bump with another tutorial in Video format.  xD
If you feel like listening to almost twenty minutes of me talking and rambling, that is.  xD

Here it is.  C:

Part 1

Part 2

Who wouldn't want to listen to 20 minutes of you rambling?


Wow... That was...
Better than some of the movies I've seen lately... Bravo.


No, seriously, I'm not kidding.


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 23, 2009, 05:52:05 AM
Who wouldn't want to listen to 20 minutes of you rambling?


Wow... That was...
Better than some of the movies I've seen lately... Bravo.


No, seriously, I'm not kidding.
rofl thanks.  xD

I studder and mispronounce alot of things though.  D:


Cool, thanks for posting a tutorial


i can't do this  if i try to use the gradient tool there stand: "could not use the gradient tool becouse the content of the layer is not directly editable"
i'm working on a sig


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 22, 2009, 03:24:11 PM
Epic Topic Bump with another tutorial in Video format.  xD
If you feel like listening to almost twenty minutes of me talking and rambling, that is.  xD

Here it is.  C:

Part 1

Part 2

lol Draco, your voice is smexy. I'm gonna download CS3...again.


Quote from: SuperSonic11 on September 12, 2009, 07:13:49 AM
lol Draco, your voice is smexy. I'm gonna download CS3...again.

draco is smexeh lol. and i got CS3, not extended... still her tuts are assum