Light the hedgehog: Tiger's side of the story.

Started by Light the Hedgehog, August 18, 2009, 05:35:54 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: you do that. i'll be having fun over here.


Elana:..Yeah ima go stay quiet he- * dissapears *

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: wtf? where'd she go? *looks left and right*if i randomly disappeared..where would i be...


Madison:..BEHIND MONKEYS!, no, too easy, in a chocolate factor-, no, thats too slilly, EGGIE!

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: oh..right...heh. i bet Mephiles nows where elana s...*flies to where mephiles is and finds him with elana* wtf?


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: have a bar of chocolate meph. *gives mephiles an exploding bar of chocolate, when it explodes he runs off with elana* that guy is such a sucker. plus that chocolate turned him into a data chip.


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger; meh. who knows? the freak is a total shadow rip-off


Quote from: Light the Hedgehog on September 18, 2009, 12:01:13 PM
Tiger; meh. who knows? the freak is a total shadow rip-off
Elana:..really, i thought it was shadow O.o

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: *shoots self from a cannon and flies around the world in one shot*


Light the Hedgehog

Stephen I CAN FLY!!!! I BELEIVE I CAN FLY!!! *crashes into a palm tree* ow..*coconuts land on head* OW!!


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: neither can i..why did we agree to go, anywayz?