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Female Gamers!!!!!!

Started by SuperBrawl10, August 21, 2009, 01:49:38 PM

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Rofl, at least someone here knows how to sew and cook.
*has been trying to get someone to teach her how to sew for ages, and cooking...rather not get into that.  -.-*


This topic has become a breeding ground for chauvinism and sexism. I am greatly amused.


Quote from: Snooky on August 23, 2009, 03:59:17 PM
This topic has become a breeding ground for chauvinism and sexism. I am greatly amused.
Yeah fuck you too lol


Quote from: Snooky on August 23, 2009, 03:59:17 PM
This topic has become a breeding ground for chauvinism and sexism. I am greatly amused.

Be careful with that. I don't want any fights starting up here


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 23, 2009, 02:33:27 PM
Rofl, at least someone here knows how to sew and cook.
*has been trying to get someone to teach her how to sew for ages, and cooking...rather not get into that.  -.-*

lol i can cook and sew 8D i also babysit O_o, i also do most of the chores so like i know stuff girls normaly do -you just saw the manlyest man on the planet aka me 8D-



Quote from: XtheHedgehog on August 24, 2009, 04:49:31 AM
lol i can cook and sew 8D i also babysit O_o, i also do most of the chores so like i know stuff girls normaly do -you just saw the manlyest man on the planet aka me 8D-


Well, yeah, babysitting is typically a given these days... I babysit almost 24/7 because my dad works almost all the time and my mom isn't around all that often... I'm seriously underpaid to watch my little brothers for that long...


I THINK  girl gamers are some of the most epic being on earth!!! mst ofmy friends in games, like stick arena, are girls, but about 2% of the girls that i meet on there are hentai-ish. so, yeah i find a problem with them, but otherwise, i play with MAINLY girls, and the website seems like at least 80% of it would be boys, but it's mostly, yeah...

wtf? i jsut noticed!! RENDEL'S NOT ON HERE!!!
i thank rendel for the sexy pic he drew me!!
cartoon ver.

i JIMP'd ~Jizzed In My Pants~ cause
John (same name <333)
(runnin outta space so you know who you are) ARE EPICALL!!!!


i beat my bro at sa2 8D thats cause i play it more often than he does. meh

girl gamers are not another being or anything liek that, just..another gamer, boys and girls are humans. just cause there is more boy gamers than girl gamers doesn't mean that there is a difference on how they play, maybe one plays more than the other..bleh.. im not the wimpy girl who cares about how she looks (i mean you dont wanna look HORRIBLE just look normal) i am the bitch/spazz who spends her time doing shit and crap that matters..meh..(BACK ON TOPIC) the point is, that., yeah thanks but we are just another gamer in this world.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 21, 2009, 03:36:04 PM
Rofl thanks?

I don't think that just because I'm a girl and I play games, that there's anything special about me.
I have the same brain structure as a male.  I'm not smarter or better at games than them.  In fact, I'm denser and suck at games.  :P
I could see it if games were like some big secret that was kept from girls, then I guess that would be something to brag about?  lol
But it's not.
Everyone has the same access to games, and in that way, everyone is equal.
It really doesn't matter.

i agree with you
i'm working on a sig


thank you for saluting me:D in fact i am a girl and  i  do love all kinds of games like grand theft auto and stuff  ME LIEKY GAMES TAT HAVE VIOLEWNCE:D


All the female gamers I've met are total b*tches
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

shalter x

Quote from: loh99 on October 02, 2009, 08:02:52 PM
I'm out of this

If u out from this . why did u post here then ? >_>

Sig made by me :D .


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 21, 2009, 03:15:49 PM
Uhhmmm... Okay... I personally don't like female gamers as a generality because of the following reason:

90% ALWAYS come on and start saying: "Oh my gawd! I'm a girl and I'm playing Halo (or any other online game), isn't that so weird? I'm so much cooler than you because I'm a girl playing video games, and I'm a GIRL! Did I mention I was playing video games and that I'm a girl!? Yeah, aren't you just so jealous? Like, oh my gawd! Did I mention I'm a girl playing video games!?" in a very "cheerleaderly" voice (Draco will know what I'm talking about).


I like the other 10% that realize that guys and girls are equal in 99.999999% of all things and just play the game. They are the cool, nice girls. Example of this type of gaming girl is Draco.

So yeah, that's my take on the subject.
I agree +1 karma

darkness shadow

saying "girls don't play games" is just stereotyping, something to be left to the media, in reality, there is no "stereotypical" way for a person to behave, as long as the law isn't broken
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


heck like 93% of the girls i know play games