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I think I'm going to have some alone time...

Started by Dracoslythe, August 28, 2009, 04:58:56 PM

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Just for like two days, not very long at all.
I just haven't been feeling myself lately, and I seriously need some time to think and hopefully straighten it out.
Bullshit personal problems that doesn't concern anyone, is all.

Not feeling myself =
-epically super ultra depressed/moody/very emotional (probably bottled up feelings.  I'm not the type to let anyone know of any emotional things I'm going through, and I guess the bottle just busted)
-hurting all over (you try carrying a 25 pound backpack back and forth from classes/home/school everyday)
-school (this is only a tiny bit of it, believe it or not)
-stress (long story that I don't really feel like going into...)
-could have something to do with my parents turning into total douchebags in the past few days
-been a bit more aggressive (I don't know what's wrong.  I've just...snapped at people for no reason.  Even made my 8 year old cousin cry -that made me feel terrible- and I hit my other little cousin that's 12 just for saying something that pissed me off...and I got in trouble multiple times for mouthing off to my parents in a not so nice fashion -one time, actually, it was more like cussing my mom out...another long story that I don't wanna go into-)

and now I'm crying like crazy and won't yeah.  I'll still be here for tonight, but probalby not tomorrow or Sunday...
Watch me be back tomorrow rofl, it's hard to stay away.
if I do, I won't post much though, probably just lurk around and make sure that spammers are taken care of.  Don't wanna slack off lol

I will be on MSN though, because I have to do some school projects that require the use of my computer, so if you really want to talk to me, just talk to me on there...

Super Sonic Boom

Aw, I hope you feel better Draco! :'(

If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm on have my email address.
If you don't it's [email protected]

You can always talk to me if you need someone to consult with.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 28, 2009, 04:58:56 PM
Just for like two days, not very long at all.
I just haven't been feeling myself lately, and I seriously need some time to think and hopefully straighten it out.
Bullshit personal problems that doesn't concern anyone, is all.

Not feeling myself =
-epically super ultra depressed/moody/very emotional (probably bottled up feelings.  I'm not the type to let anyone know of any emotional things I'm going through, and I guess the bottle just busted)
-hurting all over (you try carrying a 25 pound backpack back and forth from classes/home/school everyday)
-school (this is only a tiny bit of it, believe it or not)
-stress (long story that I don't really feel like going into...)
-could have something to do with my parents turning into total douchebags in the past few days
-been a bit more aggressive (I don't know what's wrong.  I've just...snapped at people for no reason.  Even made my 8 year old cousin cry -that made me feel terrible- and I hit my other little cousin that's 12 just for saying something that pissed me off...and I got in trouble multiple times for mouthing off to my parents in a not so nice fashion -one time, actually, it was more like cussing my mom out...another long story that I don't wanna go into-)

and now I'm crying like crazy and won't yeah.  I'll still be here for tonight, but probalby not tomorrow or Sunday...
Watch me be back tomorrow rofl, it's hard to stay away.
if I do, I won't post much though, probably just lurk around and make sure that spammers are taken care of.  Don't wanna slack off lol

I will be on MSN though, because I have to do some school projects that require the use of my computer, so if you really want to talk to me, just talk to me on there...

I would normally include sarcastic remarks, but I understand that this is a serious issue, so I won't. I would just like to say however, if you ever need to talk to someone about something, I'm here and willing to listen. Hope you have a good time away!  ;D


Quote from: Super Sonic Boom on August 28, 2009, 05:12:23 PM
Aw, I hope you feel better Draco! :'(

If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm on have my email address.
If you don't it's [email protected]

You can always talk to me if you need someone to consult with.
I have it.  ^ - ^
Thanks anyway.  C:

Quote from: annoyinglad on August 28, 2009, 05:12:46 PM
I would normally include sarcastic remarks, but I understand that this is a serious issue, so I won't. I would just like to say however, if you ever need to talk to someone about something, I'm here and willing to listen. Hope you have a good time away!  ;D
haha, sarcastic remarks are your calling card though!
But thanks.  (:


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 28, 2009, 05:14:25 PM
haha, sarcastic remarks are your calling card though!
But thanks.  (:

But I try to be more than just that. I know when to shut up and be the sensitive, understanding guy. I would offer my MSN so we could chat, but:

1. That's imposing on your break...
2. I've never used it before... :P


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 28, 2009, 05:17:04 PM
But I try to be more than just that. I know when to shut up and be the sensitive, understanding guy. I would offer my MSN so we could chat, but:

1. That's imposing on your break...
2. I've never used it before... :P
Haha, yeah, and that's a great quality to have.

1.  I offered for people to talk to me over msn lol
2.  it's not hard really.  xP


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 28, 2009, 05:18:08 PM
Haha, yeah, and that's a great quality to have.

1.  I offered for people to talk to me over msn lol
2.  it's not hard really.  xP

I know, but that's just because you're a people's person, I just feel like it would be rude to you if I started a conversation and took up a lot of your time, especially on a break.


Quote from: annoyinglad on August 28, 2009, 05:21:40 PM
I know, but that's just because you're a people's person, I just feel like it would be rude to you if I started a conversation and took up a lot of your time, especially on a break.
Well that's considerate. (:

Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 28, 2009, 05:36:35 PM
Well that's considerate. (:

It's also considerate to check in on people you know and love, even if it's just a quick "Hey" and "How are you?" ;)


Quote from: Super Sonic Boom on August 28, 2009, 05:47:01 PM
It's also considerate to check in on people you know and love, even if it's just a quick "Hey" and "How are you?"
That's the main reason that I'll be lurking.
Even if I don't post, I'll possibly PM the ones that I talk to alot who are online.

Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 28, 2009, 05:47:58 PM
That's the main reason that I'll be lurking.
Even if I don't post, I'll possibly PM the ones that I talk to alot who are online.

I like how you say "lurking" to say that you'll be going around the forum.

Anyway, you do whatever's right for you...if you wanna PM people fine. :D


Coincidentally thats how long I'm going away for almost the same reasons
and that I have to help my Bro move into his new apartment

but anyways,see you late Sunday
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Dracoslythe on August 28, 2009, 04:58:56 PM
Just for like two days, not very long at all.
I just haven't been feeling myself lately, and I seriously need some time to think and hopefully straighten it out.
Bullshit personal problems that doesn't concern anyone, is all.

Not feeling myself =
-epically super ultra depressed/moody/very emotional (probably bottled up feelings.  I'm not the type to let anyone know of any emotional things I'm going through, and I guess the bottle just busted)
-hurting all over (you try carrying a 25 pound backpack back and forth from classes/home/school everyday)
-school (this is only a tiny bit of it, believe it or not)
-stress (long story that I don't really feel like going into...)
-could have something to do with my parents turning into total douchebags in the past few days
-been a bit more aggressive (I don't know what's wrong.  I've just...snapped at people for no reason.  Even made my 8 year old cousin cry -that made me feel terrible- and I hit my other little cousin that's 12 just for saying something that pissed me off...and I got in trouble multiple times for mouthing off to my parents in a not so nice fashion -one time, actually, it was more like cussing my mom out...another long story that I don't wanna go into-)

and now I'm crying like crazy and won't yeah.  I'll still be here for tonight, but probalby not tomorrow or Sunday...
Watch me be back tomorrow rofl, it's hard to stay away.
if I do, I won't post much though, probably just lurk around and make sure that spammers are taken care of.  Don't wanna slack off lol

I will be on MSN though, because I have to do some school projects that require the use of my computer, so if you really want to talk to me, just talk to me on there...

I feel sorta like that everyday. Hope you'll get better in some days, remember: think positive! I've been the loneliest guy in class for soon ten years, I could have ended like one of the school masacre kiddos, but there is other good things to live for :)

If you want to, contact me by my contact email: [email protected]
What would SEGA be without Sonic? I don't know XP

I'm back...


Bai Draco. I think you'll be de-admined if John hears this. Anyways, here's my MSN [email protected]


Quote from: SuperSonic11 on August 30, 2009, 04:27:15 PM
Bai Draco. I think you'll be de-admined if John hears this. Anyways, here's my MSN [email protected]
Yeah but I didn't leave totally.
I went out to the movies, and that sorta cheered me up.

And the thing with Wind:
he said he was going to be gone until like Christmas
I was only going to be gone two days.

Anyway, I'll lock the topic now since it doesn't apply anymore.