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Bf/gf problems thread

Started by sonicmaddave, September 01, 2009, 01:56:43 AM

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I know,they r beautiful aren't they?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


i guess

that is why i gave up love


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


ok read back a while i got a pic of a vagina thats sick man i throw up for that ok than this girl ask me to take off her shirt
ok i dont need this ok its bullshit by design



Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: HMS7 on September 27, 2009, 01:11:35 PM
ok read back a while i got a pic of a vagina thats sick man i throw up for that ok than this girl ask me to take off her shirt
ok i dont need this ok its bullshit by design
Let's examine this post:

You receive a picture of a vagina. Do you bang the chick who sent it? No.

Then a chick wants you to take off her shirt. Do you do this? No. Do you bang her? No.

What is wrong with you? o_O


Big problem right now.  Here's a copy and paste of what I put into MSN, cause it's alot, and I don't feel like retyping it:

you know that my ex and I broke up a while ago.  then he ended up going out with the bi girl, them breaking up, and never wanting anything to do with her.  well, to be honest, the breakup really did hurt, although I never showed it.  well, tham means I still kinda had feelings.  It wasn't like "OMG BF/GF" feelings, but more or less like he's the closest thing without being a boyfriend.
*Well, I thin he still has feelings for the other girl who they broke up like three times and got together.  thee of their relationships lasted like 2-4 months, while one of ours lasted like a year.  probably longer if if woulda happened earlier.
Well tonight at the homecoming dance, I was feeling really jealous.  so much that I was crying.  then some stranger came up to me and talked to me, making me feel a little better.  so Michael (ex bf) left the group that  the girl and some of our friends were in, so I went over there feeling pretty good (about the last 5 minutes of the dance)
*well, the other two guys were trying to cheer me up and stuff, and it kinda worked.  Well, then I had to leave, so I passed around hugs, and one of them was like "a little kiss before you go?"  i figured on the cheek or something.
*I hardly know this kid, he's a friend, but hardly know him.  if that makes sense
anyway, we ended up making out right in front on Michael.  .__.  now I feel so bad for it.  I've never...I'm not the type to...
*It was kinda my fault.  I think I led him on.
*Cause I was trying to make Michael a little jealous.  you know how girls are, I think.
*so I was all huggy huggy and shit.
*So yeah.  I think it was my fault in the end.  And I feel terrible about the whole making out thing anyway.  But it was worse because I didn't want to take the "revenge jealousy" that far.  Right.  In.  Front.  Of.  Him.
*Now I feel like just dying.  ._.
*I've had two little bottles of weak rum.  First time I've dran, that much.
*and on top of it, I almost did speed (drugs) too.  ._.
*I was that desperate to be cheered up.
*But then I was like "what the fuck am I doing?"  about the speed.
*One night, I've done so manyt fucking things out of character.
Hev(Michael) kinda seemed upset.  He distanced himself from me.  We'll see how it goes tomorrow.  He's on my bowling team.
*God.  I shouldn't have gone...I just shouldn't have...

I never thought I would get caught up in that kinda drama.  I'm not exactly the popular type, so I figured I was safe from that shit.
*I guess not.
*Now it's led to me acting out of character, drinking, almost taking drugs...all in the matter of like two or three hours.
*I really have no fucking reason to ever see the light of day again.  EVER.

The kid...
I was hugging him, and like I said, he asked for "a little kiss" so I figured it would be on the cheek or something, you know, since I hardly know him.  and then he.  yeah.  I tried to pull away, but either he was strong or I was weak cause I couldn't do it.  so I was like "I have to go," and ran off.  and I wish that I could go back in time, cause I would have never done that if I knew he was going to pull that stunt...

I've never thought of suicide more than I do now.
One night, and I revert to...someone totally different.

what a great fucking way to end my last few minutes of being 15...


you should talk to your Mephy-kinz about it


or just sleep it off,pretend it was a bad dream,distance yourself from ppl for a few hours listen to My Little Ponies and soon it will all be a funny memory
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


Quote from: Windlessusher on October 03, 2009, 02:22:02 PM
you should talk to your Mephy-kinz about it


or just sleep it off,pretend it was a bad dream,distance yourself from ppl for a few hours listen to My Little Ponies and soon it will all be a funny memory
Well, I talked to him about it, and I have my friend talking to the kid who did that.
Michael understands, and knows it wasn't my fault.  I had help from a friend with that.
It kinda went like this (using first initials):

A (friend who helped and is talking to other kid): I'm going to get someone to jump T for me.
Me:  Can you tell said person to jump him for what he did to me?
A:  yeah sure.
Michael (of which we all know already):  So what exactly happened?  It was dark and I was texting (he knew what happened though.  I guess he was trying to get an explanation about it)
Me:  Well, uh...I hugged him, and then...well...
A:  He forced himself on her.
Michael:  oh, so that's what happened?
Me:  Yeah.  And I feel like it's my fault...
Michael:  it wasn't.  i understand.
Then we're at Michael's house playing FF10 and making our usual sexual jokes cause his parents weren't home.  And I had more rum.  Vanilla this time.  He didn't like it (neither did I), but A did.  rofl.
So yeah.  We're all happy go lucky again.  (:


Quote from: Dracoslythe on October 04, 2009, 04:04:21 PM
Well, I talked to him about it, and I have my friend talking to the kid who did that.
Michael understands, and knows it wasn't my fault.  I had help from a friend with that.
It kinda went like this (using first initials):

A (friend who helped and is talking to other kid): I'm going to get someone to jump T for me.
Me:  Can you tell said person to jump him for what he did to me?
A:  yeah sure.
Michael (of which we all know already):  So what exactly happened?  It was dark and I was texting (he knew what happened though.  I guess he was trying to get an explanation about it)
Me:  Well, uh...I hugged him, and then...well...
A:  He forced himself on her.
Michael:  oh, so that's what happened?
Me:  Yeah.  And I feel like it's my fault...
Michael:  it wasn't.  i understand.
Then we're at Michael's house playing FF10 and making our usual sexual jokes cause his parents weren't home.  And I had more rum.  Vanilla this time.  He didn't like it (neither did I), but A did.  rofl.
So yeah.  We're all happy go lucky again.  (:

glad to see it all worked out 8D

FFX good choice of game btw lol


A little late but...

Someone gave you an involuntary eskimo hug and you almost did meth? I...just...what...


Quote from: NiGHTS on October 04, 2009, 04:06:57 PM
glad to see it all worked out 8D

FFX good choice of game btw lol
Haha yeah.
Yunalesca was a BITCH.
Went through every one of Yuna's aeons except for Shiva.  rofl

Snooky, no.
not just a hug.  ._.
and it was speed.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on October 04, 2009, 04:10:36 PM
Haha yeah.
Yunalesca was a BITCH.
Went through every one of Yuna's aeons except for Shiva.  rofl

Snooky, no.
not just a hug.  ._.
and it was speed.
I thought speed = meth?

And I has nothing to say about that I...oh God flashbacks no thanks now o_@