adventures of the inhabitants of mobius

Started by darkness shadow, November 05, 2008, 12:14:41 PM

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darkness shadow

aurum: eh, it's ok, it's not like you were yourself, anyway, one toasted, washed and bruised raiden comming right up! *warps back to the fight*
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Ok...  I'm coming, just like you need me... sigh"  Sem sayed then started to fly to the fight.

Raiden knew what happened and runned away, he knew what they talked. "What?" Sem sayed while Riaden run past him. Raiden grabbed him saying "You're coming whit me, bad enemy!". "Hey, not again! HELP!" Sem yelled.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

darkness shadow

supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"RAIDEN! You coward! Come back here and fight like... whatever it is YOU are!"

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"Why to fight when its so easy to win!" Raiden sayed. "ARGH, I'm gonna stop you, Raiden" Sem sayed then made it rain and Raiden vanished cuz the rain shorted him. "Is that you, Arrow?" Sem sayed. "Long time no see, eh? I hopw you didn't miss me that much, I was tied up in a forest but Aurum saved me..." Sem tole Arrow.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


Alex laughed and shook his head while looking at the ground. He then stopped and looked at Sem, "You do know my name isnt Arrow, right? Thats just my other form, and besides i cant change into Arrow right now because of Raiden... he hit my transforming thing and now its broken..."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"I'm so sorry, all of this happened... because of me..." Sem sayed whit a sad voice.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


"Eh, its ok. It WAS keeping me alive because of that robot attack, but i should be find on my own now. It'll just take a few minutes to fix up, but then again i havent looked at the damages so i dont know how bad it is."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"I may help you... at least it can't be badder than this" Sem sayed while showing a scar on his arm. "Lets go to work... at least this is what I can do..." he sayed.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


"Owch, anyway sure, lets take a look at it..." He said as he pulled down his cloak's collar and looked down at the totally beaten up thing on his chest, "Wow, thats gonna take some work..."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"Time is on our side" Sem sayed whit a wink in his eye. "Time stop! Now literary it will take no time" he sayed. "I tihnk it can be fixed, what is it made of, metal, diamond,..?" he sayed.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


"Metal, powered by a chaos emerald deep inside there that Aurum put in, it shouldnt be too hard to fix... but if you didnt do time stop it would've taken a few weeks. Without this im pretty weak since i can turn into Arrow and have the super speed."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"Meatl and Chaos emerald.... hmm.... Well, that can be fixed! Natural... Grow!!!" Sem sayed and stones of iron grew outta the ground. "Natural Grow!" Sem yelled and a dave of emeralds came outta the ground. "Is this enoug? I can re-shape the Iron and the emeralds if you need." Sem sayed.
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


"I can shape it, i may need you to put in the power source though..." Alex said as he started to work on the piece.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"The power source... shall I give you from my own power?" he asked
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^