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Started by Gleech, November 24, 2009, 06:45:51 AM

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Quote from: EchidnaPower on August 20, 2010, 03:20:49 PM
Code Purple

Ok, this is going to sound totally unlike me...but I feel like punching a hole in the wall! Yes, I've quite honestly had it. The wife of the Pastor at my church thinks I'm some sort of sexual predator, she blocks me off from the girl I like at every turn. She's her daughter, she has that right. But what drives me nuts is that she pretends she's not doing anything! And my girl, she's forced to avoid me like the plague otherwise she gets a major chewing out when she gets home.

Every other boy in the church or even at her school is allowed to do whatever with her, but not me. It's only me. Meanwhile, her little sister (her more physically developed little sister mind you), gets to hang around every boy in the church or at school without issue. She can hug who she likes, kiss who she likes, and her mom will leave it be. And as a matter of fact, that list of boys could include me if she wanted!

I'm just so tired of it. I wanna leave that church and start fresh at a new church. A church where I won't be treated like someone to avoid. For five years I've worked hard at my church, and I've gotten nowhere. I liked my old church better, at least there I was liked by the adults.

Sorry guys, but I just had to get that off my chest.
If you could, I'd invite you to come over here to our church. It's very nice, and we don't treat anyone like that :/

I'll be praying for you, though.

Also, an update... My grandpa died today. I'm actually... not too sad about it. He's in Heaven now, where theres no pain, sadness, or death. There's most likely going to be an empty feeling for the next few days, though.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Never mind. I practically got dumped this morning.

I love Jesus! Do you?


i'm sorry to hear that EP D: it was most likely cause she kept getting in trouble for it and were not getting allowed to be around her but maybe if her parents don't think you guys are together anymore they may allow you to talk to her again which may have been her reason for doing that.


Quote from: EchidnaPower on August 21, 2010, 09:12:21 AM
Never mind. I practically got dumped this morning.
Awww!! >___< Dude, thats sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: EchidnaPower on August 21, 2010, 09:12:21 AM
Never mind. I practically got dumped this morning.
Me too.


Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


relationship problems
They're fun to watch
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!

darkness shadow

Quote from: windlessusher on September 01, 2010, 08:24:49 PM
relationship problems
They're fun to watch
that's very thoughtful of you, i'm sure if you ever need advice or some1 2 talk 2 here they'll happily turn your request down =P
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Quote from: Gleech on August 22, 2010, 02:28:11 PM
D: I'm sorry! >_<
Now I have a new one, I asked her out on monday ^^


Quote from: Darkness Shadow on September 02, 2010, 10:09:37 AM
that's very thoughtful of you, i'm sure if you ever need advice or some1 2 talk 2 here they'll happily turn your request down =P
oh you and your biasy  :)
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


I'm kind of having a good month. School started, got all of my friends together. Started off with good grades. I even have my crush/former crush as my friend. Today, I complimented on her hair, glasses, and herself in general. She replied, "Really? Thanks. I think my hair is ugly" and I replied "It's really cute. If I had to pick a girl with the cutest hair in the 8th grade, it'll be you." She replied, "Thank you". I know that the song she really likes right now is Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are". I told her, "When I heard that song, I only thought about you". She said, "Aw thanks". What do you guys think I should do next?

Super Sonic Boom

Quote from: SuperSonic12 on September 21, 2010, 11:50:18 AM
I'm kind of having a good month. School started, got all of my friends together. Started off with good grades. I even have my crush/former crush as my friend. Today, I complimented on her hair, glasses, and herself in general. She replied, "Really? Thanks. I think my hair is ugly" and I replied "It's really cute. If I had to pick a girl with the cutest hair in the 8th grade, it'll be you." She replied, "Thank you". I know that the song she really likes right now is Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are". I told her, "When I heard that song, I only thought about you". She said, "Aw thanks". What do you guys think I should do next?

OH HO HO, 11th grade for me...utter hell.
I think I'm going out of my mind, but that's ok because I'm getting use to the work load and shiz the teachers put on us. lol


Quote from: SuperSonic12 on September 21, 2010, 11:50:18 AM
I'm kind of having a good month. School started, got all of my friends together. Started off with good grades. I even have my crush/former crush as my friend. Today, I complimented on her hair, glasses, and herself in general. She replied, "Really? Thanks. I think my hair is ugly" and I replied "It's really cute. If I had to pick a girl with the cutest hair in the 8th grade, it'll be you." She replied, "Thank you". I know that the song she really likes right now is Bruno Mars' "Just the Way You Are". I told her, "When I heard that song, I only thought about you". She said, "Aw thanks". What do you guys think I should do next?

Sounds promising, but there's always a chance it's still just her being friendly. Keep playing it safe. Be her friend, compliment her like you've been doing, but try to take it easy with the flirting. Take it from a man with personal experience, if you come on too strong, you look desperate, and that gives her power over you.

Something I learned from my mother while I was still with my ex. If you chase her, she'll treat you worse. But if you let her chase you, you have control over the relationship. There's never a "balanced relationship" unless its marriage. If you're still dating (or trying to get a date) there's always (repeat, ALWAYS) going to be one chasing, and one running. Don't be the chaser or you've got no shot.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: Super Sonic Boom on September 21, 2010, 01:51:21 PM
OH HO HO, 11th grade for me...utter hell.
I think I'm going out of my mind, but that's ok because I'm getting use to the work load and shiz the teachers put on us. lol

Good luck man. I'm only in the 8th grade.

Quote from: EchidnaPower on September 21, 2010, 02:50:52 PM
Sounds promising, but there's always a chance it's still just her being friendly. Keep playing it safe. Be her friend, compliment her like you've been doing, but try to take it easy with the flirting. Take it from a man with personal experience, if you come on too strong, you look desperate, and that gives her power over you.

Something I learned from my mother while I was still with my ex. If you chase her, she'll treat you worse. But if you let her chase you, you have control over the relationship. There's never a "balanced relationship" unless its marriage. If you're still dating (or trying to get a date) there's always (repeat, ALWAYS) going to be one chasing, and one running. Don't be the chaser or you've got no shot.

All right. I got EP. Thanks for the support.  ;)


Code Blue
Last night, I was out with my uncle and he was setting up his deer blind, prepping his guns (blah blah blah) when he was putting one up, he accidentally pulled the trigger and it shot me in my leg, shattering the bone.