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Oh, Gleech...

Started by Kirby, December 22, 2009, 12:48:53 PM

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Quote from: JetTheHawk on December 23, 2009, 06:37:10 AM
epic phail

Btw, Draco has a message for you,
"Katie says: (11:38:10 AM)
i cant see the forum  D=  but just tell them that draco said knock it off or their dead meath when she gets back  :3"

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


right this has honestly gone on long enough

we say snooky was banned for disrespecting gleech and being rude

but dismissing other peoples opinions and just shoving your religion in their face even if they clearly dont like it, isn't that also disrespectful?


so both sides are in the wrong so why cant you ladies just put your handbags away

Jordan teh Echidna

So basically Snooky say you're condescending to people? bleh that ain't true >:|
Knowing you, you're like the most bravest guy I know (yeah, I know, and i know a LOT of people)
I WAS gonna stand up, i just didn't know the effects of the drugs (actually...we never learnt about them at school, pfff where do i get educated, burger king?)
I quoted ya in mah sig too ;D

I woulda said: "Bad boy, drugs bad, go sit in naughty corner >:C"
Pesterchum = sirJayden

Chaos Swissroll

Quote from: NiGHTS on December 23, 2009, 06:40:36 AM
right this has honestly gone on long enough

we say snooky was banned for disrespecting gleech and being rude

but dismissing other peoples opinions and just shoving your religion in their face even if they clearly dont like it, isn't that also disrespectful?


so both sides are in the wrong so why cant you ladies just put your handbags away
but both sides are funnily off-topic


Quote from: Chaos Swissroll on December 23, 2009, 06:44:06 AM
but both sides are funnily off-topic

aye but maybe all these constant arguements also dont help the activeness spoke about in another topic

i mean only titwanks would purposly sign up for a forum for arguements

so normal people would be put off

Chaos Swissroll

Quote from: NiGHTS on December 23, 2009, 06:45:48 AM
aye but maybe all these constant arguements also dont help the activeness spoke about in another topic

i mean only titwanks would purposly sign up for a forum for arguements

so normal people would be put off
let me analyze this situation:Gleech is forcing Snooky to suck, while Snooky hates it and fires his laz0r


Quote from: Chaos Swissroll on December 23, 2009, 06:48:19 AM
let me analyze this situation:Gleech is forcing Snooky to suck, while Snooky hates it and fires his laz0r

let me analyze the situation

*error 3409u504tguf09u43095*

epic noobish phail


Quote from: Chaos Swissroll on December 23, 2009, 06:48:19 AM
let me analyze this situation:Gleech is forcing Snooky to suck, while Snooky hates it and fires his laz0r
Erm... that makes NO sense at all. I wasn't the one who started this. I find it amusing that you think that, only due to the fact that I was fighting harder than most others did.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

Chaos Swissroll

Quote from: NiGHTS on December 23, 2009, 06:50:07 AM
let me analyze the situation

*error 3409u504tguf09u43095*

epic noobish phail
Gleech preaches Snooky and Snooky fires back...

okay i admit i fail
Quote from: Gleech on December 23, 2009, 06:52:10 AM
Erm... that makes NO sense at all. I wasn't the one who started this. I find it amusing that you think that, only due to the fact that I was fighting harder than most others did.
but you could of stopped after that.
i think you should have seen that snooky don't want the preaching, and have stopped in the beginning, and you are still getting off topic, should have just warned for disrespecting instead

p.s:and locked the topic


Quote from: Gleech on December 23, 2009, 06:52:10 AM
Erm... that makes NO sense at all. I wasn't the one who started this. I find it amusing that you think that, only due to the fact that I was fighting harder than most others did.

oh so mature fueling arguemtents lulz

sorry it had to be said

Chaos Swissroll

Quote from: NiGHTS on December 23, 2009, 07:14:57 AM
oh so mature fueling arguemtents lulz

sorry it had to be said
who's gonna argue with this


That's it! Can we just end this already?! What's done is done. I say that we lock this topic and pretend it never happened. The good of the forum takes presedence over all else. And this is bad for it. All in favor?

I love Jesus! Do you?


Snooky says this

I see you want to argue C:

QuoteHAHA funny thing.
I love jokes.

QuoteHe left the convo first. Thus he is the loser here.
If you're refering to the MSN chat we had, I saved a log because it was so special. Let me take a look at how it ended...oh right, I said you were a bad person and in closing, fuck you.
QuoteSnooky          Da          Pothead     says:
*But I've made an attempt to understand you, where you're coming from....
*And I've seen....that you're an asshole.
*So in closing, fuck you.
Note the word "closing." Now this is how you decided to exit the conversation:
QuoteAlex 'Gleech' says:
*next time
*think before you act
Not only was that not relevant to the conversation AT ALL, there was no clear winner here (assuming you want to make this into a contest, which you seem to want to...which is very mature). Whoever leaves the conversation first does not dictate the winner. The loser of an argument can keep spouting gibberish after the bigger man stops talking, it doesn't mean he's a winner.

QuoteI was willing to fight harder and harder, no matter how much I'm drained.
Good thing I don't get drained from typing, huh.

QuoteI never SAID I lost
I never said you said you lost.

QuoteI closed that topic because people were begging for that topic to end.
You mean the 2 people rallying behind you currently? I call bullshit.

QuoteSo Snooky, you're the real loser for not seeing the truth.
You're so hypocritical. All this cunning and you don't even know how to focus and use it correctly. You could be the next Charles Manson if you put your mind to it, too bad you don't seem to be using it.

QuoteI was the one that held up the most fight, you were only saying immature pictures
Even in this topic people are talking about image macros, and your tiny mind still can't grasp the concept. Also, one cannot "say" a picture.

Quotename calling
Unlike you.

Quoteand other things.
Sure, why not.

QuoteYou started this, and it takes a real man to end it. I ended it, and no matter my age, or what I say, I'll ALWAYS be more than you expect.
More of a hypocritical bullshitting loser, that's for sure.

QuoteYou don't know half my life
You don't know half of mine either. Point being?

Quoteif I recall, you called me a 'higher class that looks down on lower class like you'. Well, guess what.
Hey, you guess what. On earth, we call that a metaphor.

QuoteI never said anything close to that.
You should probably Google the word metaphor so you know what it means.

QuoteYou made up half the fight in your own mind
Well yes, I do tend to use my mind when talking or well, doing anything. There's this thing called "thinking".

Quotenot even seeing the truth about me. You know nothing and never will, wanna' know why?
Sure thing brosef.

QuoteBecause I only tell my life to friends, and you, sir, are no friend of mine.
Oh, what's this? The man who, throughout the argument, was supposedly "helping me" because I was his friend?
Remember that PM I sent you in our little PM string (all of which I have saved in a nifty text file)?
You don't even give a shit about my health anymore. Now you're just out to prove me wrong.
Something rings true. And it continues to prove how mature you really are.

QuoteInsulting my family, the way I was raised,
If by that you mean this:
QuoteSnooky          Da          Pothead     says:
*Your parents seem to be really hardcore christians.

Quotemy life, and everyone I care about in it?
Remind me, when did this happen? It's nowhere in the chat log of the entire conversation we had.

QuoteYou think that makes you cooler, and a winner?
I love it when you put words in my mouth, and assume stupid things.

QuoteIt doesn't. You're a loser for also insulting the Bible and saying that it was crud.
Harhar, Gleech believes it, it must be so, right?

QuoteLike one of my friends said, "You expect a giant golden arm to come out of the sky and write stuff on a giant piece of paper and stick it on a giant refrigerator for everyone to see"?
That's pretty much what the bible is to you, isn't it?

If you argue, I'm just gonna argue back, because I have a ballsack, and I already know the outcome of all this. But it's my secret, so keep on :3


Snooky, your very retarded.

Chaos Swissroll

it really sounds like it's turning into an argue, history repeats again.