Operation: Deadly Double. (Serious Role Play)

Started by HereAndThere, January 12, 2010, 02:21:50 AM

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Shade gets down from the coconut tree and helped Charming


"Thanks Shade...." Charming took 3 sticks and put fish onto the peak of them and put them over the fire.



"Good......" Jeexx was happy to see some food.
"Well have a raft in maybe, 2 days." Jeexx said to Shade and Charming.



"You two stay here, i'm gonna go look around the forest...", Jeexx said, picked up his SOCOM and headed inside the forest.


-slams his hands onto the topcs chest-
You ain't die!
Wait...Why don't i just bump this thing?
Meh, already doing that :3
Well yeah, i didn't want this topic to disappear under the pile of RP's.
So I tought of making it come back alive.
And for people who might start complaining about the bump, fuck you  :D
So yeah, that's pretty much it now.
-loads a D.E-


OOC:I got it xD

Shade saw something on the sea.
Shade squinted.It was a boat.Then he saw two more,then three!Shade couldn't believe it!It was too good to be true................

It was.They were from Steel's team.

"Quick,we gotta go!" Shade said,and ran into the jungle


i shall Join!

Name:Apcas The hedgehog
Codename: Little Gray
Reason for codename*: Apcas collected numerous amounts of items off of the battlefield and was later rewarded with the codename: Little Gray
Rank: Ex Commander. Apcas was part of the SEAL Team 10 before The Big Shell blew up.
Looks*:*points at Avi*
Personality:Laid Back.
Weapons (If has any):SOCOM Pistol, P90, and M4 Custom
Other Equpiment (If has any):NONE
Powers* (Needs one that doesn't kill the enemy):Apcas can preform a scan that lets him know all of the enemy's details.
History:Apcas was sent to Military school at the age of twelve, and from that moment on, he was a solider.


Quote from: MikeyLevi on April 06, 2010, 05:08:14 AM
i shall Join!

Name:Apcas The hedgehog
Codename: Little Gray
Reason for codename*: Apcas collected numerous amounts of items off of the battlefield and was later rewarded with the codename: Little Gray
Rank: Ex Commander. Apcas was part of the SEAL Team 10 before The Big Shell blew up.
Looks*:*points at Avi*
Personality:Laid Back.
Weapons (If has any):SOCOM Pistol, P90, and M4 Custom
Other Equpiment (If has any):NONE
Powers* (Needs one that doesn't kill the enemy):Apcas can preform a scan that lets him know all of the enemy's details.
History:Apcas was sent to Military school at the age of twelve, and from that moment on, he was a solider.

Charming got up and ran into th jungle as well.
"..." Jeexx was aiming at a monkey.
"Gotcha!" Jeexx was gonna shoot, but the Monkey got scared and ran away, because of Shade running by Jeexx.


Quote from: jeexx on April 06, 2010, 04:37:32 PM

Charming got up and ran into th jungle as well.
"..." Jeexx was aiming at a monkey.
"Gotcha!" Jeexx was gonna shoot, but the Monkey got scared and ran away, because of Shade running by Jeexx.
*sees Jeexx and Shade* Who the hell are they?  Better stay undercover until I get some new info on these two.


"Jeexx,we got a problem........." Shade said and explained what he saw to Jeexx


"Hell yeah! You scared away my breakfeast >:U", Jeexx was kinda annoyed.


Shade rolled his eyes
"I got a plan................."
Shade explained to Charming and Jeexx the plan:
"Jeexx,you distract the guards and Charming will hijack a boat.I'll be right behind Charming for protection.It sounds simple,but,i'm not sure..............."


Jeexx loaded his M4.
"I'm just gonna shoot them all =P"
Jeexx was gonna go shoot them.

"Oh hi Eagle." A voice came from behind Jeexx.

"...." Jeexx turned around and got temporarily blinded by the flashbang that was thrown near him.
"FUUUU-" Jeexx was knocked out and thrown into the boat.