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Started by Light the Hedgehog, December 11, 2008, 11:32:16 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

Quote from: ben-the-werhog on March 22, 2009, 08:50:34 AM
nine talled fox (ben): dont you dare even talk abot X.A.N.A!
me: don't you realize?! X.A.N.A. was trying to destroy us from the start! when will you realize that we...*NTF uses random attack on me*...all...have a*dies*

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:..*sees what anti-ben did to me*...nng...*full moon randomly comes out*...grrr....*roars like a tiger and joins ben in his fight against anit-ben*

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:....*Model Ws appear around him*....MEGAMERGE! *merges into Megaman Model W*


Blaze:..elana  wake up


Blaze;NOOO *crys*

Light the Hedgehog DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!?!?!?! *giant white ball appears around him*!!!!!!!! *the white ball expands and engulfs the whole planet*


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN! IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY!!!! I MUST..PROTECT..EVERYONE I CARE FOR!!!!! *the whole world rumbles...*....RAAAAAGH!!!! *white beams comes out of his eyes and mouth*....RAAARGH!!! *everything is normal again*....ugh....*faints*


Elana:*TIGER *runs to tiger*

Light the Hedgehog

me: TIGER!!! *warps over to Tiger and picks him up*..he's all worn out....he blew out nearly all of his Chaos Energy in that action....but he's still breathing...he just needs to rest...



ELana:*wraps tiger in ablanket*

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: *is still fainted*...

me:..i know he'll be okay...


Light the Hedgehog

Black Chaos:...hmm..i bet i can use my shape shifting ability to...*morphs into a hedgehog-like form*

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: wasn't X.A.N.A. destroyed?