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Started by Light the Hedgehog, December 11, 2008, 11:32:16 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

Tiger :*shuddering*...everything..i could here...everything..that they were thinking!!!

me:..ah, the poor child..


Elana:...ya that poor child..

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:..excuse me while i go scream for no specific reason...*goes inside my back back and screams to the tun e of Beetoven's 9th*


ELana:..that was alittle uncalled for...

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:..*pops head out*..hey! i found the pichu brothers in here!

Pichu (younger): PICHU!

Pichu (older): PICHU-PI!


Elana:havent seen them in a while

Light the Hedgehog

me:...*randomly whistles the Pichu Bros. theme song*.....

OOC: this is the pichu brother's theme song


Elana: their the pichu brothers, but i'm sure you knew that! (pichu, pichu pichu!) cuz these two i know most far and wide! (pichu pichu pichu!) just try and guess the next place they'll turn up at! ya see life's a blast, with your best friend by your side! they see the world iiin their own unique way, an amusement park where everybody GETS IN FREE! they're never sure just what's in store for them each day! ONE THIGNS FOR SURE: good times are garunteed! pichu, pichu that's their name! pichu, pichu FUN'S THEIR GAME! of course, there are times things don't go right. even the best of buddies sometimes fight. AND THAT'S WHEN THEY TURN THE WHOLE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN! bros. like these can't stay mad for long in no time they're back where they belong! side by side it's pichu and pichu! YA WON'T SEE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER THESE PERFECT PALS STICK BROTHER TO BROTHER! side by side it's pichu and pichu! OH YEAH! SIDE BY SIDE IT'S PICHU AND PICHUUUU!!!!

OOC;credidt to light the hedgehog for lyrics

Light the Hedgehog



Pichu Bros.:...PICHU PICHU! PICHU PICHU! *start running toward the audotorium*


Mew:MEW mew mew mew *circels areound elana*


Light the Hedgehog


Light the Hedgehog

OOC: i think i'll make a roleplay of the Pichu Bros. and there Pokemon pals!

Riolu: RIOLU!



Elana:**** a mewtwo

Light the Hedgehog

me: MASTER BALL, GO! *catches Mewtwo without failure* always works...