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Mass Effect 3

Started by TheGameNinja, March 05, 2012, 07:04:41 PM

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The game is officially out! I won't have my copy til later today. Did anyone go to a midnight release?

The game's been out for over a week. There will be spoilers now, so read at your own risk.


I have never played a Mass Effect game. Aren't they survival horror? Or am I getting mixed up with Dead Space?

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Yeah, that's Dead Space. Mass Effect is an RPG/Third-Person Shooter. The first game skews more towards RPG and the second more towards Third-Person Shooter. The third is supposed to be a more equal mix of the two.


Quote from: TheGameNinja on March 05, 2012, 07:16:51 PM
Yeah, that's Dead Space. Mass Effect is an RPG/Third-Person Shooter. The first game skews more towards RPG and the second more towards Third-Person Shooter. The third is supposed to be a more equal mix of the two.
So kinda like Fallout and Skyrim? I might give it a shot, then.

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Yes, somewhat like Fallout... but much more focused on the story. Mass Effect is not really open-world the way Fallout is, nor is it as deep of an RPG.


I've still been meaning to try out the series but alas I've barely skipped over it in favour of other games many times. I can't be bothered reading any reviews either..


Damn... it really does seem like only me and TGN know about Mass Effect. I know some story elements from Mass Efffect went into Chronicles.


played the demo for ME2 on Xbox Live.

Felt like your normal third person shooter with a dialogue function.
Never touched it again.


Quote from: {Your Lovely Kyo}~ on March 09, 2012, 07:55:28 AM
Felt like your normal third person shooter with a dialogue function.
And that's why Mass Effect sucks

Also the day 1 DLC bullshit

Not buying
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


So I guess I'm the only one playing it? Well, here's something I came up with after dying hundreds of times as an Infiltrator playing on Insanity.

I call this "The Usopp Special".

I've figured out that enemies will be able to track you if they see you cloak AND they will notice you if you get too close. So here's the strategy: cloak as fast as possible while behind cover and run as far to the other end of the battlefield as you can so you can flank the enemy while having your allies throw out powers and grenades while lobbing your own grenades and healing if you need to since those two don't uncloak you. If you made it to the other end, deal as much damage as you can before the enemies close in on you, then repeat. If you didn't make it, hunker down and hope your shields hold until the cloak cools down. DO NOT FIRE WHILE TRAPPED LIKE THIS. Do that and you battles will either be over in seconds if the objective is to reach something, or long but manageable if the objective is to wipe the enemy out.

It's probably only worth using if you play on Insanity. You can still sometimes pull off a normal Infiltrator strategy, but you need good cover. The Usopp Special is best against Reaper ground forces. They ALWAYS close in on your position, which leaves their rear open and that is the only thing that makes this strategy work: having those few precious moments when you're free from enemy fire.

Oh, and if you see an Engineer, TAKE IT OUT FIRST. They regenerate shields at impossible rates and they will set up turrets that will blow you away the second you pop out of cover. ATLAS mechs are pushovers. These guys are the real threats.


Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!


There's only one ending that's even okay, the rest are weird or stupid. And it is the endings specifically that are lackluster. The rest of the game is fine. The lead-up to the end is good. The choices at the end are fine, if presented odd. It is the execution of the endings that is bad. You don't see what happened to the galaxy after your actions take effect. You barely see your crew again, and even then you aren't told what happens to them. And there's one huge issue that exists in every ending that is not explored at all. Do not read the rest of this post if you care about spoilers.

The Mass Relays are destroyed. No matter what you do, no matter if you survive or not, the relays are all destroyed. Even with FTL flight, it would take years to reach some parts of the galaxy from others. Your crew is marooned on an unknown planet with a damaged ship and no way back to Earth, maybe not any way to get to any other planet. And yet, even in the best ending, this is played as optimistic. THOSE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE THERE. Tali will NEVER see Rannoch or her people again, the Perseus Veil is too far away from the other systems. This is a problem that needs elaborating on, Bioware. You can't just do that and not explain what happens. I'm fine with ambiguous endings, but you need something to go on. All we get out of this is that the Reapers are no longer a threat. Isn't there more to the story than that? You know, all those characters we've met.

EDIT: This makes so much sense. Shepard was indoctrinated right before he reached the Conduit.


so in theory the reapers win?



In most of the endings, yes. But not in the ending where Shepard lives. In that one, the Reaper War is still ongoing. Shep wakes up after the attempted Indoctrination, so there's a chance for them to win.

Oh man, the relays exploded. If that ACTUALLY happened, according to ME2's Arrival DLC, the explosion caused by a relay being destroyed DESTROYS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM IT IS IN. If those endings are real and they really happened, Shepard killed more life than the Reapers would have. No matter which ending you get. There is a relay in the Sol system. Earth would be dead.


I'm up for sad endings and sh*t, but to be told that no mater what I do across Mass Effect 1, 2 &3, everyone suffers...
There's a huge inconsistent plot hole with the mass relays being destroyed, and the fact that there are no epilogues for any of the characters whatsoever...

Some punk told me "You hate the ending? Too bad, it's Bioware's game not yours"
But the gimmick of the entire franchise is that "your choices matter", so since your choices barely affect the ultimate outcome of the series, how can some fans NOT get upset?
Compliments to our Goddess for this piece of superspecialawesome!