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Random Adventures

Started by Light the Hedgehog, July 02, 2009, 10:21:44 AM

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ben: sonic has no spiks on his back anymore...............

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: *grows new back spikes*


ben: *puts amy next to sonic*

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: *picks her up and throws her into the water*


ben: *gets amy out of the water*

Light the Hedgehog

Sonic: 8takes a picture of that and puts it on the internet*


Light the Hedgehog

Tiger: *is feeding four spiders different drugs* i've always wondered how drugs affect spiders.


ben: *uses magic on the spiders*

Light the Hedgehog

me: whoa...that's a little weird...


ben: *is holding the wond that herry potter used*

Light the Hedgehog

Harry Potter: GIVE ME THAT! *snatches back his wand and disappears*


ben: i have mario's hat!!!!!! *puts mario's hat on*

Light the Hedgehog

Mario GIVE ME THAT! *snatches his hat back and disappears*


ben: *is stell whereing mario's hat*