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Random Adventures

Started by Light the Hedgehog, July 02, 2009, 10:21:44 AM

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Light the Hedgehog

Mario: *buys a new Mario hat*



Light the Hedgehog

Mario:..meh..altleast this one's special like my old one.


ben: *looks like mario* bye-bye! *runs off*

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:...uh....what the heck?


ben: *runs back* im half-a italin...............

Light the Hedgehog

Tiger:..ooooooh.....meh..i'm gonna check what's on the radio...*turns on the radio*....

?? *on the radio*: MUAHAHAHA! as you might have seen, tiger. i have hacked into your radio! here to tell you that i've unleashed the ifrit!

Tiger: uh....WHAT?!

??: *is behind tiger..and turns out to be Solo*

Solo:...*grabs tiger by the neck*
Tiger: *head turned white*...can't...breathe...


Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *throws Tiger at the ifrit*

Tiger: meep....