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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: was their anyone with the person who attacked you, Jewel? one person alone can't do something like this.


Jewel:...i-i-i think i saw...jynx and..slade..

Madison:wasn't slade dead!

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: Jynx and Slade?i thought Slade was killed by click!

Click: *makes a random (yet furious) clicking noise*


Starfire: jewel should rest, but we should get a scan of the mark, just to be sure it's the same as terra's

Madison: be a good idea..

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *gets a leaf in scratches on it the same shape of the mark*

Stephen: and a thought Scarabs were just annoying little pests.

Click: *clicks furiously at me*

Stephen: heh heh heh. my apologies, Click. i'll never doubt you again.

Click: *jumps on my head*

Stephen: i think he lieks me.


ELana: well duh, your his owner, *picks up leaf*

Madison: hrmm

OOC: no srsly, what mark, i haven't seen that ep. yet...

Light the Hedgehog

OOC: i dunno! i'm jsut moving along with the plot.

Click: *clicks randomly*


OOC: foo, ok we can just say that it is a bright yellow swirll !

Madison: we might have to go tell robin and the others bout this

Starfire: *teleports everyone but jewel and lucky to the T*

Light the Hedgehog

Robin: what is it?

Click: *walks up to robin and gives him the leave he scratched on*

Robin: a swirl? I've seen this before.


Madison: it's on jewels forehead, next to a gash

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *light bulb appears over his head* ...! *clicks at all of us*

Stephen: what is it boy?

Click: *brings out a picture of Jewel*

Stephen: jewel.

Click: *brings out a picture of someone attacking someone*

Stephen: got attacked.

Click: *brings out a picture of the best buy logo but scratches out the best*

Stephen: by

Click: *brings out a picture of Terra*

Stephen: terra.

Click: *makes legs in the shape of a plus*

Stephen: and

Click: *brings out a picture of Slade*

Stephen: Slade?

Click: *nods his little head yes*


Madison: didn't she say jynx was there too?

Light the Hedgehog

Click: *face palm*...*shakes head no*....*brings out a picture of jynx with a big red x on it*

Stephen: no Jynx?

Click: (yes)!! *brings out a picture with some kind of shape shifting robot on it*

Stephen: wait..A ROBOT? a shape shiftin' one?

*record scratch*

random person: WHAT A TWIST!


Madison:oohhhh so the robot shifted slash morphed into jynx? yes..what a twist O.o

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: maybe i can re-activate this atom bomb i disable and blow up the crud out of them. >:)