Sonic Chronicles...Chapter 11: a new begining

Started by Light the Hedgehog, November 13, 2008, 03:12:02 PM

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Knuckles: Hold on, Shade!

Uses the power of the Master Emerald to stop the bleeding.

Knuckles: I know someone that can help you. Use Chaos Control, this time with my power from the Master Emerald. I will guide us to this person. Just one more time of you can......

Light the Hedgehog

Stephen: SPARX! WHY?!

Sparx: is this REALLY my creator?! a pitiful boy?! *kicks stephen*

Stephen: GAH!


Kame:wierd.......*looks at giant unnature black hole* i remember that......... Shadow:purple die! Kame:.......purple.....die?



Kame:purple die......(turns back to good)......i rember now...... Cosmo:WAIT!



Light the Hedgehog

Sparx: *charges up his shot*

Stephen: oh crap...

Sparx: *fires shot*

Light: *jumps infront of the shot* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *gets shot instead*

Stephen:...I'M GONNA TEAR YOU IN HALF! *completely obliterates Sparx*




Both are in a village and it seems familiar.

Knuckles: HEY! ANYONE HERE!?

Knuckles hears footsteps behind him. Sees a young girl in tribal clothing.

????: So you have returned, Knuckles. Is that him?

Knuckles: No..... but please.... heal him.

????: I will. Just know that I can only heal his wounds. He will need to rest to regain his powers.

Knuckles: Understood. Thank you.

????: Follow me.

Knuckles follows the girl to an altar. At the top is the Master Emerald.

Knuckles: If only it knew its future......

????: Do not be discouraged Knuckles. Your duty has the Guardian of the Master Emerald stays with you til death. You can still restore the emerald and re-establish the balance of Chaos.

Knuckles: You always know what to say.....

Lies Shade down in front of the Master Emerald. Young girl raises her hands and the Emerald begins to glow. Shade is healed of all the battle damage he took. He begins to grunt.

Knuckles: Whew... You're still alive......


Shade:Yeah,i guess..........why would you heal me......?



Knuckles: Because your wounds are my fault..... The least I can do is heal them.

????: Good. Now, it is time for you both to return to your own time.

Knuckles: Okay, thanks again, Tikal.

Tikal: Your Welcome. I will send you back.

Tikal begins to chant and the Master Emerald glows brightly. Knuckles and Shade disappear.

Shade awakes up alone in a forest with Knuckles no where to be found.

OOC: Rainbow please delete your post. It does not correspond with my and Shadow26's posts.

We went to the past. Your in the present with Rouge & Co.
