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Started by Gleech, November 24, 2009, 06:45:51 AM

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I just found out that my Reynolds are minor and that it might go away. It won't kill me :) but it will sting if I touch something cold


Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on June 11, 2010, 04:18:18 AM
I just found out that my Reynolds are minor and that it might go away. It won't kill me :) but it will sting if I touch something cold

Well...I don't want to advise anyone on anything medical since I'm not a doctor, and the best advice I can give on stuff like that is to put Arnica cream on bruises. All I can say is...don't touch anything cold.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: EchidnaPower on June 11, 2010, 05:47:38 AM
Well...I don't want to advise anyone on anything medical since I'm not a doctor, and the best advice I can give on stuff like that is to put Arnica cream on bruises. All I can say is...don't touch anything cold.
whats anica whatever cream?


Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on June 11, 2010, 05:50:28 AM
whats anica whatever cream?

It's a cream that you rub on your body for things like bruises, muscle aches, even sprains. The stuff provides a bit of pain relief for certain things, but it won't for things involving blood.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Code Cyan- I complimented my crush (since the beginning of the school year) and asked her for her AiM.


Quote from: SuperSonic12 on June 11, 2010, 09:36:56 AM
Code Cyan- I complimented my crush (since the beginning of the school year) and asked her for her AiM.

Well, just keep on your toes for the time being. Don't get too relaxed if things seem to go your way.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Its best to become friends with your crush first, itll last longer


Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on June 12, 2010, 06:12:47 AM
Its best to become friends with your crush first, itll last longer

I know. I'm doing that as we speak.


Code Cyan

Has anyone had a moment where they just, well up with sadness, white out and then feel sick?
I dont understand the situation, I dont even know what's up. I suppose i just need a laugh or some comforting words about now.


Code Cyan

Im moving away from my best friend i ever had, and hes getting a new cell phone and wont know my house number... (his # is changing) Weve been friends for 6 years and were like bros... My dad doesnt know the new number yet and were moving in next week... what should i do?


Quote from: DarkFusion on June 12, 2010, 02:30:41 PM
Code Cyan

Has anyone had a moment where they just, well up with sadness, white out and then feel sick?
I dont understand the situation, I dont even know what's up. I suppose i just need a laugh or some comforting words about now.

Emotional answer your question, yes I have felt that feeling. Numerous times in fact. Perhaps you need to look back on what you've done and what's happened to you over the past few days and see what could've caused such an emotional attack.

Quote from: rockout909 on June 13, 2010, 01:39:54 PM
Code Cyan

Im moving away from my best friend i ever had, and hes getting a new cell phone and wont know my house number... (his # is changing) Weve been friends for 6 years and were like bros... My dad doesnt know the new number yet and were moving in next week... what should i do?

Well, there are other ways to connect. Try finding him on the internet. Or if he doesn't have a way to contact you by internet, you do have a week to find out the new contact information. Or maybe even an old fashioned/ancient way, (lol) write him a letter. All you need is his address, a stamp, an envelope, and a piece of paper and pencil. Then you can get the information on the return letter.

I love Jesus! Do you?


Quote from: EchidnaPower on June 14, 2010, 05:15:22 AM
Emotional answer your question, yes I have felt that feeling. Numerous times in fact. Perhaps you need to look back on what you've done and what's happened to you over the past few days and see what could've caused such an emotional attack.
okay, thanks EP.


Thanks EP, i never thought of that cause i was in a funk (yes i said funk, get over it)


Quote from: SuperSonic12 on June 12, 2010, 01:26:35 PM
I know. I'm doing that as we speak.
kool its takes 6 months to earn her heart though *i have a friend who (well im not friends with him anymore i hate him) and he liked liked me and i kept saying no but he did smething REALLY BAD and ya* thats normally the time it takes. or it could last years


Quote from: RainbowBeautyRocks on June 16, 2010, 06:03:00 AM
kool its takes 6 months to earn her heart though *i have a friend who (well im not friends with him anymore i hate him) and he liked liked me and i kept saying no but he did smething REALLY BAD and ya* thats normally the time it takes. or it could last years

Today I found out she doesn't liek me. She lieks mah friend, and he doesn't liek her. He lieks her friend. Lol love triangle with an extra straight edge. What should I do? She said she knows me already. My class also said said something about a rumor going on about me and her. What should I do to get her to love me? I'm the fat person who's unattractive in mah school. What should I do?!!!