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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog


Jewel: hello!! *no awsner*.. ._.

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:....*walks past the school*..everything' quiet....


Jewel: -.- yep, no school

Jynx:..>> there she is..i could kill her now but someone else is here..i'll hold her hostage *grabs jewel and disappers*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...i feel a disturbance....sort of a..jynx...JYNX...THAT'S IT! *warps to where jynx is* LET GO OF JEWEL, JYNX!


Jynx: i would...but maby she might wants to say hi to the teen titans for me..or..maby you would?

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...heh-heh-heh..... *draws the crest of Mu in mid air, and three copies appear to his left, right and back*.....ULTRA  MERGE! *becomes Rogue.DX (the strongest form og Rogue.EX)*....PREPARE TO DIE, JYNX! YOU SHALL PAY FOR WAHT YOU DID TO JEWELS SISTER! *brings out his new blade*....ready, LapLace?

LapLace: READY!

Solo: GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! *merges with LapLace and Becomes Rogue.ZX (the ultimate form of Rogue.EX)*.....*dashes at Jynx* GAAAAAAAAARGH!!


Jynx: i just wanted to be nice *dissapears and appers inside the T*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *warps to the T*....*brings out his Laplace sword*...RAAAAAAAARGH!!! *slashes at Jynx*


Jewel: ._. *mimics jynx's powers* LEMME GO *fires some pink waves at jynx* your the one who killed my sister *tear runs down cheak*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: (i can't erase this strange feeling that i know Jynx somehow......)......


Jewel:..*eyes start glowing yellow again and strangly all of the TT's powers are part of her's*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...*transforms back to his normal self* WAHT THE HECK?! my transformation cancelled!

LapLace:...*is glwoing dimly*..ugh....i can't go on liek this....


LapLace:....tell Hollow....i always thought he was a freak....*all the electromagnetic fire disappears from his body and his amor is left*!!!!!!...he best friend....ever since i was 5 when i was abandoned by my own parents.....grrrrrrrrrr.......


Jewel:..... *falls to the ground for resons unknown* justs as i thought, you left you little jewel at home *smiles evily* more easy pickings then *takes jewel and warps somewhere else

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:...I..AM..GOING..TO..KILL....JYNX!!!!!!! *eyes turn red*...LAPLACE! YOU WILL BE AVENGED! *warps to where Jynx is*......