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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Light the Hedgehog

Double M: you still ahve solo's right? well, mabye since your at full pwoer now, you should be able to use them!

Solo: *still on the sky scraper*....those fools....they don't know waht they're up against.


Jewel:..right..but i still want to know who that girl with the pink hair is..she killed my sister...

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: girl with pink hair....? who the heck are you talking about?

Princessofthechaosemerald dont know who she is -.- she said something about the teen titans... who cares *warps to solo*

Starfire: ohhhh she was talking about Jyinx.....we fought her before...

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: Jynx...? (thinking:why do i get his strange feeling i know her...)


jewel: solo, i dont know who you are, or what..but you aint destroying my town..or world...without a fight

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: did i say two days? i mean 2 minutes. i'm so bad at timing....*the ifrit rises under his feet*

Double M: *dashes at Solo*

Solo: *grabs double M and shoves him in the ifrits mouth*

Ifrit: *eats Double M*


jewel:..lets see what powers you have *grabs solo and throws him to a building*..strength, ability to warp to places,....i like it *warps to where she threw solo* na nana na

Light the Hedgehog

Solo:.......ugh...good..but not good copied some....BUT YOU HAVEN'T COPIED ALL OF THEM! *brings out his giant sword called the Blade of Mu*


Jewel:...-.- right * takes some long bar* im a kung-fu master *whacks solo with the bar 5 times*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *blocks all the attacks with the bar with his Blade of Mu* MU REJECTION! *launches Jewel at thee ifrit*


Jewel: *does 3 back flips* oh c'mon a little bit harder buddy *smashes the hand the blade of mu is in* i think the teen titans can do better than this *kicks solo*

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: UGH! D*MN YOU!...time to bring otu my ultimate weopon! go, Brian the cat.

Brian the cat: meow.

Princessofthechaosemerald's just a cat...*dangles a cat toy*

Light the Hedgehog

Brian: *brings otu two overrsized gun* I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR F*CKING HEAD OFF< JEWEL!