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Started by Princessofthechaosemerald, July 09, 2009, 05:34:13 PM

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Jewel: yeah *faces starfire*..MIMICRY *mimics starfire's powers*..neyeh ask later *runs out of the pizza place and starts flying around* gatta find that guy

Starfire: as you would say here,awsome

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: hey, wait a sec. he's the great grand son of my drawer, Inko! who is really some dude in the real world named-!



Jewel:meh, where is that guy?

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: *somehow morphs into a solo detector* just use me.


Jewel: *flys back down* kay *picks up Meeping man and flys back up again*

Light the Hedgehog

Double M: OVER THERE! on that sky scraper!

Solo: those guys will never get me..i'm kool liek dat. CYBER MERGE! *transforms into Rogue.EX* hmph.


Jewel: *fires star bolts at solo* damn *falls* i need a special type of jewel to keep the powers going inside me

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: NYAH! *slashes Double M in half* ha-ha-ha...not so tough with out your stickman of a friend, are ya? ha-ha-ha...HA-HA-HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Jewel: *turns around* saphire....O_O..she's....D-dead....*runs towrd solo and kicks him* f*ck you...

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *some how gets more powerful* [japanese translated into english]: YOU'RE PUNY ATTACKS CAN'T KILL ME! I'M ROGUE.EX! THE STRONGEST WARRIOR IN THE UNIVERSE!


jewel:rite..but if i copy them MIMICRY *copys Solo's powers* we are of equal strength wait..whut I CANT USE THEM well exept this one *warps to the T* I NEED HELP some pink haired girl killed my sister and some guy named solo is..well i dunno but he said the world is ending in 2 days...

Light the Hedgehog

Solo: *on all the screens in the world* hello, pitiful humans. i am Solo, and in two days, 2 hours and 25 seconds. this world will tremble before the power of the Ifrit! GRAHAHAHAHAHA! there's no way you can escape! not even the teen titans can help you now! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

OOC: this clears the fact that Solo is being possesed by the power of the ifrit... O_O

Double M: *re-attatches both halves of him self* HOW CAN'T KILL A DRAWING THAT'S DRAWN WITH INK, SOLO! STAR BREAKER! *dashes at Solo*

Solo: *grabs Double M by the head*.heh-heh-heh....*throws him toward the T* HAHAHAHAHA!

Princessofthechaosemerald even useless, with out special jewels thats not even on this PLANET im useless for 24 effing hours

Starfire: you mean thease? *shows the metalica jewels* there everywhere in my home planet

Jewel: yeah, those *takes one*

Light the Hedgehog

Double M:..he's to strong....i have to fight him..but i can't do it alone....

??: but we can do it together.

Double M: who said that?!

OOC: yeah...i'll enter Mashia the cyber elf in this part.

Mashia: me. my name is Mashia the Cyber Elf. if you want to save your planet, you'll need my power. i want you to yell "CYBER MERGE" as loud as you can.

Double M: CYBER....MERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mashia: Cyber-Link established. STAR-system. ONLINE! *merges with Double M*


Jewel:...nobody messes with mah town.. whos powers should i mimic now?...