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Started by Gleech, November 24, 2009, 06:45:51 AM

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Quote from: MikeyLevi on September 26, 2010, 11:44:45 AM
Crippled, yes. But only for a while. And hes a 37 year old man, he can have guns...

Post Merge: September 26, 2010, 05:46:02 PM
I gotta tell ya, I know for a fact you're lying. I'm older and haven't had one murderous thought cross my mind. You have blown this out of proportion. Go play with Barbie dolls while you still have your youth.


1. was it night when u were shot?
2. was ur uncle sober?


Quote from: Gleech on October 23, 2010, 02:54:41 PM
Mikey, I know it was a bit of time ago, and I hope your leg feels better... but I have to say...

What idiot loads a gun, preparing it, and doesn't put it on safety?! O_O *Directing this at your uncle*

I know a LOT about guns, I'm serious, a LOT. And no, before someone gets into it, it's not info from CoD games.

My dad has rifles, he has shot guns, he has pistols. He's taught me how to use them, and I know that you should always keep the weapon on safe until ready to fire, that way you wont get mistakes like that. Don't even run the risk of having the mag in, or even having your finger on the trigger, mag in or not, until you're ready to fire.

Just some safety tips for the future.
Even better, don't load it till the moment you're planning on using it. and always check that it's not loaded if you're going to point it around. Safety or not.


I've been doing fine. walking good. lost alot of muscle in my period of cripiality. (is that a word? lol)
Its comin' back though, no worries.


Quote from: MikeyLevi on November 27, 2010, 07:57:43 PM
I've been doing fine. walking good. lost alot of muscle in my period of cripiality. (is that a word? lol)
Its comin' back though, no worries.
Good to hear. :3 Well, accidentally getting shot is a bit less likely to happen now I think, since people might be a bit more careful now.


~Sorry for any bumping this may cause~

Notta clue what code to make this, so I'll just get my rant done and question asked.
So, got into a fight with a good friend of mine. Went from trying to talk him out of suicide to both of us raging pissed at each other within a fair few minutes. I was getting agitated as he was acting like I had no clue what a hard life was, when really I'd kill to have his, and I told him as much. He kept bitching and whining and I kept comforting him the best I could until I snapped. Told him my basic life, didn't go into detail at all. Left out a lot of stuff, and I mean a lot. We calmed down a little, but then started hissing at each other once again. Ended up snapping again and telling him I didn't need the stress he was giving me and basically "Kbai". So yeah. Now, after that of course I'm thinking about my life, never a good thing really, and I cut the fucking hell out of my arm. Bad habbit, and oh my good-gally goodness, Tobi is a cutter! Nothing new, I have been since the tender age of nine. Anyways.
I was hyper and happy for a good hour or two after doing so, but I'm falling back into my "I don't give a shit right now." mood.
Is that normal? To feel super happy and then hit the ground so soon after?
Meh. Anywho, done with my bitchy complaining, lulz. Not gonna do suicide unless certain circumstances arise so this isn't really important anyways. Thanks for reading this if ya did, sorry for wasting your time.


Quote from: TobiTheGoodGirl on February 12, 2011, 06:54:19 PM
~Sorry for any bumping this may cause~

Notta clue what code to make this, so I'll just get my rant done and question asked.
So, got into a fight with a good friend of mine. Went from trying to talk him out of suicide to both of us raging pissed at each other within a fair few minutes. I was getting agitated as he was acting like I had no clue what a hard life was, when really I'd kill to have his, and I told him as much. He kept bitching and whining and I kept comforting him the best I could until I snapped. Told him my basic life, didn't go into detail at all. Left out a lot of stuff, and I mean a lot. We calmed down a little, but then started hissing at each other once again. Ended up snapping again and telling him I didn't need the stress he was giving me and basically "Kbai". So yeah. Now, after that of course I'm thinking about my life, never a good thing really, and I cut the fucking hell out of my arm. Bad habbit, and oh my good-gally goodness, Tobi is a cutter! Nothing new, I have been since the tender age of nine. Anyways.
I was hyper and happy for a good hour or two after doing so, but I'm falling back into my "I don't give a shit right now." mood.
Is that normal? To feel super happy and then hit the ground so soon after?
Meh. Anywho, done with my bitchy complaining, lulz. Not gonna do suicide unless certain circumstances arise so this isn't really important anyways. Thanks for reading this if ya did, sorry for wasting your time.

Tobi i think its called Mood Swings, which everyone has


Mood swings definitely, I doubt you're bipolar or anything serious.


Baxz from mah vacay. Ask away for some advice/comfort.


Code Yellow- Combination of black, green, blue, and purple.

Every day, I'm always hurt by my older brother. 24/7 he bothers me to the point where living isn't worth it. He beats me, insults me, frames me, and everything else that anyone would do to hurt someone. Constantly, he eats beans then sits on my face (as if the gas wasn't bad enough), he texted my girlfriend with my phone saying that she was something hurtful (We got back together), then he even made a fake Facebook about me and he put stuff about himself to the point to convince my mom to take my phone away, not let me use the computer for more than 15 minutes, homework or otherwise, and she on purpose cooks horrible food that she knows I hate. It's been going on for 5 years. I'm gonna throw up.


Quote from: Iwillbenapo on July 17, 2011, 03:39:57 AM
Code Yellow- Combination of black, green, blue, and purple.

Every day, I'm always hurt by my older brother. 24/7 he bothers me to the point where living isn't worth it. He beats me, insults me, frames me, and everything else that anyone would do to hurt someone. Constantly, he eats beans then sits on my face (as if the gas wasn't bad enough), he texted my girlfriend with my phone saying that she was something hurtful (We got back together), then he even made a fake Facebook about me and he put stuff about himself to the point to convince my mom to take my phone away, not let me use the computer for more than 15 minutes, homework or otherwise, and she on purpose cooks horrible food that she knows I hate. It's been going on for 5 years. I'm gonna throw up.

I also have an older sister,so i sorta know how you feel.The best way to get rid of her is to ignore them.People usually keep on bullying when they see the victim is getting offended by the bullying.So when i ignore my sister,she sees that those words dont bother me, and she gets tired and bored of it.Maybe you could try to socialize with your brother more (playing xbox together etc.).Maybe with the deal with your mum's (mom's),try to tell her straight.Try to say youmdont like it,but in the nicest way possible.Or maybe you could ask for a themed dinner.For example,if you loved pasta,you could maybe ask your mum for Pasta Monday or something along the lines of that.

I hoped this helped :)

nazo unleashed

I feel like i'm making the forum fall apart, from posting hentai, and changing my gender. i also feel like Jkid and Tana are gonna break up, because of me.

Code Purple
Code Grey
Code Cyan


Quote from: NazoUN on August 26, 2011, 10:35:15 PM
I feel like i'm making the forum fall apart, from posting hentai, and changing my gender. i also feel like Jkid and Tana are gonna break up, because of me.

Code Purple
Code Grey
Code Cyan
I broke it off with Tana but it was because of you. We're just too different for it to work. :P
And the forum has been like this forever and I'm just a little, whiny bitch, soo...

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o


Quote from: jkid101094 on August 27, 2011, 06:27:24 AM
I broke it off with Tana but it was because of you.


nazo unleashed


Quote from: NazoUN on August 27, 2011, 12:31:10 PM

Oh dear God. That's the worst typo I've ever made. O.o
Sorry about that. ^^;;;

Quote from: DracoDraco:  Saber was my bitch LONG before you heard about her.  I introduced you to FSN, loser.  D<
Oh, and still...

Says you. She likes me more. D<
And ILU2. o3o