Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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OOC:Is that Hedgehog Shade?If i is....:

Shade finally gained consciousness and opened one eye,and saw a weird figure.
"Who.............are you...........?"Shade said,then felt a big wave of pain in his leg.
Shade tried to not show that it was hurting,but couldn't help it.


[[OoC|| Yea, sure I guess.  xD]]

Equinox winced, just seeing the hedgehog in pain made him hurt.
"Heh, I'm Equinox!"  he said, a little too outgoing for the situation.
"Do you think you can walk, it seems like your leg is in much pain.  If you can, I can take you back to where I was so you can heal."  He was smiling, sure that this hedgehog wasn't a foe.
"Oh, by the way, I never caught your name,"
'Solstice, I know you can hear me.  Twin telepathy.  Hah.'

Solstice smiled.  Equinox was always kinda immature, especially with the twin telepathy thing.
'Yes, I can.  What do you want?'  She tried to sound snappy, but it just couldn't be done.  She was giggling the entire time.

Equinox's smile got bigger, almost a grin.
'I need you to help me out.  I found someone who's badly injured.  I know you got some kinda first aid tools in that huge bag you carry.'  He never got an answer back, but he felt that she was out looking for him.
"Nevermind the walking.  My sister's coming here to help you,"  he said, his smile disappearing as he saw the red hedgehog in pain right in front of him.


Arrow heard the voice of Shade and the other person out there, he figured help had come, but he couldn't go check. His head started spinning and he couldn't see right. His eyes fogged up and he became weaker.

Suddenly, in a flash Arrow grew tired, and fell over to his right, which made his body show since he landed past where the wall ended. He was asleep, but still injured.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


""Shade said,and saw the blue hedgehog's face.
"I........would alive.....without............your help........."


Solstice ran, trying to find her brother, when she saw some idiot who was showing himself.  A closer look showed that he was injured, however.
"Oh, God, he's gonna get himself killed if he stays like that,"
In a rush, she swept past a few robots (leaving them be, of course) and ran over to the injured Arrow.
"Hey, are you okay?"  She tried gently shaking him to wake him up, after moving him so he can't be seen.
"Damn it," she said, picking him up.  "He'll just have to go with me to where Equinox and the other injured hedgehog is"
She swept past a few more robots, being a bit more cautious this time because of carrying an injured creature.
"Hey!"  She yelled at Equinox, then proceeded to dart over there, and lay Arrow next to Shade.

"Could you be any slower, Solstice?"  Equinox was trying to lighten the mood by teasing his sister as she drug multiple first aid supplies out of her bag.  He saw that this wasn't the right time to joke, and was yet again silent.

Solstice turned her attention to the red hedgehog first, since he was awake.
"Can you tell me what's wrong, hun?"  She asked Shade in hushed tones.


" leg..........head............"Shade said as he put his hand on his head


Alex looked around and saw that Arrow was gone. "Huh? Where that guy go?" He started to look around the area and saw one of Arrow's guns with blood next to it. "....Hope hes alright..." Alex then heard the faint sound of talking not far away. "Wounder who it is." Alex grabed the gun and started to move quitely to the spot where the noise was coming from while avoiding robot along the way.

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


"THAT'S IT!!!" Flash Yelled. He Grabbed the robot by the arm and flung it into a nearby skyscraper. It collided with a BASH! Rumbling occurred. A part of the skyscraper came falling down. He quickly ran towards it, and held it up with all his strength. "YOU GUYS, GET EVERYONE OUTTA HERE! NOW!!" He screamed.

OOC: He's talking to Mikey,Solstice, Equinox, and Alex.


Solstice drug a pill bottle out of her bag.  The bottle had some pain medication in it.  Taking a few out, she handed it to Shade.
"I'm sorry I don't have any water or anything to give this to you with, so saliva will have to do..."
She also took his leg and put a bandage on it, very tightly, so that the leg would be erect.
"And try not to bend this until it feels better, okay?"


Alex found the sorce of the noise and moved slowly towards it. He got behind a wall and peeked around the corner and saw Solstice. "What the...whats she doing here!?!" Alex thought as he saw her. Then he saw Arrow and Shade there as well injured. "Looks like shes helping them out, of course I don't think she'll be that nice to me if she saw me.....hmm..." Alex lokked at his clothes for a second. "Maybe she won't recognise me in this, but what about my face?" Alex remembered that there was sometime in his jacket pockit and reached out and pulled out a pair of sunglasses and puts them on. "This should work." Alex got off the wall and steped out in the open. "Kind of a bad place to play docter with all these robots around. What brings you out here mis?" Alex said in a slightly different voice.

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3

Jordan teh Echidna

Mikey wall jumped up the alleyway he was in, and landed on the rooftop of a buidling, getting a perfect view of the robot's cockpit. It had BLAUSHIKE in it! He was holding some kind of bazooka thing over his back and controlling the big buzzsaw robot. Mikey didn't want to kill this fox as he wanted to change his life and make him good. He quickly kicked a slanted piece of metal nearby to the edge of the building, ran back and zoomed forwards towards it. The ramp drove him far into the air and had to move himself right otherwise he'd land in the robot's buzzsaw. Mikey dived forwards and slammed onto the cockpit, his fingers gripping the solid glass.
"HEY! GET OFF MY ROBOT!!" He heard Blaushike shouting from inside the cockpit.
Mikey started smashing the cockpit with his sharp knuckles and cracked it, then shot the crack with his pistol and squeezed in.
He punched Blaushike and grabbed the controls, crashing the buzzbot into a weak building.
"ARRGHH, GET OUT OF HERE YOU MUTATED ABOMINATION!!" Blaushike shouted. He grabbed the gold gun and shot Mikey, slowly freezing him into 24 carat gold. The robot had stopped and so Blaushike left a pile of bombs in the cockpit and set them alight! He flew out and watched behind him as the bot exploded...
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Solstice continued to pull different common first aid items out of her bag.
"Always gotta be prepared, especially in a place like this," she said, cautiously, but still not once looking up.  "Hell, if it weren't for my brother finding this one," she nodded towards Shade, "he wouldn't have been alive.  Besides, where else would be a good place to 'play doctor,' as you put it?  These robots tend to follow them everywhere...In any case, I could ask you the same question."  She paused for a while, still digging in her bag, and finally looked up with a worried face at this stranger, who felt oddly familiar, although she couldn't put her finger on it.
"I'm sorry to bother, but would you happen to have a rag or a handkerchief, hun?"

"Hey guys, did you hear that?"  Equinox's ears twitched wildly at the sound of an explosion.  "Meh, you'd have to be deaf to not hear it,"  He muttered to himself, shook his quills, and turned back to the situation at hand, occasionally taking peeks at Alex, getting weird feelings from him.


"a little help here?!" Flash said
"I can hold this up forever!" He was exhausted, his legs we about to crack. 


Equinox whipped around to Flash,
"Oh sh- Guys, we have to move.  Solstice, can you carry one of them, and I'll get the other?"  Before he could finish what he was saying, he was trying to edge Arrow on his back.

Solstice looked up, then back down, at Shade.  She was about to ask him if he felt like walking, but then decided that was a stupid question.
"This isn't going to be too bad, a little bit of pain from getting you up here, and I'm sorry for that," she said as she lifted Shade up onto her back.  "You'd better come too," she nodded at the 'stranger,' still getting that weird feeling.


Shade drank the saliva,then shook his head,saying "Aw........yuck..........thanks..........any...way,,,,"