Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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OOC: Jeexx... we arent on the roof of any buildings. We're in an alleyway. Theres no need to be climbing.

Arrow shot at a few of them, right where their power cores were. Once he shot them, they still moved, but quickly after they started to have steam coming from them, and overheat, causing them to shut down, due to overheating AND lack of battery.

He shot a few more but missed the batteries, just making them angry at him.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Shade then punched 5 more and said "You have to use guns,ha?" and Shade winked.

darkness shadow

aurum chuckled "no mocking him cause of his weapons, you might end up with a bullet in you" aurum jumped up then landed on a nearby bot "they're reinforced, but not reinforced enough"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade grinned and said "Thats if he can catch me  ;) ".

darkness shadow

aurum laughed "you'd be surprised how fast a bullet or lazer can travel ya kno"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade chuckled and said "Not faster then me" while punching a robot and making a hole in it.

Jordan teh Echidna

Mikey put the crossbow into his belt and jumped off the building, landing on the huge robot. He looked around for anything that could be important before he left it, searching from cockpit to buzzsaw. He then saw a panel around his size, which he wedged open with his crowbar, it revealed a long, twisty ventilation shaft, maybe used in case the robot overheated. He squeezed into the vent and crawled through, sometimes he could even stand up as the robot was so huge. Eventually he saw a big box right at a dead end of the robot, in a big area which he could stand up in, which read: Memory, respiratory system and navigational controls. He opened it and looked inside, when suddenly a big burst of air blasted into his face and almost knocked him over "hmm, i guess that must've been the rest of the air it had left, hahaha..." he laughed to himself.
      Mikey had to dodge a few wires, not being sure what in the banjoovles they would do if he snapped them, and explored the big box, with his torch/flashlight. Eventually he got to the end of the box and saw a huge green memory chip type object squeezed into the wall and connected to loads of circuits, "this must be the robot's memory" he said, getting out his screwdriver. He unscrewed all the corners then popped it out of the wall with his crowbar. The chip was almost twice his size!! Knowing that he wouldn't be able to get out with such a precious oject, Mikey grabbed a nearby saw, connected to a circuit, maybe being the saw which moves the huge buzzsaw. He threw it like a shuriken(ninja star) into the wall and produced a clean cut hole, around as thin as a pencil and as high as a...pencil...
     He stretched the hole bigger with his crowbar "wow, this metal sure is easy to bend and break..." Mikey said, just sidling out of the stretched hole with his big memory chip. He figured that he'd better take this to Arrow's base for examination, and ran away from the robot and to his destination.
Pesterchum = sirJayden

darkness shadow

a sword then comes flying out of nowhere, slicing through a robot that was close to aurum "looks like blade has decided to join the party" said aurum, cheerfully
"i thought you'd have these things in pieces by now!" came a voice
"sorry bout' that, we got distracted" replied aurum to the mysterious voice
a fox jumped down and picked up the sword "excuses, excuses" was blade's next line "lets smash em'" blade and aurum nodded at each other then both jumped of, slicing through every bot in their path

(lol long post)
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


".....Still no one yet" Alex got up and looked out the room he was in and saw that everything was still the same. He knew by now that robots could be here at any time so he decided to hide. He left the room, but kept the lights on and the door open to trick them so he can get out of the warehouse easier. He found a place near a door where no one could see him and got his gun ready.

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


Quote from: Gamerdude on December 03, 2009, 12:05:59 PM
".....Still no one yet" Alex got up and looked out the room he was in and saw that everything was still the same. He knew by now that robots could be here at any time so he decided to hide. He left the room, but kept the lights on and the door open to trick them so he can get out of the warehouse easier. He found a place near a door where no one could see him and got his gun ready.
as ninja is running through the shadows he hears alex's words echoing"i must hurry"ninja doubles his speed and gets to alex
"hey you alright"ninja says as he jumps from off the wall"im here to help you escape..i got your message"
as ninja trys to open  the lock he hears eggman"so the new iron orb is stable enough for testing?"
"yes doctor"
"alex i'll be art black smoke"ninja fades into the shadows once more


Quote from: HMS7 on December 04, 2009, 03:16:35 AM
as ninja is running through the shadows he hears alex's words echoing"i must hurry"ninja doubles his speed and gets to alex
"hey you alright"ninja says as he jumps from off the wall"im here to help you escape..i got your message"
as ninja trys to open  the lock he hears eggman"so the new iron orb is stable enough for testing?"
"yes doctor"
"alex i'll be art black smoke"ninja fades into the shadows once more
OOC: Only I can play official characters. I don't want everyone playing official characters because if everyone CAN, then someone could just make Sonic escape, have Tails in 5 spots at once, and have Eggman in 10 places.

The only other person I'm going to let play NPCs, is Mikey, since I can trust he wont destroy the whole plot.

Arrow heard footsteps behind him and turned around, "Wave two!" he yelled as he flipped a toggle on his gun, the barrel of the gun twisted and clanked, but once it stopped, Arrow shot out his gun. A laser, stretching 5 feet before leaving the gun, shot out like a lightning bolt. It struck the robot right in one of his eyes, since the laser wasn't very big.

The robot hummed and buzzed, attempting to not fall over, but its attempts were in vain as he fell over and shut down, "Ya' gotta' hit em' where it hurts!" Arrow told himself, proud of his accomplishment.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

Quote from: Gleech on December 04, 2009, 05:06:23 AM
OOC: Only I can play official characters. I don't want everyone playing official characters because if everyone CAN, then someone could just make Sonic escape, have Tails in 5 spots at once, and have Eggman in 10 places.

The only other person I'm going to let play NPCs, is Mikey, since I can trust he wont destroy the whole plot.

Arrow heard footsteps behind him and turned around, "Wave two!" he yelled as he flipped a toggle on his gun, the barrel of the gun twisted and clanked, but once it stopped, Arrow shot out his gun. A laser, stretching 5 feet before leaving the gun, shot out like a lightning bolt. It struck the robot right in one of his eyes, since the laser wasn't very big.

The robot hummed and buzzed, attempting to not fall over, but its attempts were in vain as he fell over and shut down, "Ya' gotta' hit em' where it hurts!" Arrow told himself, proud of his accomplishment.
what about mmeeee?

aurum and blade, both dancing around taking out robot after robot by smashing and slicing passed each other and started spinning together, creating a tornado, slicing any bots that get dragged in
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade ran through 10 robots,making a big hole in all of them.


Quote from: Gleech on December 04, 2009, 05:06:23 AM
OOC: Only I can play official characters. I don't want everyone playing official characters because if everyone CAN, then someone could just make Sonic escape, have Tails in 5 spots at once, and have Eggman in 10 places.

OOC||im sorry my bad

darkness shadow

aurum and blade stopped spinning, aurum dizzy "man, i needa get used to that"
blade on the other hand jumped of to take on robots that might attack aurum whilst he's dizzy "hurry up and snap out of it!" called blade
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D