Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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"*pant* Oh no! Someone's down!"

"You metal menaces will regret this!" Flash said, full of rage!

He quickly took out his blaster and fired



"This isn't going to be enough." Flash thought. "I hope i remember how to do this attack."
'GIGA CLAWS!" Flash yelled. His claws were covered with red aura. He then dashed at the robots with blinding speed, ripping through the heavy armor. "Arrow, Use this!" Flash said as he threw the blaster at Arrow.


Arrow, still on the ground, caught the gun thrown to him. Arrow now dual-weilded guns, "Oh yeah!" he said to himself, still trying to sit up on his own.

Arrow shot a few blasts from one weapon, and then shot a few from another, taking down a robot. Then he shot rapidly between both weapons, firing at another robot that was coming in close. The robot flew back, sadly not destroyed, but he was knocked back and was on the ground.

Arrow shot at him again, and hit in the middle of the legs. The robot exploded and left pieces everywhere, "Heh..." Arrow muttered to himself, "just like a real person would do."

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

Jordan teh Echidna

Tails dropped Mikey on a rooftop near where they could hear guns and robots exploding.
"Ok Mikey, i gotta go now to examine that chip fully. I'm going to create a defence system covering my whole area too to keep out robots" Tails said, jumping off the rooftop and flying off North.
Mikey jumped off the rooftop and looked around, seeing where all the commotion was coming from (OOC: where are ya Gleech cos' i dun get where ya are lol)
Blaushike walked out of his lab...took a big, deep breath, and admired the scenery.
"*sigh*. I love the smell of 24 carat gold in the morning!" he said, leaning on a completely frozen, golden covered freedom fighter. It looked as if they saw a danger as their faces were in shock and they looked really frightened. "Hmm, i wonder if my gold gun works still, been since last year since i used it on worthless fighters...i could use it again! What with 837 out here already, i wanna make it more!!" Blosh said, pushing the staute down.
Pesterchum = sirJayden


((OOC: Well, personally I pictured us in the streets, fighting robots that came out of an alleyway that we're shooting into.))

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

Jordan teh Echidna

Quote from: Gleech on December 16, 2009, 08:49:49 AM
((OOC: Well, personally I pictured us in the streets, fighting robots that came out of an alleyway that we're shooting into.))
OOC: m'kay

Mikey ran around a corner and saw Arrow shooting robots with other hedgehogs. He saw one fly up into the air and behind Arrow, got out his magnum and aimed it at the robot's head. He fired it, just millimetres from the head. He shot again and the bullet smacked into the robot's head with light speed, the head flying off, revealing an old eggman pawn which he just ran over and clonked on the head with his fist. "Hey Arrow, i been looking 'round ages for you, i've had my own mini adventure without you...hmm, at least i gained experience from being on my own, though i did meet Tails. I found this awe--" he heard a huge bang come from far away.
A grinding noise...
And he thought Déja vu had visited him again...
Out from a huge, dark alleyway, came another of those HUGE buzzsaw robots!!
"Wow, we only have 2 buzzsaw giants left?" said Doctor Blosh, looking at the control panel in the army section. "Hmm, i'm sure this one will take them out...In fact...let's send another..." he drained all the buzzsaw giant's power and sent the last one to where Mikey, Arrow and the others were.
"SIR!" shouted an assistant robot, holding some kind of big bazooka-like ray "The gold gun, it's been completely recharged with the gas and we tested it out on one of the V2 SWAT bots".
The robot brought in a big SWAT bot golden trophy.
"Oooo, another baddie to add to my collection!" said Blaushike, rubbing his hands and pushing the trophy to his big collection. (OOC:If ya wanna know his baddie collection, ask over PM lol or MSN, or here just to save time :P)
Pesterchum = sirJayden


OoC  ||  Haaaa, I got my grades up.  They weren't as low as I thought, so it didn't take long.  :)  Uhm, I'm too lazy to read 8 pages, can I get a brief rundown?  xD


Quote from: Dracoslythe on December 16, 2009, 05:44:44 PM
OoC  ||  Haaaa, I got my grades up.  They weren't as low as I thought, so it didn't take long.  :)  Uhm, I'm too lazy to read 8 pages, can I get a brief rundown?  xD
((OOC: Let's see... I think HMS7 and Ninja ran to find Alex, and then Shade, Aurum, and Arrow finished off the robots near Arrow's hideout, Mikey owned a big robot, got a computer chip, took it to Tails, then somehow they got captured by Mikey's newest character, Blaushike, Arrow heard Alex and ran over into the middle of a street, he started to shoot and fight off some robots, Fireyo (ChaosDazer's) ran in and helped, Arrow got shot, and is on the ground, with two guns trying to hold himself up at the same time, Shade got shot. Mikey escaped with Tails and jumped out a window, and tails flew off and then Mikey is about to join a battle where a huge robot appeared... is that good? ;D

Edit: Oh yeah, and Flash joined in the battle in the Alleyway))

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Quote from: Gleech on December 16, 2009, 05:52:10 PM
((OOC: Let's see... I think HMS7 and Ninja ran to find Alex, and then Shade, Aurum, and Arrow finished off the robots near Arrow's hideout, Mikey owned a big robot, got a computer chip, took it to Tails, then somehow they got captured by Mikey's newest character, Blaushike, Arrow heard Alex and ran over into the middle of a street, he started to shoot and fight off some robots, Fireyo (ChaosDazer's) ran in and helped, Arrow got shot, and is on the ground, with two guns trying to hold himself up at the same time, Shade got shot. Mikey escaped with Tails and jumped out a window, and tails flew off and then Mikey is about to join a battle where a huge robot appeared... is that good? ;D

Edit: Oh yeah, and Flash joined in the battle in the Alleyway))
OoC  ||  o3o
that's a big update.
I'll find a way to jump in.  >:3


((OOC: press the hop button -awesomeface-. Some of you might notice I'm doing "((OOC:))"... well that's just the effect that CoH roleplaying has on me. In CoH "OOC" goes like, "((this))". So it's just a force of habit :P))

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


"Dame, this gun an't working!" Alex tossed his gun on the floor and started to get pissed. Then he saw a few robots coming towards him. "Will you tin cans JUST...GO...AWAY ALREADY!!!  All of a sudden a bolt of lightning shoots out of him and frys some of them. "O.o ummm....did I do that?"

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


"You Okay?" Flash said to Alex as he bolted past him. Suddenly, one of the robots turned their arm into a cannon. "uh oh..." Flash spoke. Then, he remembered... "If I spin like a cyclone, I should be able to deflect their attacks! Get ready, Tin Cans, I'm sending this attack right back at ya!"

Flash spun with blinding speed, sending the attacks towards the robots, one by one.

Jordan teh Echidna

Mikey was shocked by this huge robot as it was, but he almost melted when he saw TWO!
He told Arrow briefly how to destory them "Well, looking at this guy, it looks like you'll need more than two bullets to get THAT cockpit" he said, seeing that the buzzsaw was bigger, the armour was more solid, they had arms with launchers on the ends of them, and the cockpit was ruby red.
"Ok, when you're ready, we're gonna get this overrecycled car back into the junk yard." Mikey said, swinging two pistols around his index fingers.
Blaushike got hold of the gold gun and put a strap around his back. He held it like a bazooka across his hands and kicked down the front door of his lab. He reloaded the gun and muttered "Bring it on, 3dum fyterzz, all that glitters, is not gold..." he ran down his courtyard and out of the huge, invisible,camouflaged dome in which his lab and mansion were hidden. "Oh crap...don't those two imbeciles know about my lab?FORK!!" Blosh was getting worried as he thought that Mikey and Tails would give away the whereabouts of his mansion, lab and mansion. He saw a hedgehog walk past him, covered in rags, and shot him with the golden gun. It acted like some kind of flamethrower, the gold gas bursting out in a huge glittery blast. He touched the old hedgehog trophy, making it teleport to his courtyard. "Ok, now i mean business..." he said, running into the streets.
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Fireyo was in the middle of a hoard of robots, and could see the people behind him fighting for there lives. Suddenly, he felt a blast of light force through him from another robot. He was sent flying to the air. When he landed, he noticed he was in front of a green animal wielding a bazooka.
witty sig caption


Arrow tossed down his second gun, and tried to squirm his way to a safety point. He looked behind him and saw a house, made of bricks. There was a part of the wall that hung out to protect the doorway. The robots must've thought he was out, but he slowly moved behind the wall.

Shortly before he fully got back, a robot saw him, and started shooting. Arrow peaked out and shot the robot a few times, damaging it, and then shooting it in the joints, so it was locked up and couldn't move. Arrow moved back into the wall and put his back up to it, while staying on the ground. He took his left (And open) hand and covered the mark, closing his eyes and biting down on his teeth as he felt pain the second he touched the spot,

"That's going to hurt in the morning," he said, noticing it was bleeding.

((OOC: Yeah, I've been playing CoD:MW2 recently xDDD I based Arrow's movement on that when you 'die' when you're playing split screen special ops.))

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


Eyes fluttering, hair slapping her face, Solstice slowly rose to a sitting position, rapidly blinking and rubbing her eyes.
"Hmmn?  How long had I been asleep?"

About the time she mumbled these words to herself, a gunshot came out of nowhere, through the open window, and nicked her shoulder.
"The hell...?"  She exclaimed, and pressed down on the wound with her hand.
Wondering what the commotion was, she peeked outside of the small building (although she had no idea how she got there) to find endless fighting and gunfire in the streets and alleyways.
"Damn it!  Look at this mess I have to clean up..."  She sighed, with, oddly, a smile on her face.

"This mess isn't going to be easy to clean up, sweetheart."  Coming from the shadows, Equinox smiled, half genuine, half smirk.  I've figured out what you've been doing all this time.  I must say, I'm disappointed..." he looked down, then back up.  "But I guess I have to forgive you-"

"Equinox, shut up."  He soon found himself in his sister's embrace.  "I didn't know what happened to you.  You had me worried to death.  Why did you just run out like that?"  She was practically shouting at him.

"Solstice, I ran out cause I didn't wanna hurt you."  He stopped and laughed at Solstice's expression and gently touched the spot on her face where he had struck her before.  "But right now, we have some fighting to do.  You do what you gotta do, and I'll do my part."  He left her, just randomly jumping into the battle.

He stopped his pathetic fighting (which really consisted of hitting robots over the head with a crowbar; he didn't have any weapons, nor was he really skilled with them) when he something sitting against a brick wall.  Curious, he inched over, hoping that the robots were stupid enough to mistake him for his sister again.
"Pfft, those things couldn't see day from night.  Not one has shot at me, although I've been beating them senseless with a bar..."

When he felt that he got close enough to talk, he semi-whispered out to the injured-looking hedgehog,
"Hey, are you okay?"

[[OoC||For you sickos who are crying "incest!" (or those who don't know that they're siblings, roflz) there is no romance going on here!  >:C  They have no idea what romance is.  xD  So that's how they act.  >:C]]