Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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OoC||  I'm just trying to find a way to fit in with everyone else's characters.  xD
That's why I'm like all up in ya'lls grills.


Quote from: Dracoslythe on December 02, 2009, 10:17:29 AM
That's why I'm like all up in ya'lls grills.
OOC||not in mine lol :'(
as ninja is running he checks his pamltop and finds the location"damn its not here"as ninja sits down to meditate he is disturbed by a person running in the distance"i must cover in the art black smoke"as ninja lays hidden in the shadows he then finds out that his palmtop is not in his pocket......that it is on the floor

darkness shadow

eh, might as well introduce him then

a few blocks away from where the action is taking place, blade coul see, standing on the rooftops "time to join the party i guess..." blade jumps down of the rooftops and starts running towards where everyone was, avoiding a few bots as he goes
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade saw some robots around Aurum,and kicked them out of the way,then said "What are you waiting for?!".


OOC||5 pages already.....

Jeexx was walking around.
He then heard a wierd sound.
It sounded alot like someone beating metal, but it came from above.
Jeexx quickly looked above and saw Aurum and Shade, but not very well.
'What's going on?' Jeexx tought and ran to a alley and started to climb the ladders, 'cause he didn't want to be spotted by those two.
'Okay......2 enemies...Relly fast.....Need to use my SOCOM...' Jeexx said and took out his SOCOM, then continued climbing the ladders.

darkness shadow

aurum smilied "i guess cover's blown" aurum disappeared then reappeared, in more than one place, several robots, one aurum behind each, all attacking in their own way and taking out the robots, by smashing their head in a number of ways, then they all disappeared and one aurum appeared infront of the wreckage "now thats how to multitask"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


"Woah!" Jeexx's hand slipped and he fell down to the dumpster.
"Ouch..." Jeexx got up.


Shade heard a big thump and said "What was that..........?".

darkness shadow

aurum chuckled "thats just one of the many ways you can bend space and time with chaos control, just and see what i can do when i'm going full out"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade shook his head and said "no....i'm not talking about you.......i heard something else.......".

darkness shadow

aurum strained his ears for any sounds "i can't here anything..."

meanwhile blade was getting closer to the group, not to fight, but to say hi, he knew by the time he got there, there'd be nothing left 2 destroy
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade rolled his eyes and said "but i HEARD a big thump......".

darkness shadow

aurum was curious "are you sure it wern't me smashing those bots?"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Shade thought,and said " wasn' was something else........".

darkness shadow

"don't forget i was in..." aurum thought "15? places at once, all hitting at the same time" aurum pointed out
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D