Sonic Future Force

Started by Gleech, November 29, 2009, 09:39:48 AM

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Shade ran at some robots around Aurum and sailed through all of them.And at one second,8 robots fell to the ground with huge holes in their bodies.

darkness shadow

aurum snapped out of his dizzyness and jumped up "lets try out that technique, shall we" aurum charged up energy in his hands, then fired rappid blasts out of them, each blast aimed at a robot in the vicinity "sweet!"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


As Alex sits there and waits, he starts to feel weird. "Strange..." He looks around to see it anyone was there, but didn't see anyone. "That was odd." He then thinks for a second. "This feeling...the only time this happens is when......her..." Alex grips his gun a little harder.  "She's nearby..."

Quote from: Dracoslythe
                               All the cool shit happens thur.
jkid loves you, GD. :3


OoC||Aw, Draco can't play NPC's who are important to her characters?  -cougheggmancough-  lol jk jk.  But I won't be posting in the RP for a tiny while, so I'll try to make an epic "brb" scene for my characters, getting them into a coma or something.  I have to crunch on my schoolwork.  My mom said if I don't get at least B's in every one of my classes, she's grounding me for the rest of the school year, which is until June.  >.>
My highest grade was a low C this last time, so it's going to be a push, especially with this teacher trying so hard to fail me.  -.-;


Quote from: Dracoslythe on December 05, 2009, 07:22:48 AM
OoC||Aw, Draco can't play NPC's who are important to her characters?  -cougheggmancough-  lol jk jk.  But I won't be posting in the RP for a tiny while, so I'll try to make an epic "brb" scene for my characters, getting them into a coma or something.  I have to crunch on my schoolwork.  My mom said if I don't get at least B's in every one of my classes, she's grounding me for the rest of the school year, which is until June.  >.>
My highest grade was a low C this last time, so it's going to be a push, especially with this teacher trying so hard to fail me.  -.-;
OOC: You can too, sorry I forgot about you XDD
Quote from: darkness shadow on December 04, 2009, 05:31:09 AM
what about mmeeee?
Sorry, but I cant trust you right now, considering you wanted to free everyone in SU:TNW...
Shadow26... there were only like... 9 or 10 robots that came... I counted at LEAST 23 you killed in your posts. A patrol is a small group of people that watch over an area, not an army O-o

Arrow shot one last one, "That looks like the last of it..." his gun smoked, the smoke going up and blowing in the wind, "Now lets try and clear these scraps so that another robot doesnt come over here and salvage the junk..." he walked over and opened the garage, tossing the metal scraps into the doorway.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!

darkness shadow

Quote from: Gleech on December 05, 2009, 09:28:03 AM
OOC: You can too, sorry I forgot about you XDDSorry, but I cant trust you right now, considering you wanted to free everyone in SU:TNW...
Shadow26... there were only like... 9 or 10 robots that came... I counted at LEAST 23 you killed in your posts. A patrol is a small group of people that watch over an area, not an army O-o

Arrow shot one last one, "That looks like the last of it..." his gun smoked, the smoke going up and blowing in the wind, "Now lets try and clear these scraps so that another robot doesnt come over here and salvage the junk..." he walked over and opened the garage, tossing the metal scraps into the doorway.
hey, i was 15 then, i'm 16 now (lol lame excuse) and i was suggesting to do it when there was enough members <_<

aurum landed neatly "wow, those powers are more effective when i hold back... i should use those moves more often" blade walked over "so what do ya say, how about we get outta here?"
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D

Jordan teh Echidna

OOC: Wow, i haz an ossum responsibility :0

Mikey couldn't find Arrow's base "darn, i know it one of these, but one of them is Robotnik's >_<, one wrong move and i'll give away our whole base" he grunted, trying to find a safe place to hide the huge chip. Only one place was left to give this chip to, another geek who'd find out it's information.

After about an hour of walking with a huge Memory chip on his back

Mikey knocked on the wooden door and let down the chip, gasping for breath and straightening out his bad back, with a few clicks here and there. The door opened to reveal a young, adult like Tails with a very faint stubble, oily trousers (pants), bigger forehair, slightly ripped gloves and a spanner (wrench) in his hands. He let Mikey in and Tails tightened a few nuts and bolts for the new tornado he was building.
"Hey, i know you! From around...10 years ago i think? You helped sonic and his family defeat robotnik! I saw you once, but you probably wouldn't have recognised me" Tails said, flipping the spanner and placing it in one of his back pockets. Mikey had sweat dripping from his brow and his legs were just wobbling with exhaustion.
   "Well if you know i'm a good guy, then can't ya help me with this big chip eh Tails? It's been breaking my back for an HOUR" Mikey gasped, placed the chip onto the table to the left of him and got a good look at it.
"I got it from a huge robot with a buzzsaw, i couldn't give it to Arrow as i can't seem to find his base again, my memory really sucks..." Mikey said, sitting down for once and drinking a cup of water. "Whoah, i have two things to say for this!" Tails said, lifting up the index finger of his right hand and placing it on the right hand corner of the chip "Firstly, if you wanted to shrink this baby down so you can fit it in your pocket, just press this button!" the chip shrunk and tails got a magnifying glass and inspected it. "Secondly, do you KNOW how much information we could get OUT of this thing? the info would give away Robotnik's locations and even where Sonic is being held! Though it would take a few days to extract the information, commands and all." Tails sat down at a big control panel and placed the chip into a slot on the right and said to Mikey "Well, you can go, come back maybe tomorrow to get an update on the info" Mikey thanked Tails and walked out, then ran back to the city.
Pesterchum = sirJayden


Shade looked around,and saw no robots left.
"Woah,we must of hit the heck out of them....."Shade said to Aurum and Blade.
Then Shade looked at Blade and said "Hi.......i'm Shade,Shade the Hedgehog....."

Jordan teh Echidna

Nickname*:Dr. B, Blosh
Side:Bad side, in cahoots with Robotnik.
Appearence description/picture:
Equipment*:Has a GPS tracking device to control Giant robots, repairing tools.
Power:Can fly, haz fast speed, not as fast as Sonic's, around a little slower than tails.
Other Abilities*:Incredible knowledge and Intelligence.
Personality:An evil backstabbing Fox, every time he wins something he lifts up his glasses a little on his face and evily smiles.
History*:He was raised up by a family which knew Robotnik very well, but his parents got roboticised when he was around 15, from then on Robotnik taught him a LOT of things and took him in as one of his hidden assistants.
Family*:Mum n' Dad, got roboticised so none.

Roleplaying Style:Advanced
Sample of Roleplaying:Dr. Blaushike smacked the control panel with his hard fist and cried "WORK you confounded piece of MACHINERY!". Suddenly, the machine burst into life.

Kthx ^^
Pesterchum = sirJayden

darkness shadow

ooo teh new FC, i wun enter my new guy Aether, you could argue he's god modded

aurum and blade turned to face each "we're aurum, and blade" replied aurum "or together, you could call us 'sword dancers*'" inputted blade

* sword dancers is sorta like a sonic advance 3 pairing i made up, for blade and aurum
supa emeraldz

thnx rival, again
shineh emeraldz =D


Can I join?

|Name:Flash The Cheetah
|Nickname*:Yellow Blur
|Appearence description/picture:Yellow with blue spots,green shoes, red gloves.
|Equipment*:Cheetah Glove,Cyclone Giga Blaster, Family Sheild.
|Power:Red Reaver: Slashes through enemies with awesome speed.
|Other Abilities*:Soul Charge:Flash turns into matter and instantly damages his foes.
|Personality:Kind-Hearted,can get a bit to cocky,Loves to help out a friend in need.
|History*:As a boy, Flash loved to go on adventures, and sometimes show off. He was called into this world by the cause of his dad's disappearance.
|Family*:His parents were filthy rich.That's all I can say...
|Roleplaying Style:Advanced
|Sample of Roleplaying:"DAD!!" Flash cried. His father fell to the ground. Dead.


OOC: Mikey and Kirby, accepted, and accepted.

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!


OOC:I'm off duty RPs. I will probaly come back some other day.

Thx gleech

Thx Mikey


Flash walked around and saw a person (arrow).

"um, excuse me? Maybe you can help me"


Arrow turned around, curious of who the voice came from, "Er... yeah, sure..." he scratched the back of his head, scanning the person up and down, "I don't wanna' be rude," he said, still scanning, but he put his hand down, "...but who are you?"

Quote from: SonicFan47 on December 16, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I don't care in the Ryan/Jason debate. I can't tell the difference
but I favor JALEEL WHITE!