The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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Quote from: Maddie8D on June 28, 2010, 01:11:57 PM
Rianna blushed, but smiled, she felt a little better, but the memories stayed at the back of her mind "thank you link" Rianna mumbled,
"Zelda always talked so fondly of you...but I was never in town the same day as you..." Liviyone went on quietly, then looked at the ground and a few tears made their way down her pale face. "We'll get her back Rianna, we're going to get her back..."


ben just stod there thinking of something "you are crazy ben it will never work..." ben seid to himself


Quote from: darkyellowz on June 28, 2010, 04:04:03 PM
ben just stod there thinking of something "you are crazy ben it will never work..." ben seid to himself
"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity." Liviyone informed him, briskly wiping away her tears.


Quote from: RhaozTheHedgehog on June 28, 2010, 05:16:07 PM
"Talking to yourself is the first sign of insanity." Liviyone informed him, briskly wiping away her tears.
"i am not crazy i know of a way to find ganon but it wont work i think and it might kill link so we have to train and find him ourselves but it still lets us see in the castle so we can check is zelda is okay.." ben seid in a thinking voice as he ran and choped some wood with his sword to make a barrel


Quote from: darkyellowz on June 28, 2010, 06:06:21 PM
"i am not crazy i know of a way to find ganon but it wont work i think and it might kill link so we have to train and find him ourselves but it still lets us see in the castle so we can check is zelda is okay.." ben seid in a thinking voice as he ran and choped some wood with his sword to make a barrel
Liviyone refrained from thwacking the boy over his head as she reminded him a tight tone of voice "Zelda is gone, remember? Ganon took her. Just tell us the idea."


Quote from: RhaozTheHedgehog on June 28, 2010, 06:13:37 PM
Liviyone refrained from thwacking the boy over his head as she reminded him a tight tone of voice "Zelda is gone, remember? Ganon took her. Just tell us the idea."
"it is a bit of magic... i will use water to spy on them... i know i know it is not new but it will work... i have some left over magic from ganon in my bag i carry arround..." ben seid as he was makeing the barrel and puting the water in it


Quote from: darkyellowz on June 28, 2010, 06:18:06 PM
"it is a bit of magic... i will use water to spy on them... i know i know it is not new but it will work... i have some left over magic from ganon in my bag i carry arround..." ben seid as he was makeing the barrel and puting the water in it
Liviyone cocked her head to the side in interest, the only magic she knew was healing and combat magic... She happily ran over to watch.


ben grabed the magic and put it in the water and stared deeply into it and in the water was ganon's castle and the rooms of the castle "hmm now where is zelda..." ben seid in curiosatiy


Rianna's stomach tightened in excitement and curiosity, she motioned link to come watch and ran over to see "Hurry up and find her, I want to see zelda."


Link pondered for a moment, thinking about the strange note, then ran over to the others.


Liviyone while still observing Ben's magical flows so she would be bale to copy the spell at a later time, was also peering anxiously over his shoulder. "Please...let her be ok...." Liviyone whispered to herself, her fists clenching.


Rianna's eyes were glued ainxously to the water in the barrel "C'mon... Zelda hang in there...okay."


Liviyone noticed Rianna's tension, it was just as much as her own. The tall, greenhaired girl placed a hand of comfort on her shoulder and nodded at her before returning her attention o the barrel.


Octarok: -comes by and sees people crowding near a barrel, wondering whats going on, he nudges the girl who seems nervous-


Rianna looked down and let out a loud yelp "What the-!" she brought out her sword and pointed it at the Octarok.