the return of Scourge

Started by HereAndThere, May 02, 2009, 08:50:04 PM

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OOC:deal lets do it like this all the charchters we put in one of our messages (expect our FCs) we control those okay
sonic:WOW!!!!!!! its you i remeber you!!!! silver:whos she sonic? shadow:might you tell me too?


silver:she cant be blaze she dosent have a armor :P shadow:it feels like blaze thou sonic:but that armor whered blaze get her armor?


sonic:ooooohh okay but i didnt see you where you following me in the shadows? IF YOU DID WHY DIDNT YOU HELP ME!?


sonic:what the.....? jeexx:lets just freakkin go already!!!!!!   ???:gotcha jeexx jeexx: huh???


 ???:jeexx i got you now you have to marry me! jeexx:NOOOOOO I WONT MARRY YOU LEAFY NEVER NEVER GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!! *goes dark* xeexx:*looks a all of you* DIE!!! *shoots a giant lazor*

Post Merge: May 06, 2009, 02:21:46 PM

OOC:ben i wont be online for a while i gotta go to my training class and im gonna go train fighting today  ;D so see ya ill be online soon


xeexx:*turns back to normal* jeexx:sorry i dont wanna marry leafy and thats why i have lots of negative energy sonic:lets go! silver:yeah!


OOC:i got to go soon ill be online soon too bye
jeexx:WTF are you doing ben?


jeexx:*thinking*(xeexx..... why is he still alive? i tought sonic and i destroyed him with twilight hmmmmmm)


OOC: Ok, so now I will start soleplaying, k? (sorry 4 the late start)

*On the top of a hill, I and Sony are 'fighting' Lula and Sam*
Sam: You konew this was coming, traidor!
Me: I don't want to hurt you, you konw I didn't mean it! wait!
Sam: *uses golde sphere and spheres of golden energy fall from teh skyes into me*
Me: AARGH! *fiants and falls on teh ground*
Sam: Dinally...

Lula: I'm so sorry I have to do this, Sony...  *is shooting lasers after Sony*
Sony: stop, Lul! *is running around her to duck*
Sam: Lula, let me help....
Sony: Wait bro, I know you don't want to do this! STOP!
Sam: GGRRR! Look at your patetic friend, and have teh same faith as him! RRRRR!
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^


jeexx:wait! i heard something from the hills!


*I and my pal are lying on the ground after they beated us, and they just left.... Lula kinda looked with mercy, but still she left, and I and my pal are on the ground, beaten up*
I like to be called 'fat coon', ain't that true? ^^

Nick the Hedgehog

*comes out of the past with Time Claw Gloves*man traveling in time is a pain in my....WTH HAPPENED HERE?*green hill is all wastland-y*grrrrrr,who ever did this will pay*flys to his direction*

After a few minutes....

wth happened here,why is the hill blown up,ben?wth are you doing?!? Ben:you will die! me:not if i can help it!*goes super* ben:wth,the chaos emeralds arent even here! me:who needs emeralds?


Quote from: nick26 on May 06, 2009, 03:53:02 PM
*comes out of the past with Time Claw Gloves*man traveling in time is a pain in my....WTH HAPPENED HERE?*green hill is all wastland-y*grrrrrr,who ever did this will pay*flys to his direction*

After a few minutes....

wth happened here,why is the hill blown up,ben?wth are you doing?!? Ben:you will die! me:not if i can help it!*goes super* ben:wth,the chaos emeralds arent even here! me:who needs emeralds?
OOC:so whos your charcter? whats hes age and what species?
jeexx:OMG! ben that was ASWOME!!!!!!!


silver:you guys whats taking so long?! *everybody are laughing at ben* all expect silver:LOL BEN!!!!!!


leafy:HEY LEAVE HM ALONE *takes out her sword**slash slash slash slash* jeexx:WOW leafys strong silver:whos that guy?! *elsewhere* twilight:darn you gold!!!! gold:i told you one million times i wont lose to you!!!! *portal opens* both:WTF is going on!!!!