The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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"heh where do you think you are going?" ben seid geting up and drawing his blade "i still havent killed link.." ben tern around and ran at the train with red eyes


Rianna looked at her ocarina she mumbled something in Hylian. She examined her ocarina, she played Epona's song on it, sense it calms her down, and reminded her of days on Lon Lon Ranch, before she met link.


Quote from: Maddie8D on July 01, 2010, 02:40:37 PM
Rianna looked at her ocarina she mumbled something in Hylian. She examined her ocarina, she played Epona's song on it, sense it calms her down, and reminded her of days on Lon Lon Ranch, before she met link.
ben stoped once he heard Rianna play the ocarina "that music..." ben mumbled then droped his sword "the music that was forbidden in the castle" ben gets a flute out of his bag and starts to play a song called the song of healing

(yeah i am geting badder and badder at this ohwell....)


Rianna looked down, the music had reminded her of Zelda, the music they played was loved and wanted everywhere they went. she stoped playing, but the ocarina was held up to her mouth as if she was playing.


Quote from: Maddie8D on July 01, 2010, 03:09:22 PM
Rianna looked down, the music had reminded her of Zelda, the music they played was loved and wanted everywhere they went. she stoped playing, but the ocarina was held up to her mouth as if she was playing.
ben stoped playing at walked over to Rianna and hold his hand out to Rianna "you must know the secreat of the portal if you can sing a tune that good and knowabout zelda" ben sied


Liviyone was just staring out a window blankly, no emotion on her face whatsoever, her eyes empty of emotion. Silent tears were slowly working their way down her pale face as inside she was agonzing over the fact Zelda was missing. It was tearing her apart, she felt like breaking down and crying, but she felt obligated not to do so. Her breath was comming in short rasps however, and her shoulders were moving slightly from her cries, but she wasn't full blown sobbing. Her heart was thumping, her mind in dark places... unaware of it, a slightly gray magic aura surrounded her as if to show off her heartbroken and depressed mood.


Rianna did not reply "I dont befriend people who try and kill my friends" She said, and began sobbing.


Liviyone turned her blank stare to Rianna, left her scythe where it was, and quietly went and sat beside her. Liviyone gently pulled the other girl into a hug and hummed softly.


Rianna looked at Liviyone, it reminded her of her mother, she hugged her back and continued to sob


Liviyone just continued to hum the tune that her mother used to hum to her before... Liviyone pushed thoughts of her family out of her mind and gently rubbed Rianna's back in a comforting manner.


Rianna drew in a shakey breath she thought about when she first met zelda, it was alot like link, she was very shy, eeping left and right every time she turned around to find a stranger.


Liviyone had thoughts of her own about memories that be better forgotten.


Link started the Train. There was no need for real tracks because the Spirit Train created artificial tracks. Spirit Tracks. The train was steam powered, so it was Eco- Friendly. He saluted Ben and they took off.

About 3 Hours after that, they got to the Temple of Time.


Rianna looked outside, the Temple Of Time, it hasn't changed. She disembarked the train and sighed.


The door was sealed shut, since the place was so old. The only way to open in, was to use the Wind Waker. Like took out his Wind Waker, and conducted the Song of Awakening.