The Legend of Zelda: The Chronicle Blade (JOINS LOCKED)

Started by Kirby, April 19, 2010, 01:22:21 PM

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Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 15, 2010, 10:47:29 AM
"Heh." Shadow Link snickered as he elbowed Ben into a nearby house.

"Playing smart with me, Are you?"
"n-n-n-no... not at all... i'm not even trying" ben seid before kicking shadow link away grabing his phantom hourglass


Quote from: darkyellowz on August 15, 2010, 10:56:29 AM
"n-n-n-no... not at all... i'm not even trying" ben seid before kicking shadow link away grabing his phantom hourglass

"HOURGLASS FREEZE!" Shadow Link Exclaimed as the Phantom Hourglass froze Ben all Over.
Shadow Link then Picked up Ben and Hurled him into the ocean.


ben sank to the bottom of the ocean but suddenly jumped out into the air plie driveing shadow link into the ground knocking his equipment away and trys to choke shadow link to death "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US!!!!!! SHADOW LINK TELL ME NOW!!!!!" ben yelled at him chokeing him with force like a goran

(i didnt wright all of it just think betwen the lines to find out how he got out)


"If you were smart, you'd get off of me." Shadow Link said. "Your attacks are meaningless."

"Now, let me show you how I do things." Shadow Link said as he got Ben in a chokehold." This is the end for you."

"BLACK ARMAGEDDON!" Shadow LInk said.

Everything around him ended up in flames.


Rianna's right hand started to glow "Let him go if you know whats good for ya..." She said, throwing her sword at Shadow Link. "If I wasnt hurt i would come over there and Kick your ass..."


(this guy sure is powerfull) said rikar in his mind(if there was any way to help the poor kid from being killed.... or maybe there is one) Rikar took the huge sword he brought from his journey on dead mountain(the gempachi sword) and thrown it to Ben "Ben take this sword, it contains the souls of the zoras who died for this land, even her majesties in a perfect copy of the first ancient biggoron sword"


Quote from: Ioshyriku on August 16, 2010, 05:37:12 AM
(this guy sure is powerfull) said rikar in his mind(if there was any way to help the poor kid from being killed.... or maybe there is one) Rikar took the huge sword he brought from his journey on dead mountain(the gempachi sword) and thrown it to Ben "Ben take this sword, it contains the souls of the zoras who died for this land, even her majesties in a perfect copy of the first ancient biggoron sword"
"That little piece of Stone?" Shadow Link said as he sent a sword beam towards the Biggeron Sword.
The Sword was shattered in half. "It's going to take more than that to take me down." Shadow Link said as he laughed.


rikar said with a straight over confused voice "well at least the souls were freed, but I can now use my special spell, SOUL TRAP" rikars spell cough shadow link within cursed spirit chains


ben layed on the ground after being choked and he dased off into memories "where are you link..." he spat out as the fairy came over to ben makeing his tunic all green and giveing him the kokrai sword and the hylain shield then ben got up once the fairy healed him "PREPER TO DIE SHDOW LINK!" he seid as energy like no other flowed throughout his body even people who cant sence it can see it


Shadow Link laughed. " Heh.  you forgotten already? Anything you do to me will be absorbed and used against you.

Do your worst, And I'll do mine."


Quote from: KirbySoul11 on August 16, 2010, 11:03:57 AM
Shadow Link laughed. " Heh.  you forgotten already? Anything you do to me will be absorbed and used against you.

Do your worst, And I'll do mine."
"then i wont use power" ben seid chuckleing and all his power went away "i'll just use... my luck" ben seid before geting all of his equipent and throwing it away then walking over to shadow link and stands there looking like he is not scared of anything


"The one who is the shadow is only weak agenst the real..." Rianna mumbled looking over at the watch tower "The real Link..."


As if on que, the octarok shot a single rock into the watchtower, and was ready to fire another...


"what the fish keeps that kokiri suited hilian in that tower so much?" said rikar angry and climbed the tower to see what's happening


Rianna kept her eye on Shadow Link "Gannondorf..." She muttured as flashes of memories filled her mind. She began to cry "mommy...daddy..." She whimpered "Make it all stop..."